Buddy allocator - more coding.
diff --git a/src/Tests.cpp b/src/Tests.cpp
index c5cf05b..21b82f2 100644
--- a/src/Tests.cpp
+++ b/src/Tests.cpp
@@ -4079,15 +4079,82 @@



+static void BasicTestBuddyAllocator()


+    wprintf(L"Basic test buddy allocator\n");


+    RandomNumberGenerator rand{76543};


+    VkBufferCreateInfo sampleBufCreateInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO };

+    sampleBufCreateInfo.size = 1024; // Whatever.



+    VmaAllocationCreateInfo sampleAllocCreateInfo = {};

+    sampleAllocCreateInfo.usage = VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_GPU_ONLY;


+    VmaPoolCreateInfo poolCreateInfo = {};

+    VkResult res = vmaFindMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(g_hAllocator, &sampleBufCreateInfo, &sampleAllocCreateInfo, &poolCreateInfo.memoryTypeIndex);

+    assert(res == VK_SUCCESS);


+    poolCreateInfo.blockSize = 1024 * 1024;

+    poolCreateInfo.flags = VMA_POOL_CREATE_BUDDY_ALGORITHM_BIT;

+    poolCreateInfo.minBlockCount = poolCreateInfo.maxBlockCount = 1;


+    VmaPool pool = nullptr;

+    res = vmaCreatePool(g_hAllocator, &poolCreateInfo, &pool);

+    assert(res == VK_SUCCESS);


+    VkBufferCreateInfo bufCreateInfo = sampleBufCreateInfo;


+    VmaAllocationCreateInfo allocCreateInfo = {};

+    allocCreateInfo.pool = pool;


+    std::vector<BufferInfo> bufInfo;

+    BufferInfo newBufInfo;

+    VmaAllocationInfo allocInfo;


+    bufCreateInfo.size = 1024 * 256;

+    res = vmaCreateBuffer(g_hAllocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo,

+        &newBufInfo.Buffer, &newBufInfo.Allocation, &allocInfo);

+    assert(res == VK_SUCCESS);

+    bufInfo.push_back(newBufInfo);


+    bufCreateInfo.size = 1024 * 512;

+    res = vmaCreateBuffer(g_hAllocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo,

+        &newBufInfo.Buffer, &newBufInfo.Allocation, &allocInfo);

+    assert(res == VK_SUCCESS);

+    bufInfo.push_back(newBufInfo);


+    bufCreateInfo.size = 1024 * 128;

+    res = vmaCreateBuffer(g_hAllocator, &bufCreateInfo, &allocCreateInfo,

+        &newBufInfo.Buffer, &newBufInfo.Allocation, &allocInfo);

+    assert(res == VK_SUCCESS);

+    bufInfo.push_back(newBufInfo);


+    SaveAllocatorStatsToFile(L"BuddyTest01.json");


+    // Destroy the buffers in random order.

+    while(!bufInfo.empty())

+    {

+        const size_t indexToDestroy = rand.Generate() % bufInfo.size();

+        const BufferInfo& currBufInfo = bufInfo[indexToDestroy];

+        vmaDestroyBuffer(g_hAllocator, currBufInfo.Buffer, currBufInfo.Allocation);

+        bufInfo.erase(bufInfo.begin() + indexToDestroy);

+    }


+    vmaDestroyPool(g_hAllocator, pool);



 void Test()




-    if(false)

+    if(true)


         // # Temporarily insert custom tests here

         // ########################################

         // ########################################

+        BasicTestBuddyAllocator();




diff --git a/src/vk_mem_alloc.h b/src/vk_mem_alloc.h
index 299b866..af6b08a 100644
--- a/src/vk_mem_alloc.h
+++ b/src/vk_mem_alloc.h
@@ -2964,15 +2964,27 @@
 // Returns smallest power of 2 greater or equal to v.

 static inline uint32_t VmaNextPow2(uint32_t v)


-	v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v;

+	v--;

+    v |= v >> 1;

+    v |= v >> 2;

+    v |= v >> 4;

+    v |= v >> 8;

+    v |= v >> 16;

+    v++;

+    return v;


-// Returns biggest power of 2 less or equal to v.


-static inline uint32_t VmaPrevPow2(uint32_t v)

+static inline uint64_t VmaNextPow2(uint64_t v)



+	v--;

+    v |= v >> 1;

+    v |= v >> 2;

+    v |= v >> 4;

+    v |= v >> 8;

+    v |= v >> 16;

+    v |= v >> 32;

+    v++;

+    return v;




 static inline bool VmaStrIsEmpty(const char* pStr)


@@ -4556,6 +4568,7 @@
     VkDeviceSize sumItemSize; // Sum size of items to make lost that overlap with proposed allocation.

     VmaSuballocationList::iterator item;

     size_t itemsToMakeLostCount;

+    void* customData;


     VkDeviceSize CalcCost() const


@@ -4967,10 +4980,11 @@
     virtual void FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset);



-    static const size_t MAX_LEVELS = 30;

+    static const size_t MAX_LEVELS = 30; // TODO


     struct Node


+        VkDeviceSize offset;

         enum TYPE



@@ -5001,7 +5015,16 @@
     Node* m_FreeList[MAX_LEVELS];


     void DeleteNode(Node* node);

-    bool ValidateNode(const Node* parent, const Node* curr) const;

+    bool ValidateNode(const Node* parent, const Node* curr, uint32_t level, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const;

+    uint32_t AllocSizeToLevel(VkDeviceSize allocSize) const;

+    VkDeviceSize LevelToNodeSize(uint32_t level) const;

+    // Alloc passed just for validation. Can be null.

+    void FreeAtOffset(VmaAllocation alloc, VkDeviceSize offset);

+    void CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(VmaStatInfo& outInfo, const Node* node, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const;



+    void PrintDetailedMapNode(class VmaJsonWriter& json, const Node* node, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const;





@@ -9243,21 +9266,36 @@


     Node* rootNode = new Node();

+    rootNode->offset = 0;

     rootNode->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;

     rootNode->parent = VMA_NULL;

     rootNode->buddy = VMA_NULL;

     rootNode->free.nextFree = VMA_NULL;


+    m_Root = rootNode;

     m_FreeList[0] = rootNode;



 bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::Validate() const


-    if(!ValidateNode(VMA_NULL, m_Root))

+    if(!ValidateNode(VMA_NULL, m_Root, 0, GetSize()))


         return false;



+    for(uint32_t level = 0; level < MAX_LEVELS; ++level)

+    {

+        for(Node* freeNode = m_FreeList[level];

+            freeNode != VMA_NULL;

+            freeNode = freeNode->free.nextFree)

+        {

+            if(freeNode->type != Node::TYPE_FREE)

+            {

+                return false;

+            }

+        }

+    }


     return true;



@@ -9283,7 +9321,16 @@

 void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::CalcAllocationStatInfo(VmaStatInfo& outInfo) const


-    // TODO

+    outInfo.blockCount = 1;


+    outInfo.allocationCount = outInfo.unusedRangeCount = 0;

+    outInfo.unusedBytes = outInfo.unusedBytes = 0;


+    outInfo.allocationSizeMax = outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = 0;

+    outInfo.allocationSizeMin = outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = UINT64_MAX;

+    outInfo.allocationSizeAvg = outInfo.unusedRangeSizeAvg = 0; // Unused.


+    CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(outInfo, m_Root, GetSize());



 void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::AddPoolStats(VmaPoolStats& inoutStats) const

@@ -9295,7 +9342,19 @@

 void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::PrintDetailedMap(class VmaJsonWriter& json) const


-    // TODO

+    // TODO optimize

+    VmaStatInfo stat;

+    CalcAllocationStatInfo(stat);


+    PrintDetailedMap_Begin(

+        json,

+        stat.unusedBytes,

+        stat.allocationCount,

+        stat.unusedRangeCount);


+    PrintDetailedMapNode(json, m_Root, GetSize());


+    PrintDetailedMap_End(json);




@@ -9312,8 +9371,81 @@
     uint32_t strategy,

     VmaAllocationRequest* pAllocationRequest)


+    VMA_ASSERT(!upperAddress && "VMA_ALLOCATION_CREATE_UPPER_ADDRESS_BIT can be used only with linear algorithm.");


+    const VkDeviceSize size = GetSize();

+    if(allocSize > size)

+    {

+        return false;

+    }


+    const uint32_t targetLevel = AllocSizeToLevel(allocSize);


+    // No free node with intended size.

+    if(m_FreeList[targetLevel] == VMA_NULL)

+    {

+        // Go up until we find free node with larget size.

+        uint32_t level = targetLevel;

+        while(m_FreeList[level] == VMA_NULL)

+        {

+            if(level == 0)

+            {

+                return false;

+            }

+            --level;

+        }


+        // Go down, splitting free nodes.

+        while(level < targetLevel)

+        {

+            // Get first free node at current level.

+            Node* node = m_FreeList[level];

+            // Remove it from list of free nodes at this level.

+            m_FreeList[level] = node->free.nextFree;


+            const uint32_t childrenLevel = level + 1;


+            // Create two free sub-nodes.

+            Node* leftChild = new Node();

+            Node* rightChild = new Node();


+            leftChild->offset = node->offset;

+            leftChild->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;

+            leftChild->parent = node;

+            leftChild->buddy = rightChild;

+            leftChild->free.nextFree = VMA_NULL;


+            rightChild->offset = node->offset + LevelToNodeSize(childrenLevel);

+            rightChild->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;

+            rightChild->parent = node;

+            rightChild->buddy = leftChild;

+            rightChild->free.nextFree = VMA_NULL;


+            // Convert current node to split type.

+            node->type = Node::TYPE_SPLIT;

+            node->split.leftChild = leftChild;


+            // Add child nodes to free list.

+            leftChild->free.nextFree = m_FreeList[childrenLevel];

+            m_FreeList[childrenLevel] = leftChild;


+            rightChild->free.nextFree = m_FreeList[childrenLevel];

+            m_FreeList[childrenLevel] = rightChild;


+            ++level;

+        }

+    }


+    Node* freeNode = m_FreeList[targetLevel];

+    VMA_ASSERT(freeNode != VMA_NULL);


+    pAllocationRequest->offset = freeNode->offset;

     // TODO

-    return false;

+    pAllocationRequest->sumFreeSize = 0;

+    pAllocationRequest->sumItemSize = 0;

+    pAllocationRequest->itemsToMakeLostCount = 0;

+    pAllocationRequest->customData = (void*)(uintptr_t)targetLevel;

+    return true;



 bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::MakeRequestedAllocationsLost(

@@ -9341,14 +9473,27 @@
     bool upperAddress,

     VmaAllocation hAllocation)


+    const uint32_t targetLevel = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)request.customData;

+    VMA_ASSERT(m_FreeList[targetLevel] != VMA_NULL);

+    Node* node = m_FreeList[targetLevel];

+    VMA_ASSERT(node->type == Node::TYPE_FREE);


+    // Remove from free list.

+    m_FreeList[targetLevel] = node->free.nextFree;


+    // Convert to allocation node.

+    node->type = Node::TYPE_ALLOCATION;

+    node->allocation.alloc = hAllocation;



 void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::Free(const VmaAllocation allocation)


+    FreeAtOffset(allocation, allocation->GetOffset());



 void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::FreeAtOffset(VkDeviceSize offset)


+    FreeAtOffset(VMA_NULL, offset);



 void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::DeleteNode(Node* node)

@@ -9362,7 +9507,7 @@
     delete node;



-bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::ValidateNode(const Node* parent, const Node* curr) const

+bool VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::ValidateNode(const Node* parent, const Node* curr, uint32_t level, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const


     if(curr->parent != parent)


@@ -9387,17 +9532,31 @@


     case Node::TYPE_SPLIT:

-        if(curr->split.leftChild == VMA_NULL)


-            return false;

-        }

-        if(!ValidateNode(curr, curr->split.leftChild))

-        {

-            return false;

-        }

-        if(!ValidateNode(curr, curr->split.leftChild->buddy))

-        {

-            return false;

+            const uint32_t childrenLevel = level + 1;

+            const VkDeviceSize childrenLevelNodeSize = levelNodeSize / 2;

+            const Node* const leftChild = curr->split.leftChild;

+            if(leftChild == VMA_NULL)

+            {

+                return false;

+            }

+            if(leftChild->offset != curr->offset)

+            {

+                return false;

+            }

+            if(!ValidateNode(curr, leftChild, childrenLevel, childrenLevelNodeSize))

+            {

+                return false;

+            }

+            const Node* const rightChild = leftChild->buddy;

+            if(rightChild->offset != curr->offset + levelNodeSize)

+            {

+                return false;

+            }

+            if(!ValidateNode(curr, rightChild, childrenLevel, childrenLevelNodeSize))

+            {

+                return false;

+            }




@@ -9407,6 +9566,118 @@
     return true;



+uint32_t VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::AllocSizeToLevel(VkDeviceSize allocSize) const


+    // TODO optimize

+    uint32_t level = 0;

+    VkDeviceSize currLevelNodeSize = GetSize();

+    VkDeviceSize nextLevelNodeSize = currLevelNodeSize / 2;

+    while(allocSize <= nextLevelNodeSize && level + 1 < MAX_LEVELS)

+    {

+        ++level;

+        currLevelNodeSize = nextLevelNodeSize;

+        nextLevelNodeSize = currLevelNodeSize / 2;

+    }

+    return level;



+VkDeviceSize VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::LevelToNodeSize(uint32_t level) const


+    // TODO optimize

+    VkDeviceSize result = GetSize();

+    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < level; ++i)

+    {

+        result /= 2;

+    }

+    return result;



+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::FreeAtOffset(VmaAllocation alloc, VkDeviceSize offset)


+    Node* node = m_Root;

+    uint32_t level = 0;

+    VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize = GetSize();

+    while(node->type == Node::TYPE_SPLIT)

+    {

+        Node* leftChild = node->split.leftChild;

+        Node* rightChild = leftChild->buddy;

+        if(offset < rightChild->offset) // TODO could be calculated

+        {

+            node = leftChild;

+        }

+        else

+        {

+            node = rightChild;

+        }

+        ++level;

+    }


+    VMA_ASSERT(node != VMA_NULL && node->type == Node::TYPE_ALLOCATION);

+    VMA_ASSERT(alloc == VK_NULL_HANDLE || node->allocation.alloc == alloc);


+    node->type = Node::TYPE_FREE;

+    node->free.nextFree = m_FreeList[level];

+    m_FreeList[level] = node;


+    // TODO join free nodes if possible.



+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(VmaStatInfo& outInfo, const Node* node, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const


+    switch(node->type)

+    {

+    case Node::TYPE_FREE:

+        ++outInfo.unusedRangeCount;

+        outInfo.unusedBytes += levelNodeSize;

+        outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax = VMA_MAX(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMax, levelNodeSize);

+        outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin = VMA_MAX(outInfo.unusedRangeSizeMin, levelNodeSize);

+        break;

+    case Node::TYPE_ALLOCATION:

+        ++outInfo.allocationCount;

+        outInfo.usedBytes += levelNodeSize;

+        outInfo.allocationSizeMax = VMA_MAX(outInfo.allocationSizeMax, levelNodeSize);

+        outInfo.allocationSizeMin = VMA_MAX(outInfo.allocationSizeMin, levelNodeSize);

+        break;

+    case Node::TYPE_SPLIT:

+        {

+            const VkDeviceSize childrenNodeSize = levelNodeSize / 2;

+            const Node* const leftChild = node->split.leftChild;

+            CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(outInfo, leftChild, childrenNodeSize);

+            const Node* const rightChild = leftChild->buddy;

+            CalcAllocationStatInfoNode(outInfo, rightChild, childrenNodeSize);

+        }

+        break;

+    default:

+        VMA_ASSERT(0);

+    }




+void VmaBlockMetadata_Buddy::PrintDetailedMapNode(class VmaJsonWriter& json, const Node* node, VkDeviceSize levelNodeSize) const


+    switch(node->type)

+    {

+    case Node::TYPE_FREE:

+        PrintDetailedMap_UnusedRange(json, node->offset, levelNodeSize);

+        break;

+    case Node::TYPE_ALLOCATION:

+        PrintDetailedMap_Allocation(json, node->offset, node->allocation.alloc);

+        break;

+    case Node::TYPE_SPLIT:

+        {

+            const VkDeviceSize childrenNodeSize = levelNodeSize / 2;

+            const Node* const leftChild = node->split.leftChild;

+            PrintDetailedMapNode(json, leftChild, childrenNodeSize);

+            const Node* const rightChild = leftChild->buddy;

+            PrintDetailedMapNode(json, rightChild, childrenNodeSize);

+        }

+        break;

+    default:

+        VMA_ASSERT(0);

+    }






 // class VmaDeviceMemoryBlock