Fixed to respect new "Algorithm" parameter.
diff --git a/tools/VmaDumpVis/ b/tools/VmaDumpVis/
index d033b28..a0d42ca 100644
--- a/tools/VmaDumpVis/
+++ b/tools/VmaDumpVis/
@@ -46,12 +46,11 @@
 data = {}



-def ProcessBlock(dstBlockList, iBlockId, objBlock, bLinearAlgorithm):

+def ProcessBlock(dstBlockList, iBlockId, objBlock, sAlgorithm):

     iBlockSize = int(objBlock['TotalBytes'])

     arrSuballocs = objBlock['Suballocations']

     dstBlockObj = {'ID': iBlockId, 'Size':iBlockSize, 'Suballocations':[]}

-    if bLinearAlgorithm:

-        dstBlockObj['LinearAlgorithm'] = True

+    dstBlockObj['Algorithm'] = sAlgorithm

     for objSuballoc in arrSuballocs:

         dstBlockObj['Suballocations'].append((objSuballoc['Type'], int(objSuballoc['Size']), int(objSuballoc['Usage']) if ('Usage' in objSuballoc) else 0))


@@ -187,18 +186,18 @@
         iType = int(sType[5:])

         typeData = GetDataForMemoryType(iType)

         for sBlockId, objBlock in tType[1]['Blocks'].items():

-            ProcessBlock(typeData['DefaultPoolBlocks'], int(sBlockId), objBlock, False)

+            ProcessBlock(typeData['DefaultPoolBlocks'], int(sBlockId), objBlock, '')

 if 'Pools' in jsonSrc:

     objPools = jsonSrc['Pools']

     for sPoolId, objPool in objPools.items():

         iType = int(objPool['MemoryTypeIndex'])

         typeData = GetDataForMemoryType(iType)

         objBlocks = objPool['Blocks']

-        bLinearAlgorithm = 'LinearAlgorithm' in objPool and objPool['LinearAlgorithm']

+        sAlgorithm = objPool.get('Algorithm', '')

         dstBlockArray = []

         typeData['CustomPools'][int(sPoolId)] = dstBlockArray

         for sBlockId, objBlock in objBlocks.items():

-            ProcessBlock(dstBlockArray, int(sBlockId), objBlock, bLinearAlgorithm)

+            ProcessBlock(dstBlockArray, int(sBlockId), objBlock, sAlgorithm)


 iImgSizeY, fPixelsPerByte = CalcParams()


@@ -247,11 +246,11 @@
     index = 0

     for iPoolId, listPool in dictMemType['CustomPools'].items():

         for objBlock in listPool:

-            if 'LinearAlgorithm' in objBlock:

-                linearAlgorithmStr = ' (linear algorithm)';

+            if 'Algorithm' in objBlock:

+                sAlgorithm = ' (Algorithm: %s)' % (objBlock['Algorithm']);


-                linearAlgorithmStr = '';

-            draw.text((IMG_MARGIN, y), "Custom pool %d%s block %d" % (iPoolId, linearAlgorithmStr, objBlock['ID']), fill=COLOR_TEXT_H2, font=font)

+                sAlgorithm = '';

+            draw.text((IMG_MARGIN, y), "Custom pool %d%s block %d" % (iPoolId, sAlgorithm, objBlock['ID']), fill=COLOR_TEXT_H2, font=font)

             y += FONT_SIZE + IMG_MARGIN

             DrawBlock(draw, y, objBlock)

             y += MAP_SIZE + IMG_MARGIN

@@ -273,6 +272,6 @@
   - Key is integer pool ID. Value is list of objects representing memory blocks, each containing dictionary with:

     - Fixed key 'ID'. Value is int.

     - Fixed key 'Size'. Value is int.

-    - Fixed key 'LinearAlgorithm'. Optional. Value is True.

+    - Fixed key 'Algorithm'. Optional. Value is string.

     - Fixed key 'Suballocations'. Value is list of tuples as above.
