blob: d5c5b95b1332b0174aa704e85bd53b7db6b4f417 [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable=C0301
Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
Utilities for accessing Google Cloud Storage, using the boto library (wrapper
for the XML API).
API/library references:
# pylint: enable=C0301
# System-level imports
import errno
import hashlib
import os
import posixpath
import Queue
import re
import sys
import threading
# Imports from third-party code
TRUNK_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir))
for import_subdir in ['boto']:
import_dirpath = os.path.join(
TRUNK_DIRECTORY, 'third_party', 'externals', import_subdir)
if import_dirpath not in sys.path:
# We need to insert at the beginning of the path, to make sure that our
# imported versions are favored over others that might be in the path.
sys.path.insert(0, import_dirpath)
from boto.exception import BotoServerError
from import acl
from import Bucket
from import GSConnection
from import Key
from boto.s3.bucketlistresultset import BucketListResultSet
from boto.s3.connection import SubdomainCallingFormat
from boto.s3.prefix import Prefix
# How many files to upload at once, by default.
# TODO(epoger): Is there a way to compute this intelligently? To some extent
# it is a function of how many cores are on the machine, and how many other
# processes it is running; but it's probably more a function of how much time
# each core sits idle waiting for network I/O to complete.
_GS_PREFIX = 'gs://'
class AnonymousGSConnection(GSConnection):
"""GSConnection class that allows anonymous connections.
The GSConnection class constructor in doesn't allow
for anonymous connections (connections without credentials), so we have to
override it.
def __init__(self):
super(GSConnection, self).__init__(
# This is the important bit we need to add...
# ...and these are just copied in from GSConnection.__init__()
class GSUtils(object):
"""Utilities for accessing Google Cloud Storage, using the boto library."""
class Permission:
"""Fine-grained permissions that may be set per user/group on each file.
See SupportedPermissions in
Also see
EMPTY = None
class PredefinedACL:
"""Canned ACLs that provide a "base coat" of permissions for each file.
See CannedACLStrings in
Also see
AUTHENTICATED_READ = 'authenticated-read'
BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL = 'bucket-owner-full-control'
BUCKET_OWNER_READ = 'bucket-owner-read'
PRIVATE = 'private'
PROJECT_PRIVATE = 'project-private'
PUBLIC_READ = 'public-read'
PUBLIC_READ_WRITE = 'public-read-write'
class IdType:
"""Types of identifiers we can use to set "fine-grained" ACLs."""
class UploadIf:
"""Cases in which we will upload a file.
Beware of performance tradeoffs. E.g., if you are uploading just one small
file, the extra round trip to check for file existence and/or checksum may
take longer than just uploading the file.
See ('gs_utils: when uploading IF_NEW, batch up
checks for existing files within a single remote directory')
ALWAYS = 1 # always upload the file
IF_NEW = 2 # if there is an existing file with the same name,
# leave it alone
IF_MODIFIED = 3 # if there is an existing file with the same name and
# contents, leave it alone
def __init__(self, boto_file_path=None):
boto_file_path: full path (local-OS-style) on local disk where .boto
credentials file can be found. If None, then the GSUtils object
created will be able to access only public files in Google Storage.
Raises an exception if no file is found at boto_file_path, or if the file
found there is malformed.
self._gs_access_key_id = None
self._gs_secret_access_key = None
if boto_file_path:
print ('Reading boto file from %s' % boto_file_path)
boto_dict = _config_file_as_dict(filepath=boto_file_path)
self._gs_access_key_id = boto_dict['gs_access_key_id']
self._gs_secret_access_key = boto_dict['gs_secret_access_key']
# Which field we get/set in ACL entries, depending on IdType.
self._field_by_id_type = {
self.IdType.GROUP_BY_DOMAIN: 'domain',
self.IdType.GROUP_BY_EMAIL: 'email_address',
self.IdType.GROUP_BY_ID: 'id',
self.IdType.USER_BY_EMAIL: 'email_address',
self.IdType.USER_BY_ID: 'id',
def delete_file(self, bucket, path):
"""Delete a single file within a GS bucket.
TODO(epoger): what if bucket or path does not exist? Should probably raise
an exception. Implement, and add a test to exercise this.
bucket: GS bucket to delete a file from
path: full path (Posix-style) of the file within the bucket to delete
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=bucket)
key = Key(b) = path
except BotoServerError, e:
e.body = (repr(e.body) +
' while deleting gs://%s/%s' % (, path))
def get_last_modified_time(self, bucket, path):
"""Gets the timestamp of when this file was last modified.
bucket: GS bucket in which to look for the file
path: full path (Posix-style) of the file within the bucket to check
Returns the last modified time, as a freeform string. If the file was not
found, returns None.
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=bucket)
key = b.get_key(key_name=path)
if not key:
return None
return key.last_modified
except BotoServerError, e:
e.body = (repr(e.body) +
' while getting attributes of gs://%s/%s' % (, path))
def upload_file(self, source_path, dest_bucket, dest_path,
"""Upload contents of a local file to Google Storage.
source_path: full path (local-OS-style) on local disk to read from
dest_bucket: GS bucket to copy the file to
dest_path: full path (Posix-style) within that bucket
upload_if: one of the UploadIf values, describing in which cases we should
upload the file
predefined_acl: which predefined ACL to apply to the file on Google
Storage; must be one of the PredefinedACL values defined above.
If None, inherits dest_bucket's default object ACL.
fine_grained_acl_list: list of (id_type, id_value, permission) tuples
to apply to the uploaded file (on top of the predefined_acl),
or None if predefined_acl is sufficient
TODO(epoger): Consider adding a do_compress parameter that would compress
the file using gzip before upload, and add a "Content-Encoding:gzip" header
so that HTTP downloads of the file would be unzipped automatically.
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=dest_bucket)
local_md5 = None # filled in lazily
if upload_if == self.UploadIf.IF_NEW:
old_key = b.get_key(key_name=dest_path)
if old_key:
print ('Skipping upload of existing file gs://%s/%s' % (, dest_path))
elif upload_if == self.UploadIf.IF_MODIFIED:
old_key = b.get_key(key_name=dest_path)
if old_key:
if not local_md5:
local_md5 = _get_local_md5(path=source_path)
if ('"%s"' % local_md5) == old_key.etag:
print (
'Skipping upload of unmodified file gs://%s/%s : %s' % (, dest_path, local_md5))
elif upload_if != self.UploadIf.ALWAYS:
raise Exception('unknown value of upload_if: %s' % upload_if)
# Upload the file using a temporary name at first, in case the transfer
# is interrupted partway through.
if not local_md5:
local_md5 = _get_local_md5(path=source_path)
initial_key = Key(b) = dest_path + '-uploading-' + local_md5
except BotoServerError, e:
e.body = (repr(e.body) +
' while uploading source_path=%s to gs://%s/%s' % (
# Verify that the file contents were uploaded successfully.
# TODO(epoger): Check whether the boto library or XML API already do this...
# if so, we may be duplicating effort here, and maybe we don't need to do
# the whole "upload using temporary filename, then rename" thing.
# TODO(epoger): Confirm that the etag is set on the server side...
# otherwise, we may just be validating another MD5 hash that was generated
# on the client side before the file was uploaded!
validate_key = b.get_key(
if validate_key.etag != ('"%s"' % local_md5):
raise Exception('found wrong MD5 after uploading gs://%s/%s' % (,
# Rename the file to its real name.
# TODO(epoger): I don't know how long this takes. I wish we could rename
# the key instead, but AFAICT you can't do that.
# Perhaps we could use Key.compose() to create a composite object pointing
# at the original key?
# See
final_key = b.copy_key(
new_key_name=dest_path,,, preserve_acl=False)
# Set ACLs on the file.
# We do this *after* copy_key(), because copy_key's preserve_acl
# functionality would incur a performance hit.
for (id_type, id_value, permission) in fine_grained_acl_list or []:
id_type=id_type, id_value=id_value, permission=permission)
def upload_dir_contents(self, source_dir, dest_bucket, dest_dir,
upload_if=UploadIf.ALWAYS, **kwargs):
"""Recursively upload contents of a local directory to Google Storage.
source_dir: full path (local-OS-style) on local disk of directory to copy
contents of
dest_bucket: GS bucket to copy the files into
dest_dir: full path (Posix-style) within that bucket; write the files into
this directory. If None, write into the root directory of the bucket.
num_threads: how many files to upload at once
upload_if: one of the UploadIf values, describing in which cases we should
upload the file
kwargs: any additional keyword arguments "inherited" from upload_file()
The copy operates as a merge: any files in source_dir will be "overlaid" on
top of the existing content in dest_dir. Existing files with the same names
may or may not be overwritten, depending on the value of upload_if.
TODO(epoger): Upload multiple files simultaneously to reduce latency.
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=dest_bucket)
if not dest_dir:
dest_dir = ''
# Create a set of all files within source_dir.
source_fileset = set()
prefix_length = len(source_dir)+1
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(source_dir):
relative_dirpath = dirpath[prefix_length:]
for filename in filenames:
source_fileset.add(os.path.join(relative_dirpath, filename))
num_files_total = len(source_fileset)
# If we are only uploading files conditionally, remove any unnecessary
# files from source_fileset.
if upload_if == self.UploadIf.ALWAYS:
pass # there are no shortcuts... upload them all
# Create a mapping of filename to Key for existing files within dest_dir
existing_dest_filemap = {}
prefix = dest_dir
if prefix and not prefix.endswith('/'):
prefix += '/'
prefix_length = len(prefix)
items = BucketListResultSet(bucket=b, prefix=prefix)
for item in items:
if type(item) is Key:
existing_dest_filemap[[prefix_length:]] = item
# Now, depending on upload_if, trim files we should skip uploading.
files_in_common = source_fileset.intersection(
if upload_if == self.UploadIf.IF_NEW:
source_fileset -= files_in_common
elif upload_if == self.UploadIf.IF_MODIFIED:
for rel_path in files_in_common:
local_md5 = '"%s"' % _get_local_md5(path=os.path.join(
source_dir, rel_path))
key = existing_dest_filemap[rel_path]
if local_md5 == key.etag:
raise Exception('unknown value of upload_if: %s' % upload_if)
# Upload any files still in source_fileset.
num_files_to_upload = len(source_fileset)
print ('Uploading %d files, skipping %d ...' % (
num_files_to_upload, num_files_total - num_files_to_upload))
if num_files_to_upload == 0:
if num_threads > num_files_to_upload:
num_threads = num_files_to_upload
# Create a work queue with all files that need to be uploaded.
q = Queue.Queue(maxsize=num_files_to_upload)
for rel_path in source_fileset:
# Spin up worker threads to read from the task queue.
def worker():
while True:
rel_path = q.get(block=False)
except Queue.Empty:
return # no more tasks in the queue, so exit
print (' Uploading file %d/%d: %s' % (
num_files_to_upload - q.qsize(), num_files_to_upload, rel_path))
source_path=os.path.join(source_dir, rel_path),
dest_path=posixpath.join(dest_dir, rel_path),
for _ in range(num_threads):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
t.daemon = True
# Block until all files have been uploaded and all workers have exited.
def download_file(self, source_bucket, source_path, dest_path,
"""Downloads a single file from Google Cloud Storage to local disk.
source_bucket: GS bucket to download the file from
source_path: full path (Posix-style) within that bucket
dest_path: full path (local-OS-style) on local disk to copy the file to
create_subdirs_if_needed: boolean; whether to create subdirectories as
needed to create dest_path
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=source_bucket)
key = Key(b) = source_path
if create_subdirs_if_needed:
with open(dest_path, 'w') as f:
except BotoServerError, e:
e.body = (repr(e.body) +
' while downloading gs://%s/%s to local_path=%s' % (, source_path, dest_path))
def download_dir_contents(self, source_bucket, source_dir, dest_dir):
"""Recursively download contents of a Google Storage directory to local disk
source_bucket: GS bucket to copy the files from
source_dir: full path (Posix-style) within that bucket; read the files
from this directory
dest_dir: full path (local-OS-style) on local disk of directory to copy
the files into
The copy operates as a "merge with overwrite": any files in source_dir will
be "overlaid" on top of the existing content in dest_dir. Existing files
with the same names will be overwritten.
TODO(epoger): Download multiple files simultaneously to reduce latency.
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=source_bucket)
(dirs, files) = self.list_bucket_contents(
bucket=source_bucket, subdir=source_dir)
for filename in files:
key = Key(b) = posixpath.join(source_dir, filename)
dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
with open(dest_path, 'w') as f:
except BotoServerError, e:
e.body = (repr(e.body) +
' while downloading gs://%s/%s to local_path=%s' % (,, dest_path))
for dirname in dirs:
self.download_dir_contents( # recurse
source_dir=posixpath.join(source_dir, dirname),
dest_dir=os.path.join(dest_dir, dirname))
def get_acl(self, bucket, path, id_type, id_value):
"""Retrieve partial access permissions on a single file in Google Storage.
Various users who match this id_type/id_value pair may have access rights
other than that returned by this call, if they have been granted those
rights based on *other* id_types (e.g., perhaps they have group access
rights, beyond their individual access rights).
TODO(epoger): What if the remote file does not exist? This should probably
raise an exception in that case.
bucket: GS bucket
path: full path (Posix-style) to the file within that bucket
id_type: must be one of the IdType values defined above
id_value: get permissions for users whose id_type field contains this
Returns: the Permission value which has been set for users matching
this id_type/id_value, on this file; or Permission.EMPTY if no such
permissions have been set.
field = self._field_by_id_type[id_type]
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=bucket)
acls = b.get_acl(key_name=path)
matching_entries = [entry for entry in acls.entries.entry_list
if (entry.scope.type == id_type) and
(getattr(entry.scope, field) == id_value)]
if matching_entries:
assert len(matching_entries) == 1, '%d == 1' % len(matching_entries)
return matching_entries[0].permission
return self.Permission.EMPTY
def set_acl(self, bucket, path, id_type, id_value, permission):
"""Set partial access permissions on a single file in Google Storage.
Note that a single set_acl() call will not guarantee what access rights any
given user will have on a given file, because permissions are additive.
(E.g., if you set READ permission for a group, but a member of that group
already has WRITE permission, that member will still have WRITE permission.)
TODO(epoger): Do we know that for sure? I *think* that's how it works...
If there is already a permission set on this file for this id_type/id_value
combination, this call will overwrite it.
TODO(epoger): What if the remote file does not exist? This should probably
raise an exception in that case.
bucket: GS bucket
path: full path (Posix-style) to the file within that bucket
id_type: must be one of the IdType values defined above
id_value: add permission for users whose id_type field contains this value
permission: permission to add for users matching id_type/id_value;
must be one of the Permission values defined above.
If Permission.EMPTY, then any permissions will be granted to this
particular id_type/id_value will be removed... but, given that
permissions are additive, specific users may still have access rights
based on permissions given to *other* id_type/id_value pairs.
Example Code:
bucket = 'gs://bucket-name'
path = 'path/to/file'
id_type = IdType.USER_BY_EMAIL
id_value = ''
set_acl(bucket, path, id_type, id_value, Permission.READ)
assert Permission.READ == get_acl(bucket, path, id_type, id_value)
set_acl(bucket, path, id_type, id_value, Permission.WRITE)
assert Permission.WRITE == get_acl(bucket, path, id_type, id_value)
field = self._field_by_id_type[id_type]
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=bucket)
acls = b.get_acl(key_name=path)
# Remove any existing entries that refer to the same id_type/id_value,
# because the API will fail if we try to set more than one.
matching_entries = [entry for entry in acls.entries.entry_list
if (entry.scope.type == id_type) and
(getattr(entry.scope, field) == id_value)]
if matching_entries:
assert len(matching_entries) == 1, '%d == 1' % len(matching_entries)
# Add a new entry to the ACLs.
if permission != self.Permission.EMPTY:
args = {'type': id_type, 'permission': permission}
args[field] = id_value
new_entry = acl.Entry(**args)
# Finally, write back the modified ACLs.
b.set_acl(acl_or_str=acls, key_name=path)
def list_bucket_contents(self, bucket, subdir=None):
"""Returns files in the Google Storage bucket as a (dirs, files) tuple.
TODO(epoger): This should raise an exception if subdir does not exist in
Google Storage; right now, it just returns empty contents.
bucket: name of the Google Storage bucket
subdir: directory within the bucket to list, or None for root directory
# The GS command relies on the prefix (if any) ending with a slash.
prefix = subdir or ''
if prefix and not prefix.endswith('/'):
prefix += '/'
prefix_length = len(prefix) if prefix else 0
b = self._connect_to_bucket(bucket=bucket)
items = BucketListResultSet(bucket=b, prefix=prefix, delimiter='/')
dirs = []
files = []
for item in items:
t = type(item)
if t is Key:
elif t is Prefix:
return (dirs, files)
def is_gs_url(url):
"""Returns True if url is a legal Google Storage URL ("gs://bucket/file").
if url.lower().startswith(_GS_PREFIX) and len(url) > len(_GS_PREFIX):
return url[len(_GS_PREFIX)].isalnum()
return False
except AttributeError:
return False
def split_gs_url(url):
"""Returns (bucket, filepath) corresponding to a legal Google Storage URL.
Raises AttributeError if the input URL is not a legal Google Storage URL.
if not GSUtils.is_gs_url(url):
raise AttributeError('"%s" is not a legal Google Storage URL' % url)
prefix_removed = url[len(_GS_PREFIX):]
pathsep_index = prefix_removed.find('/')
if pathsep_index < 0:
return (prefix_removed, '')
return (prefix_removed[:pathsep_index],
def _connect_to_bucket(self, bucket):
"""Returns a Bucket object we can use to access a particular bucket in GS.
bucket: name of the bucket (e.g., 'chromium-skia-gm'), or a Bucket
object (in which case this param is just returned as-is)
if type(bucket) is Bucket:
return bucket
return self._create_connection().get_bucket(bucket_name=bucket)
except BotoServerError, e:
e.body = repr(e.body) + ' while connecting to bucket=%s' % bucket
def _create_connection(self):
"""Returns a GSConnection object we can use to access Google Storage."""
if self._gs_access_key_id:
return GSConnection(
return AnonymousGSConnection()
def _config_file_as_dict(filepath):
"""Reads a boto-style config file into a dict.
Parses all lines from the file of this form: key = value
TODO(epoger): Create unittest.
filepath: path to config file on local disk
Returns: contents of the config file, as a dictionary
Raises exception if file not found.
dic = {}
line_regex = re.compile('^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$')
with open(filepath) as f:
for line in f:
match = line_regex.match(line)
if match:
(key, value) = match.groups()
dic[key] = value
return dic
def _makedirs_if_needed(path):
"""Creates a directory (and any parent directories needed), if it does not
exist yet.
path: full path of directory to create
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def _get_local_md5(path):
"""Returns the MD5 hash of a file on local disk."""
hasher = hashlib.md5()
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
while True:
data =*1024)
if not data:
return hasher.hexdigest()