Further refactoring of defragmentation.
diff --git a/src/vk_mem_alloc.h b/src/vk_mem_alloc.h
index e696f29..38fc3ce 100644
--- a/src/vk_mem_alloc.h
+++ b/src/vk_mem_alloc.h
@@ -5587,6 +5587,15 @@
         VmaAllocation* pAllocation);


     VkResult CreateBlock(VkDeviceSize blockSize, size_t* pNewBlockIndex);


+    VkResult ApplyDefragmentationMovesCpu(

+        const VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves);


+    /*

+    Used during defragmentation. pDefragmentationStats is optional. It's in/out

+    - updated with new data.

+    */

+    void FreeEmptyBlocks(VmaDefragmentationStats* pDefragmentationStats);



 struct VmaPool_T

@@ -11031,6 +11040,154 @@
     return VK_SUCCESS;



+VkResult VmaBlockVector::ApplyDefragmentationMovesCpu(

+    const VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >& moves)


+    const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size();

+    const bool isNonCoherent = m_hAllocator->IsMemoryTypeNonCoherent(m_MemoryTypeIndex);


+    enum BLOCK_FLAG

+    {

+        BLOCK_FLAG_USED = 0x00000001,


+    };


+    struct BlockInfo

+    {

+        uint32_t flags;

+        void* pMappedData;

+    };

+    VmaVector< BlockInfo, VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo> >

+        blockInfo(blockCount, VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo>(m_hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()));

+    memset(blockInfo.data(), 0, blockCount * sizeof(BlockInfo));


+    // Go over all moves. Mark blocks that are used with BLOCK_FLAG_USED.

+    const size_t moveCount = moves.size();

+    for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)

+    {

+        const VmaDefragmentationMove& move = moves[moveIndex];

+        blockInfo[move.srcBlockIndex].flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_USED;

+        blockInfo[move.dstBlockIndex].flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_USED;

+    }


+    VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;


+    // Go over all blocks. Get mapped pointer or map if necessary.

+    for(size_t blockIndex = 0; (res >= 0) && (blockIndex < blockCount); ++blockIndex)

+    {

+        BlockInfo& currBlockInfo = blockInfo[blockIndex];

+        VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];

+        if((currBlockInfo.flags & BLOCK_FLAG_USED) != 0)

+        {

+            currBlockInfo.pMappedData = pBlock->GetMappedData();

+            // It is not originally mapped - map it.

+            if(currBlockInfo.pMappedData == VMA_NULL)

+            {

+                res = pBlock->Map(m_hAllocator, 1, &currBlockInfo.pMappedData);

+                if(res == VK_SUCCESS)

+                {

+                    currBlockInfo.flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_MAPPED_FOR_DEFRAGMENTATION;

+                }

+            }

+        }

+    }


+    // Go over all moves. Do actual data transfer.

+    if(res >= 0)

+    {

+        const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_hAllocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;

+        VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MAPPED_MEMORY_RANGE };


+        for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)

+        {

+            const VmaDefragmentationMove& move = moves[moveIndex];


+            const BlockInfo& srcBlockInfo = blockInfo[move.srcBlockIndex];

+            const BlockInfo& dstBlockInfo = blockInfo[move.dstBlockIndex];


+            VMA_ASSERT(srcBlockInfo.pMappedData && dstBlockInfo.pMappedData);


+            // Invalidate source.

+            if(isNonCoherent)

+            {

+                VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pSrcBlock = m_Blocks[move.srcBlockIndex];

+                memRange.memory = pSrcBlock->GetDeviceMemory();

+                memRange.offset = VmaAlignDown(move.srcOffset, nonCoherentAtomSize);

+                memRange.size = VMA_MIN(

+                    VmaAlignUp(move.size + (move.srcOffset - memRange.offset), nonCoherentAtomSize),

+                    pSrcBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() - memRange.offset);

+                (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges)(m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, 1, &memRange);

+            }



+            memcpy(

+                reinterpret_cast<char*>(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData) + move.dstOffset,

+                reinterpret_cast<char*>(srcBlockInfo.pMappedData) + move.srcOffset,

+                static_cast<size_t>(move.size));


+            if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())

+            {

+                VmaWriteMagicValue(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData, move.dstOffset - VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN);

+                VmaWriteMagicValue(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData, move.dstOffset + move.size);

+            }


+            // Flush destination.

+            if(isNonCoherent)

+            {

+                VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pDstBlock = m_Blocks[move.dstBlockIndex];

+                memRange.memory = pDstBlock->GetDeviceMemory();

+                memRange.offset = VmaAlignDown(move.dstOffset, nonCoherentAtomSize);

+                memRange.size = VMA_MIN(

+                    VmaAlignUp(move.size + (move.dstOffset - memRange.offset), nonCoherentAtomSize),

+                    pDstBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() - memRange.offset);

+                (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges)(m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, 1, &memRange);

+            }

+        }

+    }


+    // Go over all blocks in reverse order. Unmap those that were mapped just for defragmentation.

+    // Regardless of res >= 0.

+    for(size_t blockIndex = blockCount; blockIndex--; )

+    {

+        const BlockInfo& currBlockInfo = blockInfo[blockIndex];

+        if((currBlockInfo.flags & BLOCK_FLAG_MAPPED_FOR_DEFRAGMENTATION) != 0)

+        {

+            VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];

+            pBlock->Unmap(m_hAllocator, 1);

+        }

+    }


+    return res;



+void VmaBlockVector::FreeEmptyBlocks(VmaDefragmentationStats* pDefragmentationStats)


+    m_HasEmptyBlock = false;

+    for(size_t blockIndex = m_Blocks.size(); blockIndex--; )

+    {

+        VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];

+        if(pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())

+        {

+            if(m_Blocks.size() > m_MinBlockCount)

+            {

+                if(pDefragmentationStats != VMA_NULL)

+                {

+                    ++pDefragmentationStats->deviceMemoryBlocksFreed;

+                    pDefragmentationStats->bytesFreed += pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize();

+                }


+                VmaVectorRemove(m_Blocks, blockIndex);

+                pBlock->Destroy(m_hAllocator);

+                vma_delete(m_hAllocator, pBlock);

+            }

+            else

+            {

+                m_HasEmptyBlock = true;

+            }

+        }

+    }





 void VmaBlockVector::PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json)

@@ -11114,125 +11271,6 @@
     VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> > moves = 

         VmaVector< VmaDefragmentationMove, VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove> >(VmaStlAllocator<VmaDefragmentationMove>(m_hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()));

     VkResult res = m_pDefragmentationAlgorithm->Defragment(moves, maxBytesToMove, maxAllocationsToMove);

-    if(res < 0)

-    {

-        return res;

-    }


-    if(res >= VK_SUCCESS)

-    {

-        const size_t blockCount = m_Blocks.size();

-        const bool isNonCoherent = m_hAllocator->IsMemoryTypeNonCoherent(m_MemoryTypeIndex);


-        enum BLOCK_FLAG

-        {

-            BLOCK_FLAG_USED = 0x00000001,


-        };


-        struct BlockInfo

-        {

-            uint32_t flags;

-            void* pMappedData;

-        };

-        VmaVector< BlockInfo, VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo> >

-            blockInfo(blockCount, VmaStlAllocator<BlockInfo>(m_hAllocator->GetAllocationCallbacks()));

-        memset(blockInfo.data(), 0, blockCount * sizeof(BlockInfo));


-        // Go over all moves. Mark blocks that are used with BLOCK_FLAG_USED.

-        const size_t moveCount = moves.size();

-        for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)

-        {

-            const VmaDefragmentationMove& move = moves[moveIndex];

-            blockInfo[move.srcBlockIndex].flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_USED;

-            blockInfo[move.dstBlockIndex].flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_USED;

-        }


-        // Go over all blocks. Get mapped pointer or map if necessary.

-        for(size_t blockIndex = 0; (res >= 0) && (blockIndex < blockCount); ++blockIndex)

-        {

-            BlockInfo& currBlockInfo = blockInfo[blockIndex];

-            VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];

-            if((currBlockInfo.flags & BLOCK_FLAG_USED) != 0)

-            {

-                currBlockInfo.pMappedData = pBlock->GetMappedData();

-                // It is not originally mapped - map it.

-                if(currBlockInfo.pMappedData == VMA_NULL)

-                {

-                    res = pBlock->Map(m_hAllocator, 1, &currBlockInfo.pMappedData);

-                    if(res == VK_SUCCESS)

-                    {

-                        currBlockInfo.flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_MAPPED_FOR_DEFRAGMENTATION;

-                    }

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        // Go over all moves. Do actual data transfer.

-        if(res >= 0)

-        {

-            const VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize = m_hAllocator->m_PhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;

-            VkMappedMemoryRange memRange = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MAPPED_MEMORY_RANGE };


-            for(size_t moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < moveCount; ++moveIndex)

-            {

-                const VmaDefragmentationMove& move = moves[moveIndex];


-                const BlockInfo& srcBlockInfo = blockInfo[move.srcBlockIndex];

-                const BlockInfo& dstBlockInfo = blockInfo[move.dstBlockIndex];


-                VMA_ASSERT(srcBlockInfo.pMappedData && dstBlockInfo.pMappedData);


-                // Invalidate source.

-                if(isNonCoherent)

-                {

-                    VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pSrcBlock = m_Blocks[move.srcBlockIndex];

-                    memRange.memory = pSrcBlock->GetDeviceMemory();

-                    memRange.offset = VmaAlignDown(move.srcOffset, nonCoherentAtomSize);

-                    memRange.size = VMA_MIN(

-                        VmaAlignUp(move.size + (move.srcOffset - memRange.offset), nonCoherentAtomSize),

-                        pSrcBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() - memRange.offset);

-                    (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges)(m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, 1, &memRange);

-                }



-                memcpy(

-                    reinterpret_cast<char*>(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData) + move.dstOffset,

-                    reinterpret_cast<char*>(srcBlockInfo.pMappedData) + move.srcOffset,

-                    static_cast<size_t>(move.size));


-                if(IsCorruptionDetectionEnabled())

-                {

-                    VmaWriteMagicValue(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData, move.dstOffset - VMA_DEBUG_MARGIN);

-                    VmaWriteMagicValue(dstBlockInfo.pMappedData, move.dstOffset + move.size);

-                }


-                // Flush destination.

-                if(isNonCoherent)

-                {

-                    VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* const pDstBlock = m_Blocks[move.dstBlockIndex];

-                    memRange.memory = pDstBlock->GetDeviceMemory();

-                    memRange.offset = VmaAlignDown(move.dstOffset, nonCoherentAtomSize);

-                    memRange.size = VMA_MIN(

-                        VmaAlignUp(move.size + (move.dstOffset - memRange.offset), nonCoherentAtomSize),

-                        pDstBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize() - memRange.offset);

-                    (*m_hAllocator->GetVulkanFunctions().vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges)(m_hAllocator->m_hDevice, 1, &memRange);

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        // Go over all blocks in reverse order. Unmap those that were mapped just for defragmentation.

-        // Regardless of res >= 0.

-        for(size_t blockIndex = blockCount; blockIndex--; )

-        {

-            const BlockInfo& currBlockInfo = blockInfo[blockIndex];

-            if((currBlockInfo.flags & BLOCK_FLAG_MAPPED_FOR_DEFRAGMENTATION) != 0)

-            {

-                VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];

-                pBlock->Unmap(m_hAllocator, 1);

-            }

-        }

-    }


     // Accumulate statistics.

     if(pDefragmentationStats != VMA_NULL)

@@ -11247,33 +11285,14 @@
         maxAllocationsToMove -= allocationsMoved;



-    // Free empty blocks.

-    if(res >= 0)

+    if(res >= VK_SUCCESS)


-        m_HasEmptyBlock = false;

-        for(size_t blockIndex = m_Blocks.size(); blockIndex--; )

-        {

-            VmaDeviceMemoryBlock* pBlock = m_Blocks[blockIndex];

-            if(pBlock->m_pMetadata->IsEmpty())

-            {

-                if(m_Blocks.size() > m_MinBlockCount)

-                {

-                    if(pDefragmentationStats != VMA_NULL)

-                    {

-                        ++pDefragmentationStats->deviceMemoryBlocksFreed;

-                        pDefragmentationStats->bytesFreed += pBlock->m_pMetadata->GetSize();

-                    }

+        res = ApplyDefragmentationMovesCpu(moves);

+    }


-                    VmaVectorRemove(m_Blocks, blockIndex);

-                    pBlock->Destroy(m_hAllocator);

-                    vma_delete(m_hAllocator, pBlock);

-                }

-                else

-                {

-                    m_HasEmptyBlock = true;

-                }

-            }

-        }

+    if(res >= VK_SUCCESS)

+    {

+        FreeEmptyBlocks(pDefragmentationStats);



     // Destroy defragmentation algorithm object.