Cube demo use staging buffers on macOS because host-coherent texture memory unavailable.
diff --git a/Demos/LunarG-VulkanSamples/Cube/macOS/DemoViewController.m b/Demos/LunarG-VulkanSamples/Cube/macOS/DemoViewController.m
index 6018369..df24993 100644
--- a/Demos/LunarG-VulkanSamples/Cube/macOS/DemoViewController.m
+++ b/Demos/LunarG-VulkanSamples/Cube/macOS/DemoViewController.m
@@ -42,8 +42,12 @@
 	[super viewDidLoad];
 	self.view.wantsLayer = YES;		// Back the view with a layer created by the makeBackingLayer method.
-	const char* arg = "cube";
-	demo_main(&demo, self.view.layer, 1, &arg);
+	uint32_t argc = 2;
+	const char* argv[argc];
+	argv[0] = "cube";
+	argv[1] = "--use_staging";
+	demo_main(&demo, self.view.layer, argc, argv);
 	CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(_displayLink, &DisplayLinkCallback, &demo);