Clarified documentation about required C++14 version

Fixes #252
diff --git a/docs/html/index.html b/docs/html/index.html
index 8d81d72..4f8502e 100644
--- a/docs/html/index.html
+++ b/docs/html/index.html
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
   <div class="headertitle"><div class="title">Vulkan Memory Allocator </div></div>
 <div class="contents">
-<div class="textblock"><p ><b>Version 3.0.0 (2022-03-25)</b></p>
+<div class="textblock"><p ><b>Version 3.0.1-development (2022-03-28)</b></p>
 <p >Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. <br  />
 License: MIT</p>
 <p ><b>API documentation divided into groups:</b> <a href="modules.html">Modules</a></p>
diff --git a/docs/html/quick_start.html b/docs/html/quick_start.html
index 5b24419..cc0617f 100644
--- a/docs/html/quick_start.html
+++ b/docs/html/quick_start.html
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 <div class="ttc" id="avk__mem__alloc_8h_html"><div class="ttname"><a href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html">vk_mem_alloc.h</a></div></div>
 </div><!-- fragment --><p >It may be a good idea to create dedicated CPP file just for this purpose.</p>
 <p >This library includes header <code>&lt;vulkan/vulkan.h&gt;</code>, which in turn includes <code>&lt;windows.h&gt;</code> on Windows. If you need some specific macros defined before including these headers (like <code>WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN</code> or <code>WINVER</code> for Windows, <code>VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR</code> for Vulkan), you must define them before every <code>#include</code> of this library.</p>
-<dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>This library is written in C++, but has C-compatible interface. Thus you can include and use <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html">vk_mem_alloc.h</a> in C or C++ code, but full implementation with <code>VMA_IMPLEMENTATION</code> macro must be compiled as C++, NOT as C.</dd></dl>
+<p >This library is written in C++, but has C-compatible interface. Thus you can include and use <a class="el" href="vk__mem__alloc_8h.html">vk_mem_alloc.h</a> in C or C++ code, but full implementation with <code>VMA_IMPLEMENTATION</code> macro must be compiled as C++, NOT as C. Some features of C++14 used. STL containers, RTTI, or C++ exceptions are not used.</p>
 <h1><a class="anchor" id="quick_start_initialization"></a>
 <p >At program startup:</p>
diff --git a/include/vk_mem_alloc.h b/include/vk_mem_alloc.h
index 94d878a..c2d5d46 100644
--- a/include/vk_mem_alloc.h
+++ b/include/vk_mem_alloc.h
@@ -17608,9 +17608,10 @@
 `WINVER` for Windows, `VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR` for Vulkan), you must define

 them before every `#include` of this library.


-\note This library is written in C++, but has C-compatible interface.

+This library is written in C++, but has C-compatible interface.

 Thus you can include and use vk_mem_alloc.h in C or C++ code, but full

 implementation with `VMA_IMPLEMENTATION` macro must be compiled as C++, NOT as C.

+Some features of C++14 used. STL containers, RTTI, or C++ exceptions are not used.



 \section quick_start_initialization Initialization