blob: 0943971e873ee5b63ba94e8cc13a89a0f097366b [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Skia Performance Monitoring | Compare Verticals</title>
{{template "header.html" .}}
<link href="/res/imp/compare.html" rel="import" />
<scaffold-sk responsiveWidth="700px">
{{template "titlebar.html" .}}
<div id="container">
<section id=compare>
<h2>Compare Results</h2>
<div id=vInput>
Vertical to compare:
<input type="radio" name="vertical" value="arch">arch</input>
<input type="radio" name="vertical" value="config" checked>config</input>
<input type="radio" name="vertical" value="os">os</input>
<input type="radio" name="vertical" value="scale">scale</input>
<div id="sk-query"></div>
<button id="start" type="submit">Compare</button>
Use latest results up to: <select id="commitSel"></select>
<div id="compStatus"></div>
<div id="skCompare"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
(function() {
* beginCompare starts an XHR request to populate variables used by
* sk.Compare.display(), then calls it to display compare results.
* compare: the sk.Compare object.
* vertical: the trace param criterion we are comparing in, e.g., "config".
* selections: the query selection result as url fragment.
* commit: string of commit hash. If invalid or not found, will use latest
* available data.
* See query and compare modules for more details.
function beginCompare(compare, vertical, selections, commit) {
// The pair of vertical values to compare against.
var pair = [
"8888", "gpu",
// List of table columns.
var cols = [
// cells contains data for the table cells, keyed by test name as row name.
// Within each row, keys are the corresponding column indices in the cols
// array above and values are the bench values corresponding to the pair of
// verticals above.
var cells = {
"Deque_Push_640_480": {
"0": [0.9, 1.3],
"2": [1.1, 0.8],
"Another_Test": {
"1": [0, 0.7],
}; = 'wait';
var re = new RegExp(vertical + '=', 'g');
var inparam = selections.match(re);
if (!inparam || inparam.length != 2) {
alert("Please select EXACTLY two elements from " + vertical); = 'auto';
var col_params = ['arch', 'config', 'extra_config', 'gpu', 'model', 'os'];
sk.get('/single/' + commit + '?' + selections).then(JSON.parse).then(function(json) {
json.traces.forEach(function(tr) {
var params = tr['params'];
if (pair.indexOf(params[vertical]) < 0) {
// Constructs the column string.
var col = {
if (key != vertical) {
return params[key];
} else {
return '';
}).filter(function(v) {
return (v && v.length > 0);
if (cols.indexOf(col) < 0) {
// Records new data.
var row = params['test'];
if (!(row in cells)) {
cells[row] = {};
var colIdxStr = cols.indexOf(col).toString();
if (!(colIdxStr in cells[row])) {
cells[row][colIdxStr] = [0, 0];
var pairIdx = pair.indexOf(params[vertical]);
if (cells[row][colIdxStr][pairIdx] !== 0) {
// row/col combination not unique: something wrong with the data.
alert('Duplicate data for ' + row + ':' + col); = 'auto';
// Records the latest value.
cells[row][colIdxStr][pairIdx] = tr['val'];
if (cols.length == 0 || pair.length != 2) {
$$$('#compStatus').innerText = 'No data row or column.';
} else {
$$$('#compStatus').innerText = 'Comparing "' + vertical + '", ratio ' +
pair[1] + ' / ' + pair[0] + ':';
compare.display(cols, cells);
} = 'auto';
alert(e); = 'auto';
* populateAndSetCommits populates latest commit info into the select DOM.
* selectDom: a given <select> DOM.
* options are sorted by latest commits first. Option's value is the commit's
* hash in the tile commit data.
* TODO: move to a common file?
function populateAndSetCommits(selectDom, beginHash, endHash) {
if (selectDom.nodeName != 'SELECT') {
alert('Cannot populate non-SELECT DOM!');
sk.get('/shortcommits/?begin=' + beginHash + '&end=' + endHash).then(JSON.parse).then(function(json){
for (var i = 0; i < json.Commits.length; i++) {
var c = json.Commits[i];
var opt = document.createElement('OPTION');
opt.value = c.Hash;
opt.innerText = [c.Hash.substring(0, 7), c.Author,
c.Subject.substr(0, 80)].join(':');
selectDom.insertBefore(opt, selectDom.firstChild);
function onLoad() {
var compare = new sk.Compare();
var endCommit = "";
for (i = json.commits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (json.commits[i].hash.length > 0) {
endCommit = json.commits[i].hash;
populateAndSetCommits($$$('#commitSel'), json.commits[0].hash, endCommit);
$$$('#start').addEventListener('click', function(){
beginCompare(compare, $$$('input[name="vertical"]:checked').value, $$$('query-sk').currentQuery, $$$('#commitSel').value);
$$$('#commitSel').addEventListener('change', function(){
beginCompare(compare, $$$('input[name="vertical"]:checked').value, $$$('query-sk').currentQuery, $$$('#commitSel').value);