blob: 278740dfc02d2fcdc6c5a660300eb02d8b8a5992 [file] [log] [blame]
: # If you want to use a local build of libsharpyuv, you must clone the libwebp repo in this directory first,
: # then enable CMake's AVIF_LOCAL_LIBSHARPYUV option.
: # The odd choice of comment style in this file is to try to share this script between *nix and win32.
: # cmake and ninja must be in your PATH.
: # If you're running this on Windows, be sure you've already run this (from your VC2019 install dir):
: # "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
: # libsharpyuv is part of the libwebp repo.
git clone --single-branch
cd libwebp
git checkout e2c85878f6a33f29948b43d3492d9cdaf801aa54
mkdir build
cd build
ninja sharpyuv
cd ../..