Add EGL_NV_n_buffer extension.
diff --git a/api/EGL/egl.h b/api/EGL/egl.h
index 3e2f7e7..909a6e5 100644
--- a/api/EGL/egl.h
+++ b/api/EGL/egl.h
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
 ** used to make the header, and the header can be found at
-** Khronos $Git commit SHA1: 726475c203 $ on $Git commit date: 2018-10-03 23:51:49 -0700 $
+** Khronos $Git commit SHA1: f75e2d7c46 $ on $Git commit date: 2019-03-18 01:54:09 -0700 $
 #include <EGL/eglplatform.h>
-/* Generated on date 20181204 */
+/* Generated on date 20190320 */
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: egl
diff --git a/api/EGL/eglext.h b/api/EGL/eglext.h
index ac49a91..7818f79 100644
--- a/api/EGL/eglext.h
+++ b/api/EGL/eglext.h
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
 ** used to make the header, and the header can be found at
-** Khronos $Git commit SHA1: b3f95aa849 $ on $Git commit date: 2019-03-18 01:50:25 -0700 $
+** Khronos $Git commit SHA1: f75e2d7c46 $ on $Git commit date: 2019-03-18 01:54:09 -0700 $
 #include <EGL/eglplatform.h>
-#define EGL_EGLEXT_VERSION 20190318
+#define EGL_EGLEXT_VERSION 20190320
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: egl
@@ -1108,6 +1108,12 @@
 #define EGL_CUDA_DEVICE_NV                0x323A
 #endif /* EGL_NV_device_cuda */
+#ifndef EGL_NV_n_buffer
+#define EGL_NV_n_buffer 1
+#define EGL_TRIPLE_BUFFER_NV              0x3230
+#define EGL_QUADRUPLE_BUFFER_NV           0x3231
+#endif /* EGL_NV_n_buffer */
 #ifndef EGL_NV_native_query
 #define EGL_NV_native_query 1
 typedef EGLBoolean (EGLAPIENTRYP PFNEGLQUERYNATIVEDISPLAYNVPROC) (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLNativeDisplayType *display_id);
diff --git a/api/egl.xml b/api/egl.xml
index b2adace..45e7f24 100644
--- a/api/egl.xml
+++ b/api/egl.xml
@@ -617,7 +617,9 @@
         <enum value="0x322D" name="EGL_BAD_OUTPUT_LAYER_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x322E" name="EGL_BAD_OUTPUT_PORT_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x322F" name="EGL_SWAP_INTERVAL_EXT"/>
-            <unused start="0x3230" end="0x3232"/>
+        <enum value="0x3230" name="EGL_TRIPLE_BUFFER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x3231" name="EGL_QUADRUPLE_BUFFER_NV"/>
+            <unused start="0x3232"/>
         <enum value="0x3233" name="EGL_DRM_DEVICE_FILE_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x3234" name="EGL_DRM_CRTC_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x3235" name="EGL_DRM_PLANE_EXT"/>
@@ -2924,6 +2926,12 @@
                 <enum name="EGL_CUDA_DEVICE_NV"/>
+        <extension name="EGL_NV_n_buffer" supported="egl">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="EGL_TRIPLE_BUFFER_NV"/>
+                <enum name="EGL_QUADRUPLE_BUFFER_NV"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="EGL_NV_native_query" supported="egl">
                 <command name="eglQueryNativeDisplayNV"/>
diff --git a/extensions/NV/EGL_NV_n_buffer.txt b/extensions/NV/EGL_NV_n_buffer.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9004652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/EGL_NV_n_buffer.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+    NV_triple_buffer
+    NV_quadruple_buffer
+Name Strings
+    EGL_NV_triple_buffer
+    EGL_NV_quadruple_buffer
+    Daniel Kartch, NVIDIA Corporation
+    Tom McReynolds, NVIDIA Corporation
+    Santanu Thangaraj, NVIDIA Corporation
+    Daniel Kartch, NVIDIA Corporation (dkartch 'at'
+    Complete.
+    Version 1 - February 28, 2019
+    133
+Extension Type
+    EGL display extension
+    Requires EGL 1.0
+    This extension is written against the wording of the EGL 1.3
+    Specification.
+    NV_triple_buffer and NV_quadruple_buffer allow applications to
+    request additional back buffers, in order to produce greater and
+    less variable frame rates.
+    This document describes two related extensions, one dependent on
+    the other. Implementations may choose to support only
+    NV_triple_buffer and not NV_quadruple_buffer, but not vice versa.
+New Types
+    None
+New Procedures and Functions
+    None
+New Tokens
+    Added by NV_triple_buffer:
+      Accepted as a value for EGL_RENDER_BUFFER in the <attrib_list>
+      parameter of eglCreateWindowSurface:
+          EGL_TRIPLE_BUFFER_NV                    0x3230
+    Added by NV_quadruple_buffer:
+      Accepted as a value for EGL_RENDER_BUFFER in the <attrib_list>
+      parameter of eglCreateWindowSurface:
+          EGL_QUADRUPLE_BUFFER_NV                 0x3231
+Additions to the EGL 1.3 Specification:
+    Insert after third sentence of second paragraph of Section 2.2.2
+    (Rendering Models):
+        Windows may have more than one back buffer, allowing rendering
+        of a new frame to proceed while the copy requested by 
+        eglSwapBuffers is still pending.
+    Replace the third sentence of the EGL_RENDER_BUFFER description in
+    Section 3.5.1 (Creating On-Screen Rendering Surfaces):
+        If its value is EGL_BACK_BUFFER, EGL_TRIPLE_BUFFER_NV, or
+        EGL_QUADRUPLE_BUFFER_NV, then client APIs should render into
+        the current back buffer. The implementation should provide
+        at least one, two, or three back buffers, respectively, which
+        will be used in rotation each frame.
+    Change first sentence of third bullet point of eglQueryContext
+    description in Section 3.7.4 (Context Queries):
+        If the context is bound to a window surface, then either
+        EGL_QUADRUPLE_BUFFER_NV may be returned.
+    Replace first sentence of eglSwapBuffers description in
+    Section 3.9.1
+    (Posting to a Window):
+        If surface is a back-buffered window surface, then the current
+        color buffer is copied to the native window associated with
+        that surface. If there is more than one back buffer, then the
+        next color buffer in rotation becomes current, and rendering
+        of the next frame may proceed before the copy takes place,
+        provided any previous swaps from the new current buffer have
+        completed.
+    1. Why do we need triple-buffering?
+       RESOLVED: With only a single back buffer and a non-zero swap
+       interval, eglSwapBuffers must block rendering to the back-
+       buffer until the copy has completed. This can leave the CPU
+       and/or GPU idle, wasting valuable compute time, and possibly
+       cause the next frame to be delivered later than otherwise could
+       have been. Additional buffers allow rendering to continue even
+       when a frame is awaiting display, maximizing our use of
+       computational resources.
+    2. Why quadruple-buffering? Isn't triple-buffering enough to
+       produce frames as fast as the processor(s) and swap interval
+       allow?
+       RESOLVED: When there is only a single rendering stream
+       operating on a system, triple-buffering is sufficient. However,
+       if other threads are contending for resources, variable 
+       latencies may be introduced. This is especially problematic
+       with video, where any deviation in frame rate from the recorded
+       media can produce visible artifacts. Additional buffers smooth
+       out these latencies, allowing a steady frame rate.
+    3. Then why not arbitrary n-buffering?
+       RESOLVED: The TRIPLE/QUADRUPLE buffer specification fits nicely
+       into the RENDER_BUFFER attribute already in use for
+       eglCreateWindowSurface. Arbitrary buffer counts would require a
+       new attribute. Additionally, case studies indicated no
+       significant benefit to using more than three back buffers,
+       especially when factoring in the added memory cost.
+Revision History
+    #2 (February 28, 2019) Santanu Thangaraj
+       - Marked issues 1,2 and 3 as resolved.
+       - Included extension type section.
+       - Corrected line length violations.
+    #1 (August 12, 2008) Daniel Kartch
+       - Initial Draft
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 0173d97..acebac2 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -333,6 +333,8 @@
 <li value=132> <a href="extensions/ANDROID/EGL_ANDROID_GLES_layers.txt">EGL_ANDROID_GLES_layers</a>
+<li value=133> <a href="extensions/NV/EGL_NV_n_buffer.txt">EGL_NV_n_buffer</a>
 <h6> Providing Feedback on the Registry </h6>
diff --git a/registry.tcl b/registry.tcl
index 981406e..e70e892 100644
--- a/registry.tcl
+++ b/registry.tcl
@@ -684,4 +684,9 @@
     flags       public
     filename    extensions/ANDROID/EGL_ANDROID_GLES_layers.txt
-# Next free extension number: 132
+extension EGL_NV_n_buffer {
+    number      133
+    flags       public
+    filename    extensions/NV/EGL_NV_n_buffer.txt
+# Next free extension number: 134