blob: 84b4e0b2801b04abb0c0aeb92fcdfd87fe9c8778 [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKCommandPipelineStateFactoryShaderSource.h
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/** This file contains static source code for the MoltenVK command shaders. */
static const char* _MVKStaticCmdShaderSource = " \n\
#include <metal_stdlib> \n\
using namespace metal; \n\
typedef struct { \n\
float2 a_position [[attribute(0)]]; \n\
} AttributesPos; \n\
typedef struct { \n\
float4 gl_Position [[position]]; \n\
} VaryingsPos; \n\
typedef struct { \n\
float2 a_position [[attribute(0)]]; \n\
float2 a_texCoord [[attribute(1)]]; \n\
} AttributesPosTex; \n\
typedef struct { \n\
float4 gl_Position [[position]]; \n\
float2 v_texCoord; \n\
} VaryingsPosTex; \n\
vertex VaryingsPosTex vtxCmdBlitImage(AttributesPosTex attributes [[stage_in]]) { \n\
VaryingsPosTex varyings; \n\
varyings.gl_Position = float4(attributes.a_position, 0.0, 1.0); \n\
varyings.v_texCoord = attributes.a_texCoord; \n\
return varyings; \n\
} \n\
vertex VaryingsPos vtxCmdBlitImageD(AttributesPosTex attributes [[stage_in]], \n\
depth2d<float> texture [[texture(0)]], \n\
sampler sampler [[ sampler(0) ]]) { \n\
float depth = texture.sample(sampler, attributes.a_texCoord); \n\
VaryingsPos varyings; \n\
varyings.gl_Position = float4(attributes.a_position, depth, 1.0); \n\
return varyings; \n\
} \n\
fragment float4 fragCmdBlitImageF(VaryingsPosTex varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
texture2d<float> texture [[texture(0)]], \n\
sampler sampler [[ sampler(0) ]]) { \n\
return texture.sample(sampler, varyings.v_texCoord); \n\
}; \n\
fragment int4 fragCmdBlitImageI(VaryingsPosTex varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
texture2d<int> texture [[texture(0)]], \n\
sampler sampler [[ sampler(0) ]]) { \n\
return texture.sample(sampler, varyings.v_texCoord); \n\
}; \n\
fragment uint4 fragCmdBlitImageU(VaryingsPosTex varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
texture2d<uint> texture [[texture(0)]], \n\
sampler sampler [[ sampler(0) ]]) { \n\
return texture.sample(sampler, varyings.v_texCoord); \n\
}; \n\
fragment float4 fragCmdBlitImageDF(VaryingsPosTex varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
depth2d<float> texture [[texture(0)]], \n\
sampler sampler [[ sampler(0) ]]) { \n\
return texture.sample(sampler, varyings.v_texCoord); \n\
}; \n\
fragment int4 fragCmdBlitImageDI(VaryingsPosTex varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
depth2d<float> texture [[texture(0)]], \n\
sampler sampler [[ sampler(0) ]]) { \n\
return int4(texture.sample(sampler, varyings.v_texCoord)); \n\
}; \n\
fragment uint4 fragCmdBlitImageDU(VaryingsPosTex varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
depth2d<float> texture [[texture(0)]], \n\
sampler sampler [[ sampler(0) ]]) { \n\
return uint4(texture.sample(sampler, varyings.v_texCoord)); \n\
}; \n\
typedef struct { \n\
float4 colors[9]; \n\
} ClearColorsIn; \n\
typedef struct { \n\
float4 color0 [[color(0)]]; \n\
float4 color1 [[color(1)]]; \n\
float4 color2 [[color(2)]]; \n\
float4 color3 [[color(3)]]; \n\
float4 color4 [[color(4)]]; \n\
float4 color5 [[color(5)]]; \n\
float4 color6 [[color(6)]]; \n\
float4 color7 [[color(7)]]; \n\
} ClearColorsOutF; \n\
typedef struct { \n\
int4 color0 [[color(0)]]; \n\
int4 color1 [[color(1)]]; \n\
int4 color2 [[color(2)]]; \n\
int4 color3 [[color(3)]]; \n\
int4 color4 [[color(4)]]; \n\
int4 color5 [[color(5)]]; \n\
int4 color6 [[color(6)]]; \n\
int4 color7 [[color(7)]]; \n\
} ClearColorsOutI; \n\
typedef struct { \n\
uint4 color0 [[color(0)]]; \n\
uint4 color1 [[color(1)]]; \n\
uint4 color2 [[color(2)]]; \n\
uint4 color3 [[color(3)]]; \n\
uint4 color4 [[color(4)]]; \n\
uint4 color5 [[color(5)]]; \n\
uint4 color6 [[color(6)]]; \n\
uint4 color7 [[color(7)]]; \n\
} ClearColorsOutU; \n\
vertex VaryingsPos vtxCmdClearAttachments(AttributesPos attributes [[stage_in]], \n\
constant ClearColorsIn& ccIn [[buffer(0)]]) { \n\
VaryingsPos varyings; \n\
varyings.gl_Position = float4(attributes.a_position.x, -attributes.a_position.y, ccIn.colors[8].r, 1.0); \n\
return varyings; \n\
} \n\
fragment ClearColorsOutF fragCmdClearAttachmentsF(VaryingsPos varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
constant ClearColorsIn& ccIn [[buffer(0)]]) { \n\
ClearColorsOutF ccOut; \n\
ccOut.color0 = ccIn.colors[0]; \n\
ccOut.color1 = ccIn.colors[1]; \n\
ccOut.color2 = ccIn.colors[2]; \n\
ccOut.color3 = ccIn.colors[3]; \n\
ccOut.color4 = ccIn.colors[4]; \n\
ccOut.color5 = ccIn.colors[5]; \n\
ccOut.color6 = ccIn.colors[6]; \n\
ccOut.color7 = ccIn.colors[7]; \n\
return ccOut; \n\
}; \n\
fragment float4 fragCmdClearAttachments0F(VaryingsPos varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
constant ClearColorsIn& ccIn [[buffer(0)]]) { \n\
return ccIn.colors[0]; \n\
}; \n\
fragment ClearColorsOutI fragCmdClearAttachmentsI(VaryingsPos varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
constant ClearColorsIn& ccIn [[buffer(0)]]) { \n\
ClearColorsOutI ccOut; \n\
ccOut.color0 = int4(ccIn.colors[0]); \n\
ccOut.color1 = int4(ccIn.colors[1]); \n\
ccOut.color2 = int4(ccIn.colors[2]); \n\
ccOut.color3 = int4(ccIn.colors[3]); \n\
ccOut.color4 = int4(ccIn.colors[4]); \n\
ccOut.color5 = int4(ccIn.colors[5]); \n\
ccOut.color6 = int4(ccIn.colors[6]); \n\
ccOut.color7 = int4(ccIn.colors[7]); \n\
return ccOut; \n\
}; \n\
fragment int4 fragCmdClearAttachments0I(VaryingsPos varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
constant ClearColorsIn& ccIn [[buffer(0)]]) { \n\
return int4(ccIn.colors[0]); \n\
}; \n\
fragment ClearColorsOutU fragCmdClearAttachmentsU(VaryingsPos varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
constant ClearColorsIn& ccIn [[buffer(0)]]) { \n\
ClearColorsOutU ccOut; \n\
ccOut.color0 = uint4(ccIn.colors[0]); \n\
ccOut.color1 = uint4(ccIn.colors[1]); \n\
ccOut.color2 = uint4(ccIn.colors[2]); \n\
ccOut.color3 = uint4(ccIn.colors[3]); \n\
ccOut.color4 = uint4(ccIn.colors[4]); \n\
ccOut.color5 = uint4(ccIn.colors[5]); \n\
ccOut.color6 = uint4(ccIn.colors[6]); \n\
ccOut.color7 = uint4(ccIn.colors[7]); \n\
return ccOut; \n\
}; \n\
fragment uint4 fragCmdClearAttachments0U(VaryingsPos varyings [[stage_in]], \n\
constant ClearColorsIn& ccIn [[buffer(0)]]) { \n\
return uint4(ccIn.colors[0]); \n\
}; \n\
struct CopyInfo \n\
{ \n\
uint32_t SrcOffset; \n\
uint32_t DstOffset; \n\
uint32_t CopySize; \n\
}; \n\
kernel void compCopyBufferBytes(device uint8_t* src [[ buffer(0) ]], \n\
device uint8_t* dst [[ buffer(1) ]], \n\
constant CopyInfo& info [[ buffer(2) ]]) { \n\
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.CopySize; i++) { \n\
dst[i + info.DstOffset] = src[i + info.SrcOffset]; \n\
} \n\
}; \n\