blob: 39cab4d2d64e2661073db1ce733711b482c62d60 [file] [log] [blame]
package rietveld
import (
import (
var (
committedIssueRegexp []string = []string{
"Committed patchset #[0-9]+ \\((id:)?[0-9]+\\) as [0-9a-f]{2,40}",
"Change committed as [0-9]+",
// Issue contains information about a Rietveld issue.
type Issue struct {
CC []string
Closed bool
Committed bool
Created time.Time
CreatedString string `json:"created"`
Description string
Issue int
Messages []IssueMessage
Modified time.Time
ModifiedString string `json:"modified"`
Owner string
Project string
Reviewers []string
Subject string
// IssueMessage contains information about a comment on an issue.
type IssueMessage struct {
Date time.Time
DateString string `json:"date"`
Sender string
Text string
type issueListSortable []*Issue
func (p issueListSortable) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p issueListSortable) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Created.Before(p[j].Created) }
func (p issueListSortable) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
type rietveldResults struct {
Results []*Issue
Cursor string
func parseTime(t string) time.Time {
parsed, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999", t)
return parsed
// Rietveld is an object used for interacting with the issue tracker.
type Rietveld struct {
Url string
func (r Rietveld) get(suburl string, rv interface{}) error {
resp, err := http.Get(r.Url + suburl)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to GET %s: %v", r.Url+suburl, err)
dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
if err := dec.Decode(rv); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode JSON: %v", err)
return nil
// SearchTerm is a wrapper for search terms to pass into the Search method.
type SearchTerm struct {
Key string
Value string
func SearchOwner(name string) *SearchTerm {
return &SearchTerm{
Key: "owner",
Value: name,
func SearchModifiedAfter(after time.Time) *SearchTerm {
return &SearchTerm{
Key: "modified_after",
Value: url.QueryEscape(strings.Trim(strings.Split(after.UTC().String(), "+")[0], " ")),
func SearchOpen(open bool) *SearchTerm {
value := "2"
if open {
value = "3"
return &SearchTerm{
Key: "closed",
Value: value,
func SearchLimit(limit int) *SearchTerm {
return &SearchTerm{
Key: "limit",
Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", limit),
// Search returns a slice of Issues which fit the given criteria.
func (r Rietveld) Search(terms ...*SearchTerm) ([]*Issue, error) {
searchUrl := "/search?format=json"
for _, term := range terms {
searchUrl += fmt.Sprintf("&%s=%s", term.Key, term.Value)
var issues issueListSortable
cursor := ""
for {
var data rietveldResults
err := r.get(searchUrl+cursor, &data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Rietveld search failed: %v", err)
if len(data.Results) == 0 {
for _, issue := range data.Results {
fullIssue, err := r.getIssueProperties(issue.Issue, true)
if err != nil {
} else {
fullIssue.Created = parseTime(fullIssue.CreatedString)
fullIssue.Modified = parseTime(fullIssue.ModifiedString)
for _, msg := range fullIssue.Messages {
committed := false
for _, r := range committedIssueRegexp {
committed, err = regexp.MatchString(r, msg.Text)
if committed {
msg.Date = parseTime(msg.DateString)
if err != nil {
if committed {
fullIssue.Committed = true
issues = append(issues, &fullIssue)
cursor = "&cursor=" + data.Cursor
return issues, nil
// getIssueProperties returns a fully filled-in Issue object, as opposed to
// the partial data returned by Rietveld's search endpoint.
func (r Rietveld) getIssueProperties(issue int, messages bool) (Issue, error) {
url := fmt.Sprintf("/api/%v", issue)
if messages {
url += "?messages=true"
var res Issue
err := r.get(url, &res)
if err != nil {
return Issue{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to load details for issue %d: %v", issue, err)
return res, nil
// New returns a new Rietveld instance.
func New(url string) Rietveld {
url = strings.TrimRight(url, "/")
return Rietveld{url}