Revert "quick_start.html: Small grammar fix under 'Selecting Vulkan version' section"

This reverts commit 1e0ab38aa837d4a8a5204d2538930fbddb6522c3.
diff --git a/docs/html/quick_start.html b/docs/html/quick_start.html
index c875f98..3b25570 100644
--- a/docs/html/quick_start.html
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 <p >Only members <code>physicalDevice</code>, <code>device</code>, <code>instance</code> are required. However, you should inform the library which Vulkan version do you use by setting <a class="el" href="struct_vma_allocator_create_info.html#ae0ffc55139b54520a6bb704b29ffc285" title="Optional. The highest version of Vulkan that the application is designed to use.">VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::vulkanApiVersion</a> and which extensions did you enable by setting <a class="el" href="struct_vma_allocator_create_info.html#a392ea2ecbaff93f91a7c49f735ad4346" title="Flags for created allocator. Use VmaAllocatorCreateFlagBits enum.">VmaAllocatorCreateInfo::flags</a> (like <a class="el" href="group__group__init.html#gga4f87c9100d154a65a4ad495f7763cf7ca5f1b28b0414319d1687e1f2b30ab0089">VMA_ALLOCATOR_CREATE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BIT</a> for VK_KHR_buffer_device_address). Otherwise, VMA would use only features of Vulkan 1.0 core with no extensions.</p>
 <h2><a class="anchor" id="quick_start_initialization_selecting_vulkan_version"></a>
 Selecting Vulkan version</h2>
-<p >VMA supports Vulkan version down to 1.0, for backward compatibility. If you want to use higher version, you need to inform the library about it. This is a two-step process.</p>
+<p >VMA supports Vulkan version down to 1.0, for backward compatibility. If you want to use higher version, you need to inform the library about it. This is a two-step proces.</p>
 <p ><b>Step 1: Compile time.</b> By default, VMA compiles with code supporting the highest Vulkan version found in the included <code>&lt;vulkan/vulkan.h&gt;</code> that is also supported by the library. If this is OK, you don't need to do anything. However, if you want to compile VMA as if only some lower Vulkan version was available, define macro <code>VMA_VULKAN_VERSION</code> before every <code>#include "vk_mem_alloc.h"</code>. It should have decimal numeric value in form of ABBBCCC, where A = major, BBB = minor, CCC = patch Vulkan version. For example, to compile against Vulkan 1.2:</p>
 <div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="preprocessor">#define VMA_VULKAN_VERSION 1002000 </span><span class="comment">// Vulkan 1.2</span></div>
 <div class="line"><span class="preprocessor">#include &quot;<a class="code" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html">vk_mem_alloc.h</a>&quot;</span></div>