Improvements in the sample app

Now accepting command line parameters. Command line syntax:
-h, --Help   Print this information
-l, --List   Print list of GPUs
-g S, --GPU S   Select GPU with name containing S
-i N, --GPUIndex N   Select GPU index N

Added printing of adapter and device capabilities related to memory at startup.
Added struct GPUSelection, class DXGIUsage, struct CommandLineParameters.
Fixed macros CHECK_BOOL,. CHECK_HR.
Improved error handling.
diff --git a/src/Common.h b/src/Common.h
index 8ba8212..c824dc4 100644
--- a/src/Common.h
+++ b/src/Common.h
@@ -55,13 +55,14 @@

 #define STRINGIZE2(x) #x


-#define FAIL(msg) do { \

-        assert(0 && msg); \

-        throw std::runtime_error(msg); \

-    } while(false)


-#define CHECK_BOOL(expr)  do { if(!(expr)) FAIL(__FILE__ "(" LINE_STRING "): !( " #expr " )"); } while(false)

-#define CHECK_HR(expr)  do { if(FAILED(expr)) FAIL(__FILE__ "(" LINE_STRING "): FAILED( " #expr " )"); } while(false)

+#define CHECK_BOOL(expr)  do { if(!(expr)) { \

+        assert(0 && #expr); \

+        throw std::runtime_error(__FILE__ "(" LINE_STRING "): ( " #expr " ) == false"); \

+    } } while(false)

+#define CHECK_HR(expr)  do { if(FAILED(expr)) { \

+        assert(0 && #expr); \

+        throw std::runtime_error(__FILE__ "(" LINE_STRING "): FAILED( " #expr " )"); \

+    } } while(false)


 template <typename T>

 inline constexpr T CeilDiv(T x, T y)

diff --git a/src/D3D12Sample.cpp b/src/D3D12Sample.cpp
index 8eb91b1..b403a6a 100644
--- a/src/D3D12Sample.cpp
+++ b/src/D3D12Sample.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,15 @@
     #include "Shaders\PS_Compiled.h"



+enum class ExitCode : int


+    GPUList = 2,

+    Help = 1,

+    Success = 0,

+    RuntimeError = -1,

+    CommandLineError = -2,



 static const wchar_t * const CLASS_NAME = L"D3D12MemAllocSample";

 static const wchar_t * const WINDOW_TITLE = L"D3D12 Memory Allocator Sample";

 static const int SIZE_X = 1024;

@@ -54,11 +63,31 @@
 static HINSTANCE g_Instance;

 static HWND g_Wnd;


+struct GPUSelection


+    UINT32 Index = UINT32_MAX;

+    std::wstring Substring;



+class DXGIUsage



+    void Init();

+    IDXGIFactory4* GetDXGIFactory() const { return m_DXGIFactory; }

+    void PrintAdapterList() const;

+    // If failed, returns null pointer.

+    CComPtr<IDXGIAdapter1> CreateAdapter(const GPUSelection& GPUSelection) const;



+    CComPtr<IDXGIFactory4> m_DXGIFactory;



 static UINT64 g_TimeOffset; // In ms.

 static UINT64 g_TimeValue; // Time since g_TimeOffset, in ms.

 static float g_Time; // g_TimeValue converted to float, in seconds.

 static float g_TimeDelta;


+static DXGIUsage* g_DXGIUsage;

 static CComPtr<ID3D12Device> g_Device;

 static D3D12MA::Allocator* g_Allocator;


@@ -152,6 +181,41 @@



+struct CommandLineParameters


+    bool m_Help = false;

+    bool m_List = false;

+    GPUSelection m_GPUSelection;


+    bool Parse(int argc, wchar_t** argv)

+    {

+        for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)

+        {

+            if(_wcsicmp(argv[i], L"-h") == 0 || _wcsicmp(argv[i], L"--Help") == 0)

+            {

+                m_Help = true;

+            }

+            else if(_wcsicmp(argv[i], L"-l") == 0 || _wcsicmp(argv[i], L"--List") == 0)

+            {

+                m_List = true;

+            }

+            else if((_wcsicmp(argv[i], L"-g") == 0 || _wcsicmp(argv[i], L"--GPU") == 0) && i + 1 < argc)

+            {

+                m_GPUSelection.Substring = argv[i + 1];

+                ++i;

+            }

+            else if((_wcsicmp(argv[i], L"-i") == 0 || _wcsicmp(argv[i], L"--GPUIndex") == 0) && i + 1 < argc)

+            {

+                m_GPUSelection.Index = _wtoi(argv[i + 1]);

+                ++i;

+            }

+            else

+                return false;

+        }

+        return true;

+    }

+} g_CommandLineParameters;


 static void SetDefaultRasterizerDesc(D3D12_RASTERIZER_DESC& outDesc)


     outDesc.FillMode = D3D12_FILL_MODE_SOLID;

@@ -368,36 +432,197 @@
     return Result;



-void InitD3D() // initializes direct3d 12

+void DXGIUsage::Init()


-    IDXGIFactory4* dxgiFactory;

-    CHECK_HR( CreateDXGIFactory1(IID_PPV_ARGS(&dxgiFactory)) );

+    g_Instance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL);


+    CoInitialize(NULL);


+    CHECK_HR( CreateDXGIFactory1(IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_DXGIFactory)) );



-    IDXGIAdapter1* adapter = nullptr; // adapters are the graphics card (this includes the embedded graphics on the motherboard)


-    int adapterIndex = 0; // we'll start looking for directx 12  compatible graphics devices starting at index 0


-    bool adapterFound = false; // set this to true when a good one was found


-                               // find first hardware gpu that supports d3d 12

-    while (dxgiFactory->EnumAdapters1(adapterIndex, &adapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)

+void DXGIUsage::PrintAdapterList() const


+    UINT index = 0;

+    CComPtr<IDXGIAdapter1> adapter;

+    while (m_DXGIFactory->EnumAdapters1(index, &adapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)


         DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 desc;



-        if ((desc.Flags & DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG_SOFTWARE) == 0)

+        const bool isSoftware = (desc.Flags & DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG_SOFTWARE) != 0;

+        const wchar_t* const suffix = isSoftware ? L" (SOFTWARE)" : L"";

+        wprintf(L"Adapter %u: %s%s\n", index, desc.Description, suffix);


+        adapter.Release();

+        ++index;

+    }



+CComPtr<IDXGIAdapter1> DXGIUsage::CreateAdapter(const GPUSelection& GPUSelection) const


+    CComPtr<IDXGIAdapter1> adapter;


+    if(GPUSelection.Index != UINT32_MAX)

+    {

+        // Cannot specify both index and name.

+        if(!GPUSelection.Substring.empty())


-            HRESULT hr = D3D12CreateDevice(adapter, MY_D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL, _uuidof(ID3D12Device), nullptr);

-            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

+            return adapter;

+        }


+        CHECK_HR(m_DXGIFactory->EnumAdapters1(GPUSelection.Index, &adapter));

+        return adapter;

+    }


+    if(!GPUSelection.Substring.empty())

+    {

+        CComPtr<IDXGIAdapter1> tmpAdapter;

+        for(UINT i = 0; m_DXGIFactory->EnumAdapters1(i, &tmpAdapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; ++i)

+        {

+            DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 desc;

+            tmpAdapter->GetDesc1(&desc);

+            if(StrStrI(desc.Description, GPUSelection.Substring.c_str()))


-                adapterFound = true;

-                break;

+                // Second matching adapter found - error.

+                if(adapter)

+                {

+                    adapter.Release();

+                    return adapter;

+                }

+                // First matching adapter found.

+                adapter = std::move(tmpAdapter);

+            }

+            else 

+            {

+                tmpAdapter.Release();



-        adapter->Release();

-        adapterIndex++;

+        // Found or not, return it.

+        return adapter;


-    assert(adapterFound);


+    // Select first one.

+    m_DXGIFactory->EnumAdapters1(0, &adapter);

+    return adapter;



+static const uint32_t VENDOR_ID_AMD = 0x1002;

+static const uint32_t VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA = 0x10DE;

+static const uint32_t VENDOR_ID_INTEL = 0x8086;


+static const wchar_t* VendorIDToStr(uint32_t vendorID)


+    switch(vendorID)

+    {

+    case 0x10001: return L"VIV";

+    case 0x10002: return L"VSI";

+    case 0x10003: return L"KAZAN";

+    case 0x10004: return L"CODEPLAY";

+    case 0x10005: return L"MESA";

+    case 0x10006: return L"POCL";

+    case VENDOR_ID_AMD: return L"AMD";

+    case VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA: return L"NVIDIA";

+    case VENDOR_ID_INTEL: return L"Intel";

+    case 0x1010: return L"ImgTec";

+    case 0x13B5: return L"ARM";

+    case 0x5143: return L"Qualcomm";

+    }

+    return L"";



+static std::wstring SizeToStr(size_t size)


+    if(size == 0)

+        return L"0";

+    wchar_t result[32];

+    double size2 = (double)size;

+    if (size2 >= 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0)

+    {

+        swprintf_s(result, L"%.2f TB", size2 / (1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0));

+    }

+    else if (size2 >= 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0)

+    {

+        swprintf_s(result, L"%.2f GB", size2 / (1024.0*1024.0*1024.0));

+    }

+    else if (size2 >= 1024.0*1024.0)

+    {

+        swprintf_s(result, L"%.2f MB", size2 / (1024.0*1024.0));

+    }

+    else if (size2 >= 1024.0)

+    {

+        swprintf_s(result, L"%.2f KB", size2 / 1024.0);

+    }

+    else

+        swprintf_s(result, L"%llu B", size);

+    return result;



+static void PrintAdapterInformation(IDXGIAdapter1* adapter)


+    DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 adapterDesc = {};

+    adapter->GetDesc1(&adapterDesc);

+    wprintf(L"DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1:\n");

+    wprintf(L"    Description = %s\n", adapterDesc.Description);

+    wprintf(L"    VendorId = 0x%X (%s)\n", adapterDesc.VendorId, VendorIDToStr(adapterDesc.VendorId));

+    wprintf(L"    DeviceId = 0x%X\n", adapterDesc.DeviceId);

+    wprintf(L"    SubSysId = 0x%X\n", adapterDesc.SubSysId);

+    wprintf(L"    Revision = 0x%X\n", adapterDesc.Revision);

+    wprintf(L"    DedicatedVideoMemory = %zu B (%s)\n", adapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory, SizeToStr(adapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory).c_str());

+    wprintf(L"    DedicatedSystemMemory = %zu B (%s)\n", adapterDesc.DedicatedSystemMemory, SizeToStr(adapterDesc.DedicatedSystemMemory).c_str());

+    wprintf(L"    SharedSystemMemory = %zu B (%s)\n", adapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory, SizeToStr(adapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory).c_str());


+    const D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS& options = g_Allocator->GetD3D12Options();

+    wprintf(L"D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS:\n");

+    wprintf(L"    StandardSwizzle64KBSupported = %u\n", options.StandardSwizzle64KBSupported ? 1 : 0);

+    wprintf(L"    CrossAdapterRowMajorTextureSupported = %u\n", options.CrossAdapterRowMajorTextureSupported ? 1 : 0);

+    switch(options.ResourceHeapTier)

+    {

+    case D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1:

+        wprintf(L"    ResourceHeapTier = D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1\n");

+        break;

+    case D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_2:

+        wprintf(L"    ResourceHeapTier = D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_2\n");

+        break;

+    default:

+        assert(0);

+    }


+    CComPtr<IDXGIAdapter3> adapter3;

+    if(SUCCEEDED(adapter->QueryInterface(&adapter3)))

+    {

+        wprintf(L"DXGI_QUERY_VIDEO_MEMORY_INFO:\n");

+        for(UINT groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < 2; ++groupIndex)

+        {


+            const wchar_t* const groupName = groupIndex == 0 ? L"DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL" : L"DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_NON_LOCAL";

+            DXGI_QUERY_VIDEO_MEMORY_INFO info = {};

+            CHECK_HR(adapter3->QueryVideoMemoryInfo(0, group, &info));

+            wprintf(L"    %s:\n", groupName);

+            wprintf(L"        Budget = %llu B (%s)\n", info.Budget, SizeToStr(info.Budget).c_str());

+            wprintf(L"        CurrentUsage = %llu B (%s)\n", info.CurrentUsage, SizeToStr(info.CurrentUsage).c_str());

+            wprintf(L"        AvailableForReservation = %llu B (%s)\n", info.AvailableForReservation, SizeToStr(info.AvailableForReservation).c_str());

+            wprintf(L"        CurrentReservation = %llu B (%s)\n", info.CurrentReservation, SizeToStr(info.CurrentReservation).c_str());

+        }

+    }


+    assert(g_Device);

+    D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE1 architecture1 = {};

+    if(SUCCEEDED(g_Device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_ARCHITECTURE1, &architecture1, sizeof architecture1)))

+    {

+        wprintf(L"D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_ARCHITECTURE1:\n");

+        wprintf(L"    UMA: %u\n", architecture1.UMA ? 1 : 0);

+        wprintf(L"    CacheCoherentUMA: %u\n", architecture1.CacheCoherentUMA ? 1 : 0);

+        wprintf(L"    IsolatedMMU: %u\n", architecture1.IsolatedMMU ? 1 : 0);

+    }



+static void InitD3D() // initializes direct3d 12


+    assert(g_DXGIUsage);


+    CComPtr<IDXGIAdapter1> adapter = g_DXGIUsage->CreateAdapter(g_CommandLineParameters.m_GPUSelection);

+    CHECK_BOOL(adapter);


     // Must be done before D3D12 device is created.


@@ -432,20 +657,11 @@


         CHECK_HR( D3D12MA::CreateAllocator(&desc, &g_Allocator) );


-        switch(g_Allocator->GetD3D12Options().ResourceHeapTier)

-        {

-        case D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1:

-            wprintf(L"ResourceHeapTier = D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_1\n");

-            break;

-        case D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_2:

-            wprintf(L"ResourceHeapTier = D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER_2\n");

-            break;

-        default:

-            assert(0);

-        }



+    PrintAdapterInformation(adapter);

+    wprintf(L"\n");


     // -- Create the Command Queue -- //


     D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC cqDesc = {}; // we will be using all the default values

@@ -477,7 +693,7 @@

     IDXGISwapChain* tempSwapChain;


-    CHECK_HR( dxgiFactory->CreateSwapChain(

+    CHECK_HR( g_DXGIUsage->GetDXGIFactory()->CreateSwapChain(

         g_CommandQueue, // the queue will be flushed once the swap chain is created

         &swapChainDesc, // give it the swap chain description we created above

         &tempSwapChain // store the created swap chain in a temp IDXGISwapChain interface

@@ -1408,23 +1624,47 @@



+#define CATCH_PRINT_ERROR(extraCatchCode) \

+    catch(const std::exception& ex) \

+    { \

+        fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: %hs\n", ex.what()); \

+        extraCatchCode \

+    } \

+    catch(...) \

+    { \

+        fwprintf(stderr, L"UNKNOWN ERROR.\n"); \

+        extraCatchCode \

+    }


 static LRESULT WINAPI WndProc(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)




     case WM_CREATE:

         g_Wnd = wnd;

-        InitD3D();

-        g_TimeOffset = GetTickCount64();

+        try

+        {

+            InitD3D();

+            g_TimeOffset = GetTickCount64();

+        }

+        CATCH_PRINT_ERROR(return -1;)

         return 0;


     case WM_DESTROY:

-        Cleanup();

+        try

+        {

+            Cleanup();

+        }



         return 0;


     case WM_KEYDOWN:

-        OnKeyDown(wParam);

+        try

+        {

+            OnKeyDown(wParam);

+        }

+        CATCH_PRINT_ERROR(DestroyWindow(wnd);)

         return 0;



@@ -1448,40 +1688,6 @@



-struct CommandLineParameters


-    bool m_Help;

-    bool m_List;

-    UINT32 m_GPUIndex = UINT32_MAX;

-    std::wstring m_GPUSubstring;


-    bool Parse(int argc, wchar_t** argv)

-    {

-        for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)

-        {

-            if(_wcsicmp(argv[i], L"-h") == 0 || _wcsicmp(argv[i], L"--Help") == 0)

-            {

-                m_Help = true;

-            }

-            else if(_wcsicmp(argv[i], L"-l") == 0 || _wcsicmp(argv[i], L"--List") == 0)

-            {

-                m_List = true;

-            }

-            else if((_wcsicmp(argv[i], L"-g") == 0 || _wcsicmp(argv[i], L"--GPU") == 0) && i + 1 < argc)

-            {

-                m_GPUSubstring = argv[i + 1];

-            }

-            else if((_wcsicmp(argv[i], L"-i") == 0 || _wcsicmp(argv[i], L"--GPUIndex") == 0) && i + 1 < argc)

-            {

-                m_GPUIndex = _wtoi(argv[i + 1]);

-            }

-            else

-                return false;

-        }

-        return true;

-    }



 static void PrintLogo()


     wprintf(L"%s\n", WINDOW_TITLE);

@@ -1498,28 +1704,8 @@



-int main2(int argc, wchar_t** argv)

+int MainWindow()


-    CommandLineParameters cmdLineParams;

-    if(!cmdLineParams.Parse(argc, argv))

-    {

-        wprintf(L"ERROR: Invalid command line syntax.\n");

-        PrintLogo();

-        PrintHelp();

-        return -1;

-    }


-    if(cmdLineParams.m_Help)

-    {

-        PrintLogo();

-        PrintHelp();

-        return 0;

-    }


-    g_Instance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL);


-    CoInitialize(NULL);


     WNDCLASSEX wndClass;

     ZeroMemory(&wndClass, sizeof(wndClass));

     wndClass.cbSize = sizeof(wndClass);

@@ -1576,20 +1762,41 @@
     return (int)msg.wParam;



+int Main2(int argc, wchar_t** argv)


+    PrintLogo();


+    if(!g_CommandLineParameters.Parse(argc, argv))

+    {

+        wprintf(L"ERROR: Invalid command line syntax.\n");

+        PrintHelp();

+        return (int)ExitCode::CommandLineError;

+    }


+    if(g_CommandLineParameters.m_Help)

+    {

+        PrintHelp();

+        return (int)ExitCode::Help;

+    }


+    std::unique_ptr<DXGIUsage> DXGIUsage(new DXGIUsage());

+    DXGIUsage->Init();

+    g_DXGIUsage = DXGIUsage.get();


+    if(g_CommandLineParameters.m_List)

+    {

+        DXGIUsage->PrintAdapterList();

+        return (int)ExitCode::GPUList;

+    }


+    return MainWindow();



 int wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv)




-        return main2(argc, argv);

+        return Main2(argc, argv);


-    catch(const std::exception& ex)

-    {

-        fwprintf(stderr, L"ERROR: %hs\n", ex.what());

-        return -1;

-    }

-    catch(...)

-    {

-        fwprintf(stderr, L"UNKNOWN ERROR.\n");

-        return -1;

-    }

+    CATCH_PRINT_ERROR(return (int)ExitCode::RuntimeError;)


diff --git a/src/Tests.cpp b/src/Tests.cpp
index 7a65ad5..9cdb140 100644
--- a/src/Tests.cpp
+++ b/src/Tests.cpp
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@

         if(values[i] != value++)


-            //FAIL("ValidateData failed.");

+            //CHECK_BOOL(0 && "ValidateData failed.");

             return false;



@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@

         if(values[i] != 0)


-            //FAIL("ValidateData failed.");

+            //CHECK_BOOL(0 && "ValidateData failed.");

             return false;

