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<div class="title">General considerations </div> </div>
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<div class="textblock"><h1><a class="anchor" id="general_considerations_thread_safety"></a>
Thread safety</h1>
<li>The library has no global state, so separate <a class="el" href="class_d3_d12_m_a_1_1_allocator.html" title="Represents main object of this library initialized for particular ID3D12Device.">D3D12MA::Allocator</a> objects can be used independently. In typical applications there should be no need to create multiple such objects though - one per <code>ID3D12Device</code> is enough.</li>
<li>All calls to methods of <a class="el" href="class_d3_d12_m_a_1_1_allocator.html" title="Represents main object of this library initialized for particular ID3D12Device.">D3D12MA::Allocator</a> class are safe to be made from multiple threads simultaneously because they are synchronized internally when needed.</li>
<li>When the allocator is created with <a class="el" href="namespace_d3_d12_m_a.html#ad5ae5a5e42b878f2e18ab5d1fbfb9916a1b06bb21df006f76a9ed1bc41838bc52">D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_FLAG_SINGLETHREADED</a>, calls to methods of <a class="el" href="class_d3_d12_m_a_1_1_allocator.html" title="Represents main object of this library initialized for particular ID3D12Device.">D3D12MA::Allocator</a> class must be made from a single thread or synchronized by the user. Using this flag may improve performance.</li>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="general_considerations_future_plans"></a>
Future plans</h1>
<p>Features planned for future releases:</p>
<p>Near future: feature parity with <a href="">Vulkan Memory Allocator</a>, including:</p>
<li>Alternative allocation algorithms: linear allocator, buddy allocator</li>
<li>Support for priorities using <code>ID3D12Device1::SetResidencyPriority</code></li>
<li>Memory defragmentation</li>
<li>Support for multi-GPU (multi-adapter)</li>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="general_considerations_features_not_supported"></a>
Features not supported</h1>
<p>Features deliberately excluded from the scope of this library:</p>
<li>Descriptor allocation. Although also called "heaps", objects that represent descriptors are separate part of the D3D12 API from buffers and textures.</li>
<li>Support for <code>D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_CUSTOM</code>. Only the default heap types are supported: <code>UPLOAD</code>, <code>DEFAULT</code>, <code>READBACK</code>.</li>
<li>Support for reserved (tiled) resources. We don't recommend using them.</li>
<li>Support for <code>ID3D12Device::Evict</code> and <code>MakeResident</code>. We don't recommend using them.</li>
<li>Handling CPU memory allocation failures. When dynamically creating small C++ objects in CPU memory (not the GPU memory), allocation failures are not handled gracefully, because that would complicate code significantly and is usually not needed in desktop PC applications anyway. Success of an allocation is just checked with an assert.</li>
<li>Code free of any compiler warnings - especially those that would require complicating the code just to please the compiler complaining about unused parameters, variables, or expressions being constant in Relese configuration, e.g. because they are only used inside an assert.</li>
<li>This is a C++ library. Bindings or ports to any other programming languages are welcomed as external projects and are not going to be included into this repository. </li>
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