blob: e1580dc23cc4dfd71566dd3394bf15c38dde9410 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKExtensions.h"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#include "MVKOSExtensions.h"
#include "MVKEnvironment.h"
#include "vk_mvk_moltenvk.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan_ios.h>
#include <vulkan/vulkan_macos.h>
using namespace std;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKExtension
// Returns a VkExtensionProperties struct populated with a name and version
static VkExtensionProperties mvkMakeExtProps(const char* extensionName, uint32_t specVersion) {
VkExtensionProperties extProps;
memset(extProps.extensionName, 0, sizeof(extProps.extensionName));
if (extensionName) { strcpy(extProps.extensionName, extensionName); }
extProps.specVersion = specVersion;
return extProps;
// Extension properties
#define MVK_EXTENSION(var, EXT) \
static VkExtensionProperties kVkExtProps_ ##EXT = mvkMakeExtProps(VK_ ##EXT ##_EXTENSION_NAME, VK_ ##EXT ##_SPEC_VERSION);
#include "MVKExtensions.def"
// Returns whether the specified properties are valid for this platform
static bool mvkIsSupportedOnPlatform(VkExtensionProperties* pProperties) {
#if !(MVK_IOS)
if (pProperties == &kVkExtProps_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET) {
return mvkOSVersion() >= 10.13;
if (pProperties == &kVkExtProps_EXT_SHADER_STENCIL_EXPORT) {
return mvkOSVersion() >= 10.14;
if (pProperties == &kVkExtProps_MVK_IOS_SURFACE) { return false; }
if (pProperties == &kVkExtProps_IMG_FORMAT_PVRTC) { return false; }
#if !(MVK_MACOS)
if (pProperties == &kVkExtProps_KHR_SAMPLER_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) { return false; }
if (pProperties == &kVkExtProps_EXT_MEMORY_BUDGET) {
return mvkOSVersion() >= 11.0;
if (pProperties == &kVkExtProps_EXT_SHADER_STENCIL_EXPORT) {
return mvkOSVersion() >= 12.0;
if (pProperties == &kVkExtProps_MVK_MACOS_SURFACE) { return false; }
return true;
// Disable by default unless asked to enable for platform and the extension is valid for this platform
MVKExtension::MVKExtension(VkExtensionProperties* pProperties, bool enableForPlatform) {
this->pProperties = pProperties;
this->enabled = enableForPlatform && mvkIsSupportedOnPlatform(pProperties);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKExtensionList
MVKExtensionList::MVKExtensionList(MVKVulkanAPIObject* apiObject, bool enableForPlatform) : _apiObject(apiObject),
#define MVK_EXTENSION_LAST(var, EXT) vk_ ##var(&kVkExtProps_ ##EXT, enableForPlatform)
#include "MVKExtensions.def"
// We can't determine size of annonymous struct, and can't rely on size of this class, since
// it can contain additional member variables. So we need to explicitly count the extensions.
void MVKExtensionList::initCount() {
_count = 0;
#define MVK_EXTENSION(var, EXT) _count++;
#include "MVKExtensions.def"
uint32_t MVKExtensionList::getEnabledCount() const {
uint32_t enabledCnt = 0;
uint32_t extnCnt = getCount();
const MVKExtension* extnAry = &extensionArray;
for (uint32_t extnIdx = 0; extnIdx < extnCnt; extnIdx++) {
if (extnAry[extnIdx].enabled) { enabledCnt++; }
return enabledCnt;
bool MVKExtensionList::isEnabled(const char* extnName) const {
if ( !extnName ) { return false; }
uint32_t extnCnt = getCount();
const MVKExtension* extnAry = &extensionArray;
for (uint32_t extnIdx = 0; extnIdx < extnCnt; extnIdx++) {
const MVKExtension& extn = extnAry[extnIdx];
if ( strcmp(extn.pProperties->extensionName, extnName) == 0 ) {
return extn.enabled;
return false;
void MVKExtensionList::enable(const char* extnName) {
uint32_t extnCnt = getCount();
MVKExtension* extnAry = &extensionArray;
for (uint32_t extnIdx = 0; extnIdx < extnCnt; extnIdx++) {
MVKExtension& extn = extnAry[extnIdx];
if ( strcmp(extn.pProperties->extensionName, extnName) == 0 ) {
extn.enabled = true;
VkResult MVKExtensionList::enable(uint32_t count, const char* const* names, MVKExtensionList* parent) {
VkResult result = VK_SUCCESS;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
auto extnName = names[i];
if (parent && !parent->isEnabled(extnName)) {
result = reportError(VK_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT, "Vulkan extension %s is not supported.", extnName);
} else {
return result;
string MVKExtensionList::enabledNamesString(const char* separator, bool prefixFirstWithSeparator) const {
string logMsg;
bool isFirst = true;
uint32_t extnCnt = getCount();
const MVKExtension* extnAry = &extensionArray;
for (uint32_t extnIdx = 0; extnIdx < extnCnt; extnIdx++) {
const MVKExtension& extn = extnAry[extnIdx];
if (extn.enabled) {
if ( !isFirst || prefixFirstWithSeparator ) { logMsg += separator; }
logMsg += extn.pProperties->extensionName;
logMsg += " v";
logMsg += to_string(extn.pProperties->specVersion);
isFirst = false;
return logMsg;
VkResult MVKExtensionList::getProperties(uint32_t* pCount, VkExtensionProperties* pProperties) {
uint32_t enabledCnt = 0;
// Iterate extensions and handle those that are enabled. Count them,
// and if they are to be returned, and there is room, do so.
uint32_t extnCnt = getCount();
MVKExtension* extnAry = &extensionArray;
for (uint32_t extnIdx = 0; extnIdx < extnCnt; extnIdx++) {
if (extnAry[extnIdx].enabled) {
if (pProperties) {
if (enabledCnt < *pCount) {
pProperties[enabledCnt] = *(extnAry[extnIdx].pProperties);
} else {
// Return the count of enabled extensions. This will either be a
// count of all enabled extensions, or a count of those returned.
*pCount = enabledCnt;
return VK_SUCCESS;