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diff --git a/src/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp b/src/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp
index 58b5a6a..490eda0 100644
--- a/src/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp
+++ b/src/D3D12MemAlloc.cpp
@@ -2744,6 +2744,8 @@
 class PoolPimpl



+    CommittedAllocationList m_CommittedAllocations;


     PoolPimpl(AllocatorPimpl* allocator, const POOL_DESC& desc);

     HRESULT Init();


@@ -2766,7 +2768,6 @@
     AllocatorPimpl* m_Allocator; // Externally owned object.

     POOL_DESC m_Desc;

     BlockVector* m_BlockVector; // Owned object.

-    CommittedAllocationList m_CommittedAllocations;

     wchar_t* m_Name;

     PoolPimpl* m_PrevPool = NULL;

     PoolPimpl* m_NextPool = NULL;

@@ -2995,8 +2996,20 @@
         const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO& allocInfo,

         ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession *pProtectedSession,

         Allocation** ppAllocation);

+    HRESULT AllocateHeap1_Impl(

+        CommittedAllocationList& allocList,

+        const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProperties,

+        D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags,

+        const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO& allocInfo,

+        ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession *pProtectedSession,

+        Allocation** ppAllocation);

 #endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__


+    template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>

+    HRESULT CalcAllocationParams(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, UINT64 allocSize,

+        const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* resDesc, // Optional

+        BlockVector*& outBlockVector, CommittedAllocationList*& outCommittedAllocationList, bool& outPreferCommitted);



     If SupportsResourceHeapTier2():

         0: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT

@@ -4749,7 +4762,6 @@
         return E_INVALIDARG;


     ALLOCATION_DESC finalAllocDesc = *pAllocDesc;


     D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC finalResourceDesc = *pResourceDesc;

     D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO resAllocInfo = GetResourceAllocationInfo(finalResourceDesc);

     resAllocInfo.Alignment = D3D12MA_MAX<UINT64>(resAllocInfo.Alignment, D3D12MA_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT);

@@ -4781,7 +4793,7 @@
         const UINT defaultPoolIndex = CalcDefaultPoolIndex(*pAllocDesc, finalResourceDesc);

         const bool requireCommittedMemory = defaultPoolIndex == UINT32_MAX;


-        {

+    {

             return AllocateCommittedResource(



@@ -4800,16 +4812,15 @@
         bool preferCommittedMemory =

             m_AlwaysCommitted ||

             PrefersCommittedAllocation(finalResourceDesc) ||

-            // Heuristics: Allocate committed memory if requested size if greater than half of preferred block size.

             resAllocInfo.SizeInBytes > preferredBlockSize / 2;

         if(preferCommittedMemory &&

             (finalAllocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_NEVER_ALLOCATE) == 0)


             finalAllocDesc.Flags |= ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED;

-        }

+    }


         if((finalAllocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED) != 0)

-        {

+    {

             return AllocateCommittedResource(



@@ -4819,7 +4830,7 @@



-        }

+    }



             HRESULT hr = blockVector->CreateResource(

@@ -4832,10 +4843,10 @@



-            if(SUCCEEDED(hr))

+        if(SUCCEEDED(hr))


-                return hr;

-            }

+            return hr;

+    }


             return AllocateCommittedResource(


@@ -5042,66 +5053,36 @@

     *ppAllocation = NULL;


-    if(pAllocDesc->CustomPool != NULL)

+    BlockVector* blockVector = NULL;

+    CommittedAllocationList* committedAllocationList = NULL;

+    bool preferCommitted = false;

+    HRESULT hr = CalcAllocationParams<D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC>(*pAllocDesc, pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes,

+        NULL, // pResDesc

+        blockVector, committedAllocationList, preferCommitted);

+    if(FAILED(hr))

+        return hr;


+    hr = E_INVALIDARG;

+    if(committedAllocationList != NULL && preferCommitted)


-        BlockVector* const blockVector = pAllocDesc->CustomPool->m_Pimpl->GetBlockVector();

-        D3D12MA_ASSERT(blockVector);

-        return blockVector->Allocate(

-            pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes,

-            pAllocInfo->Alignment,

-            *pAllocDesc,

-            1,

-            (Allocation**)ppAllocation);

+        hr = AllocateHeap(pAllocDesc, *pAllocInfo, ppAllocation);

+        if(SUCCEEDED(hr))

+            return hr;


-    else

+    if(blockVector != NULL)


-        if(!IsHeapTypeStandard(pAllocDesc->HeapType))

-        {

-            return E_INVALIDARG;

-        }

-        ALLOCATION_DESC finalAllocDesc = *pAllocDesc;


-        const UINT defaultPoolIndex = CalcDefaultPoolIndex(*pAllocDesc);

-        bool requireCommittedMemory = (defaultPoolIndex == UINT32_MAX);

-        if(requireCommittedMemory)

-        {

-            return AllocateHeap(&finalAllocDesc, *pAllocInfo, ppAllocation);

-        }


-        BlockVector* blockVector = m_BlockVectors[defaultPoolIndex];

-        D3D12MA_ASSERT(blockVector);


-        const UINT64 preferredBlockSize = blockVector->GetPreferredBlockSize();

-        const bool preferCommittedMemory =

-            m_AlwaysCommitted ||

-            // Heuristics: Allocate committed memory if requested size if greater than half of preferred block size.

-            pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes > preferredBlockSize / 2;

-        if(preferCommittedMemory &&

-            (finalAllocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_NEVER_ALLOCATE) == 0)

-        {

-            finalAllocDesc.Flags |= ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED;

-        }


-        if((finalAllocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED) != 0)

-        {

-            return AllocateHeap(&finalAllocDesc, *pAllocInfo, ppAllocation);

-        }

-        else

-        {

-            HRESULT hr = blockVector->Allocate(

-                pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes,

-                pAllocInfo->Alignment,

-                finalAllocDesc,

-                1,

-                (Allocation**)ppAllocation);

-            if(SUCCEEDED(hr))

-            {

-                return hr;

-            }


-            return AllocateHeap(&finalAllocDesc, *pAllocInfo, ppAllocation);

-        }

+        hr = blockVector->Allocate(pAllocInfo->SizeInBytes, pAllocInfo->Alignment,

+            *pAllocDesc, 1, (Allocation**)ppAllocation);

+        if(SUCCEEDED(hr))

+            return hr;


+    if(committedAllocationList != NULL && !preferCommitted)

+    {

+        hr = AllocateHeap(pAllocDesc, *pAllocInfo, ppAllocation);

+        if(SUCCEEDED(hr))

+            return hr;

+    }

+    return hr;



 #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__

@@ -5523,24 +5504,37 @@
         return E_OUTOFMEMORY;



+    const UINT heapTypeIndex = HeapTypeToIndex(pAllocDesc->HeapType);

+    CommittedAllocationList& allocList = m_CommittedAllocations[heapTypeIndex];

+    D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES heapProps = {};

+    heapProps.Type = pAllocDesc->HeapType;

+    return AllocateHeap1_Impl(allocList, heapProps, pAllocDesc->ExtraHeapFlags, allocInfo, pProtectedSession, ppAllocation);



+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::AllocateHeap1_Impl(

+    CommittedAllocationList& allocList,

+    const D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES& heapProperties,

+    D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS heapFlags,

+    const D3D12_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INFO& allocInfo,

+    ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession *pProtectedSession,

+    Allocation** ppAllocation)


     D3D12_HEAP_DESC heapDesc = {};

     heapDesc.SizeInBytes = allocInfo.SizeInBytes;

-    heapDesc.Properties.Type = pAllocDesc->HeapType;

+    heapDesc.Properties = heapProperties;

     heapDesc.Alignment = allocInfo.Alignment;

-    heapDesc.Flags = pAllocDesc->ExtraHeapFlags;

+    heapDesc.Flags = heapFlags;


     ID3D12Heap* heap = nullptr;

     HRESULT hr = m_Device4->CreateHeap1(&heapDesc, pProtectedSession, __uuidof(*heap), (void**)&heap);



-        const UINT heapTypeIndex = HeapTypeToIndex(pAllocDesc->HeapType);

-        CommittedAllocationList& allocList = m_CommittedAllocations[heapTypeIndex];


         const BOOL wasZeroInitialized = TRUE;

         (*ppAllocation) = m_AllocationObjectAllocator.Allocate(this, allocInfo.SizeInBytes, wasZeroInitialized);

         (*ppAllocation)->InitHeap(&allocList, heap);



+        const UINT heapTypeIndex = HeapTypeToIndex(heapProperties.Type);

         m_Budget.AddAllocation(heapTypeIndex, allocInfo.SizeInBytes);

         m_Budget.m_BlockBytes[heapTypeIndex] += allocInfo.SizeInBytes;


@@ -5548,6 +5542,57 @@

 #endif // #ifdef __ID3D12Device4_INTERFACE_DEFINED__


+template<typename D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T>

+HRESULT AllocatorPimpl::CalcAllocationParams(const ALLOCATION_DESC& allocDesc, UINT64 allocSize,

+    const D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC_T* resDesc,

+    BlockVector*& outBlockVector, CommittedAllocationList*& outCommittedAllocationList, bool& outPreferCommitted)


+    outBlockVector = NULL;

+    outCommittedAllocationList = NULL;

+    outPreferCommitted = false;


+    if(allocDesc.CustomPool != NULL)

+    {

+        if((allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED) == 0)

+        {

+            outBlockVector = allocDesc.CustomPool->m_Pimpl->GetBlockVector();

+        }

+    }

+    else

+    {

+        if(!IsHeapTypeStandard(allocDesc.HeapType))

+        {

+            return E_INVALIDARG;

+        }

+        if((allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_NEVER_ALLOCATE) == 0)

+        {

+            outCommittedAllocationList = &m_CommittedAllocations[HeapTypeToIndex(allocDesc.HeapType)];

+        }

+        if(!m_AlwaysCommitted &&

+            (allocDesc.Flags & ALLOCATION_FLAG_COMMITTED) == 0)

+        {

+            const UINT defaultPoolIndex = CalcDefaultPoolIndex(allocDesc);

+            if(defaultPoolIndex != UINT32_MAX)

+            {

+                outBlockVector = m_BlockVectors[defaultPoolIndex];

+                const UINT64 preferredBlockSize = outBlockVector->GetPreferredBlockSize();

+                if(allocSize > preferredBlockSize)

+                {

+                    outBlockVector = NULL;

+                }

+                else if(allocSize > preferredBlockSize / 2)

+                {

+                    // Heuristics: Allocate committed memory if requested size if greater than half of preferred block size.

+                    outPreferCommitted = true;

+                }

+            }

+        }

+    }

+    if(resDesc != NULL && PrefersCommittedAllocation(*resDesc))

+        outPreferCommitted = true;

+    return S_OK;



 UINT AllocatorPimpl::CalcDefaultPoolCount() const

