blob: a78524b01c079f7ea8e091ee3a06ea2f333eb61a [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "VmaUsage.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <array>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time_point;
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration duration;
inline float ToFloatSeconds(duration d)
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<float>>(d).count();
void SecondsToFriendlyStr(float seconds, std::string& out);
template <typename T>
T ceil_div(T x, T y)
return (x+y-1) / y;
template <typename T>
inline T align_up(T val, T align)
return (val + align - 1) / align * align;
struct StrRange
const char* beg;
const char* end;
StrRange() { }
StrRange(const char* beg, const char* end) : beg(beg), end(end) { }
explicit StrRange(const char* sz) : beg(sz), end(sz + strlen(sz)) { }
explicit StrRange(const std::string& s) : beg(, end( + s.length()) { }
size_t length() const { return end - beg; }
void to_str(std::string& out) const { out.assign(beg, end); }
inline bool StrRangeEq(const StrRange& lhs, const char* rhsSz)
const size_t rhsLen = strlen(rhsSz);
return rhsLen == lhs.length() &&
memcmp(lhs.beg, rhsSz, rhsLen) == 0;
inline bool StrRangeToUint(const StrRange& s, uint32_t& out)
char* end = (char*)s.end;
out = (uint32_t)strtoul(s.beg, &end, 10);
return end == s.end;
inline bool StrRangeToUint(const StrRange& s, uint64_t& out)
char* end = (char*)s.end;
out = (uint64_t)strtoull(s.beg, &end, 10);
return end == s.end;
inline bool StrRangeToPtr(const StrRange& s, uint64_t& out)
char* end = (char*)s.end;
out = (uint64_t)strtoull(s.beg, &end, 16);
return end == s.end;
inline bool StrRangeToFloat(const StrRange& s, float& out)
char* end = (char*)s.end;
out = strtof(s.beg, &end);
return end == s.end;
inline bool StrRangeToBool(const StrRange& s, bool& out)
if(s.end - s.beg == 1)
if(*s.beg == '1')
out = true;
else if(*s.beg == '0')
out = false;
return false;
return false;
return true;
bool StrRangeToPtrList(const StrRange& s, std::vector<uint64_t>& out);
class LineSplit
LineSplit(const char* data, size_t numBytes) :
bool GetNextLine(StrRange& out);
size_t GetNextLineIndex() const { return m_NextLineIndex; }
const char* const m_Data;
const size_t m_NumBytes;
size_t m_NextLineBeg;
size_t m_NextLineIndex;
class CsvSplit
static const size_t RANGE_COUNT_MAX = 32;
void Set(const StrRange& line, size_t maxCount = RANGE_COUNT_MAX);
const StrRange& GetLine() const { return m_Line; }
size_t GetCount() const { return m_Count; }
StrRange GetRange(size_t index) const
return StrRange {
m_Line.beg + m_Ranges[index * 2],
m_Line.beg + m_Ranges[index * 2 + 1] };
StrRange m_Line = { nullptr, nullptr };
size_t m_Count = 0;
size_t m_Ranges[RANGE_COUNT_MAX * 2]; // Pairs of begin-end.
class CmdLineParser
CmdLineParser(int argc, char **argv);
CmdLineParser(const char *CmdLine);
void RegisterOpt(uint32_t Id, char Opt, bool Parameter);
void RegisterOpt(uint32_t Id, const std::string &Opt, bool Parameter);
RESULT ReadNext();
uint32_t GetOptId();
const std::string & GetParameter();
struct SHORT_OPT
uint32_t Id;
char Opt;
bool Parameter;
SHORT_OPT(uint32_t Id, char Opt, bool Parameter) : Id(Id), Opt(Opt), Parameter(Parameter) { }
struct LONG_OPT
uint32_t Id;
std::string Opt;
bool Parameter;
LONG_OPT(uint32_t Id, std::string Opt, bool Parameter) : Id(Id), Opt(Opt), Parameter(Parameter) { }
char **m_argv;
const char *m_CmdLine;
int m_argc;
size_t m_CmdLineLength;
size_t m_ArgIndex;
bool ReadNextArg(std::string *OutArg);
std::vector<SHORT_OPT> m_ShortOpts;
std::vector<LONG_OPT> m_LongOpts;
SHORT_OPT * FindShortOpt(char Opt);
LONG_OPT * FindLongOpt(const std::string &Opt);
bool m_InsideMultioption;
std::string m_LastArg;
size_t m_LastArgIndex;
uint32_t m_LastOptId;
std::string m_LastParameter;
Parses and stores a sequence of ranges.
Upper range is inclusive.
"1" -> [ {1, 1} ]
"1,10" -> [ {1, 1}, {10, 10} ]
"2-6" -> [ {2, 6} ]
"-8" -> [ {MIN, 8} ]
"12-" -> [ {12, MAX} ]
"1-10,12,15-" -> [ {1, 10}, {12, 12}, {15, MAX} ]
TODO: Optimize it: Do sorting and merging while parsing. Do binary search while
template<typename T>
class RangeSequence
typedef std::pair<T, T> RangeType;
void Clear() { m_Ranges.clear(); }
bool Parse(const StrRange& str);
bool IsEmpty() const { return m_Ranges.empty(); }
size_t GetCount() const { return m_Ranges.size(); }
const RangeType* GetRanges() const { return; }
bool Includes(T number) const;
std::vector<RangeType> m_Ranges;
template<typename T>
bool RangeSequence<T>::Parse(const StrRange& str)
StrRange currRange = { str.beg, str.beg };
while(currRange.beg < str.end)
currRange.end = currRange.beg + 1;
// Find next ',' or the end.
while(currRange.end < str.end && *currRange.end != ',')
// Find '-' within this range.
const char* hyphenPos = currRange.beg;
while(hyphenPos < currRange.end && *hyphenPos != '-')
// No hyphen - single number like '10'.
if(hyphenPos == currRange.end)
RangeType range;
if(!StrRangeToUint(currRange, range.first))
return false;
range.second = range.first;
// Hyphen at the end, like '10-'.
else if(hyphenPos + 1 == currRange.end)
const StrRange numberRange = { currRange.beg, hyphenPos };
RangeType range;
if(!StrRangeToUint(numberRange, range.first))
return false;
range.second = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
// Hyphen at the beginning, like "-10".
else if(hyphenPos == currRange.beg)
const StrRange numberRange = { currRange.beg + 1, currRange.end };
RangeType range;
range.first = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
if(!StrRangeToUint(numberRange, range.second))
return false;
// Hyphen in the middle, like "1-10".
const StrRange numberRange1 = { currRange.beg, hyphenPos };
const StrRange numberRange2 = { hyphenPos + 1, currRange.end };
RangeType range;
if(!StrRangeToUint(numberRange1, range.first) ||
!StrRangeToUint(numberRange2, range.second) ||
range.second < range.first)
return false;
// Skip ','
currRange.beg = currRange.end + 1;
return true;
template<typename T>
bool RangeSequence<T>::Includes(T number) const
for(const auto& it : m_Ranges)
if(number >= it.first && number <= it.second)
return true;
return false;
class RandomNumberGenerator
RandomNumberGenerator() : m_Value{GetTickCount()} {}
RandomNumberGenerator(uint32_t seed) : m_Value{seed} { }
void Seed(uint32_t seed) { m_Value = seed; }
uint32_t Generate() { return GenerateFast() ^ (GenerateFast() >> 7); }
uint32_t m_Value;
uint32_t GenerateFast() { return m_Value = (m_Value * 196314165 + 907633515); }
enum class CONSOLE_COLOR
void SetConsoleColor(CONSOLE_COLOR color);
void PrintMessage(CONSOLE_COLOR color, const char* msg);
void PrintMessage(CONSOLE_COLOR color, const wchar_t* msg);
inline void Print(const char* msg) { PrintMessage(CONSOLE_COLOR::NORMAL, msg); }
inline void Print(const wchar_t* msg) { PrintMessage(CONSOLE_COLOR::NORMAL, msg); }
inline void PrintWarning(const char* msg) { PrintMessage(CONSOLE_COLOR::WARNING, msg); }
inline void PrintWarning(const wchar_t* msg) { PrintMessage(CONSOLE_COLOR::WARNING, msg); }
inline void PrintError(const char* msg) { PrintMessage(CONSOLE_COLOR::ERROR_, msg); }
inline void PrintError(const wchar_t* msg) { PrintMessage(CONSOLE_COLOR::ERROR_, msg); }
void PrintMessageV(CONSOLE_COLOR color, const char* format, va_list argList);
void PrintMessageV(CONSOLE_COLOR color, const wchar_t* format, va_list argList);
void PrintMessageF(CONSOLE_COLOR color, const char* format, ...);
void PrintMessageF(CONSOLE_COLOR color, const wchar_t* format, ...);
void PrintWarningF(const char* format, ...);
void PrintWarningF(const wchar_t* format, ...);
void PrintErrorF(const char* format, ...);
void PrintErrorF(const wchar_t* format, ...);