blob: 178608648d62ced64c51a394cf5ca29eefd309fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2021 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MVKMTLBufferAllocation.h"
#include "MVKLogging.h"
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKMTLBufferAllocation
MVKVulkanAPIObject* MVKMTLBufferAllocation::getVulkanAPIObject() { return _pool->getVulkanAPIObject(); };
void MVKMTLBufferAllocation::returnToPool() { _pool->returnObjectSafely(this); }
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool
MVKMTLBufferAllocation* MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool::newObject() {
// If we're at the end of the current MTLBuffer, add a new one.
if (_nextOffset >= _mtlBufferLength) { addMTLBuffer(); }
// Extract and return the next allocation from the current buffer,
// which is always the last one in the array, and advance the offset
// of future allocation to beyond this allocation.
NSUInteger offset = _nextOffset;
_nextOffset += _allocationLength;
return new MVKMTLBufferAllocation(this, _mtlBuffers.back(), offset, _allocationLength);
// Adds a new MTLBuffer to the buffer pool and resets the next offset to the start of it
void MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool::addMTLBuffer() {
MTLResourceOptions mbOpts = MTLResourceStorageModeShared | MTLResourceCPUCacheModeDefaultCache;
_mtlBuffers.push_back([_device->getMTLDevice() newBufferWithLength: _mtlBufferLength options: mbOpts]);
_nextOffset = 0;
MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool::MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool(MVKDevice* device, NSUInteger allocationLength)
: MVKObjectPool<MVKMTLBufferAllocation>(true) {
_device = device;
_allocationLength = allocationLength;
_mtlBufferLength = _allocationLength * calcMTLBufferAllocationCount();
_nextOffset = _mtlBufferLength; // Force a MTLBuffer to be added on first access
// Returns the number of regions to allocate per MTLBuffer, as determined from the allocation size.
uint32_t MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool::calcMTLBufferAllocationCount() {
if (_allocationLength <= 256 ) { return 256; }
if (_allocationLength <= (1 * KIBI) ) { return 128; }
if (_allocationLength <= (4 * KIBI) ) { return 64; }
if (_allocationLength <= (256 * KIBI) ) { return (512 * KIBI) / _allocationLength; }
return 1;
MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool::~MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool() {
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKMTLBufferAllocator
const MVKMTLBufferAllocation* MVKMTLBufferAllocator::acquireMTLBufferRegion(NSUInteger length) {
MVKAssert(length <= _maxAllocationLength, "This MVKMTLBufferAllocator has been configured to dispense MVKMTLBufferRegions no larger than %lu bytes.", (unsigned long)_maxAllocationLength);
// Convert max length to the next power-of-two exponent to use as a lookup
NSUInteger p2Exp = mvkPowerOfTwoExponent(length);
MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool* pRP = _regionPools[p2Exp];
return _makeThreadSafe ? pRP->acquireObjectSafely() : pRP->acquireObject();
MVKMTLBufferAllocator::MVKMTLBufferAllocator(MVKDevice* device, NSUInteger maxRegionLength, bool makeThreadSafe) : MVKBaseDeviceObject(device) {
_maxAllocationLength = maxRegionLength;
_makeThreadSafe = makeThreadSafe;
// Convert max length to the next power-of-two exponent
NSUInteger maxP2Exp = mvkPowerOfTwoExponent(_maxAllocationLength);
// Populate the array of region pools to cover the maximum region size
_regionPools.reserve(maxP2Exp + 1);
NSUInteger allocLen = 1;
for (uint32_t p2Exp = 0; p2Exp <= maxP2Exp; p2Exp++) {
_regionPools.push_back(new MVKMTLBufferAllocationPool(device, allocLen));
allocLen <<= 1;
MVKMTLBufferAllocator::~MVKMTLBufferAllocator() {