blob: 4161ccbbb1a0ae746f2cfebff77ec6aa3bc9fe68 [file] [log] [blame]
package database
import (
_ ""
_ ""
// Config information to create a database connection.
type DatabaseConfig struct {
MySQLString string
SQLiteFilePath string
MigrationSteps []MigrationStep
// Single step to migrated from one database version to the next and back.
type MigrationStep struct {
MySQLUp []string
MySQLDown []string
SQLiteUp []string
SQLiteDown []string
// Database handle to send queries to the underlying database.
type VersionedDB struct {
// Database intance that is either backed by SQLite or MySQl.
DB *sql.DB
// Keeps track if we are connected to MySQL or SQLite
IsMySQL bool
// List of migration steps for this database.
migrationSteps []MigrationStep
// Init must be called once before DB is used.
// Since it used glog, make sure it is also called after flag.Parse is called.
func NewVersionedDB(conf *DatabaseConfig) *VersionedDB {
// If there is a connection string then connect to the MySQL server.
// This is for testing only. In production we get the relevant information
// from the metadata server.
var err error
var isMySQL = true
var DB *sql.DB = nil
if conf.MySQLString != "" {
glog.Infoln("Opening SQL database.")
if DB, err = sql.Open("mysql", conf.MySQLString); err == nil {
glog.Infoln("Sending Ping.")
err = DB.Ping()
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalln("Failed to open connection to SQL server:", err)
} else {
// Open a local SQLite database instead.
glog.Infof("Opening local sqlite database at: %s", conf.SQLiteFilePath)
// Fallback to sqlite for local use.
DB, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", conf.SQLiteFilePath)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalln("Failed to open:", err)
isMySQL = false
result := &VersionedDB{
migrationSteps: conf.MigrationSteps,
// Make sure the migration table exists.
if err := result.checkVersionTable(); err != nil {
// We are using panic() instead of Fataln() to be able to trap this
// in tests and make sure it fails when no version table exists.
glog.Errorln("Unable to create version table.")
panic("Attempt to create version table returned: " + err.Error())
glog.Infoln("Version table OK.")
// Migrate to the latest version if we are using SQLite, so we don't have
// to run the *_migratdb command for a local database.
if !result.IsMySQL {
// Ping the database occasionally to keep the connection fresh.
go func() {
c := time.Tick(1 * time.Minute)
for _ = range c {
if err := result.DB.Ping(); err != nil {
glog.Warningln("Database failed to respond:", err)
glog.Infof("db: Successful ping")
return result
// Close the underlying database.
func (vdb *VersionedDB) Close() error {
return vdb.DB.Close()
// Migrates the database to the specified target version. Use DBVersion() to
// retrieve the current version of the database.
func (vdb *VersionedDB) Migrate(targetVersion int) error {
if (targetVersion < 0) || (targetVersion > vdb.MaxDBVersion()) {
glog.Fatalf("Target db version must be in range: [0 .. %d]", vdb.MaxDBVersion())
currentVersion, err := vdb.DBVersion()
if err != nil {
return err
if targetVersion == currentVersion {
return nil
// start a transaction
txn, err := vdb.DB.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Rolling back commit. Error: %s", err)
} else {
glog.Infoln("Committing changes.")
// run through the transactions
runSteps := vdb.getMigrations(currentVersion, targetVersion)
if len(runSteps) == 0 {
glog.Fatalln("Unable to find migration steps.")
for _, step := range runSteps {
for _, stmt := range step {
glog.Infoln("EXECUTING: \n", stmt)
if _, err = txn.Exec(stmt); err != nil {
return err
// update the dbversion table
if err = vdb.setDBVersion(txn, targetVersion); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Returns the current version of the database. It assumes that the
// Migrate function has already been called and the version table has been
// created in the database.
func (vdb *VersionedDB) DBVersion() (int, error) {
stmt := `
SELECT version
FROM sk_db_version
WHERE id=1`
var version int
err := vdb.DB.QueryRow(stmt).Scan(&version)
return version, err
// Returns the highest version currently available.
func (vdb *VersionedDB) MaxDBVersion() int {
return len(vdb.migrationSteps)
// Returns an error if the version table does not exist.
func (vdb *VersionedDB) checkVersionTable() error {
// Check if the table exists in MySQL or SQLite.
stmt := "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'sk_db_version'"
if !vdb.IsMySQL {
stmt = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='sk_db_version';"
var temp string
err := vdb.DB.QueryRow(stmt).Scan(&temp)
if err != nil {
// See if we can create the version table.
return vdb.ensureVersionTable()
return nil
func (vdb *VersionedDB) setDBVersion(txn *sql.Tx, newDBVersion int) error {
stmt := `REPLACE INTO sk_db_version (id, version, updated) VALUES(1, ?, ?)`
_, err := txn.Exec(stmt, newDBVersion, time.Now().Unix())
return err
func (vdb *VersionedDB) ensureVersionTable() error {
txn, err := vdb.DB.Begin()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Encountered error rolling back: %s", err)
} else {
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("Unable to start database transaction. %s", err)
stmt := `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sk_db_version (
if _, err = txn.Exec(stmt); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Creating version table failed: %s", err)
stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sk_db_version"
var count int
if err = txn.QueryRow(stmt).Scan(&count); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to read version table: %s", err)
// In both cases we want the transaction to roll back.
if count == 0 {
err = vdb.setDBVersion(txn, 0)
} else if count > 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("Version table contains more than one row.")
return err
// Returns the SQL statements base on whether we are using MySQL and the
// current and target DB version.
// This function assumes that currentVersion != targetVersion.
func (vdb *VersionedDB) getMigrations(currentVersion int, targetVersion int) [][]string {
inc := util.SignInt(targetVersion - currentVersion)
idx := currentVersion
if inc < 0 {
idx = currentVersion - 1
delta := util.AbsInt(targetVersion - currentVersion)
result := make([][]string, 0, delta)
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
var temp []string
switch {
// using mysqlp
case (inc > 0) && vdb.IsMySQL:
temp = vdb.migrationSteps[idx].MySQLUp
case (inc < 0) && vdb.IsMySQL:
temp = vdb.migrationSteps[idx].MySQLDown
// using sqlite
case (inc > 0):
temp = vdb.migrationSteps[idx].SQLiteUp
case (inc < 0):
temp = vdb.migrationSteps[idx].SQLiteDown
result = append(result, temp)
idx += inc
return result