blob: 96a0f9c6033cdf2b3c67cc16e3464453687c87d1 [file] [log] [blame]
package types
import (
// FillType is how filling in of missing values should be done in Trace.Grow().
type FillType int
const (
FILL_BEFORE FillType = iota
// Trace represents a single series of measurements. The actual values it
// stores per Commit is defined by implementations of Trace.
type Trace interface {
// Returns the parameters that describe this trace.
Params() map[string]string
// Merge this trace with the given trace. The given trace is expected to come
// after this trace.
Merge(Trace) Trace
DeepCopy() Trace
// Grow the measurements, filling in with sentinel values either before or
// after based on FillType.
Grow(int, FillType)
// The number of samples in the series.
Len() int
// IsMissing returns true if the measurement at index i is a sentinel value,
// for example, config.MISSING_DATA_SENTINEL.
IsMissing(i int) bool
// Trim trims the measurements to just the range from [begin, end).
// Just like a Go [:] slice this is inclusive of begin and exclusive of end.
// The length on the Trace will then become end-begin.
Trim(begin, end int) error
// Matches returns true if the given Trace matches the given query.
func Matches(tr Trace, query url.Values) bool {
for k, values := range query {
if _, ok := tr.Params()[k]; !ok || !util.In(tr.Params()[k], values) {
return false
return true
// PerfTrace represents all the values of a single floating point measurement.
// *PerfTrace implements Trace.
type PerfTrace struct {
Values []float64 `json:"values"`
Params_ map[string]string `json:"params"`
func (t *PerfTrace) Params() map[string]string {
return t.Params_
func (t *PerfTrace) Len() int {
return len(t.Values)
func (t *PerfTrace) IsMissing(i int) bool {
return t.Values[i] == config.MISSING_DATA_SENTINEL
func (t *PerfTrace) DeepCopy() Trace {
n := len(t.Values)
cp := &PerfTrace{
Values: make([]float64, n, n),
Params_: make(map[string]string),
copy(cp.Values, t.Values)
for k, v := range t.Params_ {
cp.Params_[k] = v
return cp
func (t *PerfTrace) Merge(next Trace) Trace {
nextPerf := next.(*PerfTrace)
n := len(t.Values) + len(nextPerf.Values)
n1 := len(t.Values)
merged := NewPerfTraceN(n)
merged.Params_ = t.Params_
for k, v := range nextPerf.Params_ {
merged.Params_[k] = v
for i, v := range t.Values {
merged.Values[i] = v
for i, v := range nextPerf.Values {
merged.Values[n1+i] = v
return merged
func (t *PerfTrace) Grow(n int, fill FillType) {
if n < len(t.Values) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Grow must take a value (%d) larger than the current Trace size: %d", n, len(t.Values)))
delta := n - len(t.Values)
newValues := make([]float64, n)
if fill == FILL_AFTER {
copy(newValues, t.Values)
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
newValues[i+len(t.Values)] = config.MISSING_DATA_SENTINEL
} else {
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
newValues[i] = config.MISSING_DATA_SENTINEL
copy(newValues[delta:], t.Values)
t.Values = newValues
func (g *PerfTrace) Trim(begin, end int) error {
if end < begin || end > g.Len() || begin < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Trim range [%d, %d) of [0, %d]", begin, end, g.Len())
n := end - begin
newValues := make([]float64, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
newValues[i] = g.Values[i+begin]
g.Values = newValues
return nil
// NewPerfTrace allocates a new Trace set up for the given number of samples.
// The Trace Values are pre-filled in with the missing data sentinel since not
// all tests will be run on all commits.
func NewPerfTrace() *PerfTrace {
return NewPerfTraceN(config.TILE_SIZE)
// NewPerfTraceN allocates a new Trace set up for the given number of samples.
// The Trace Values are pre-filled in with the missing data sentinel since not
// all tests will be run on all commits.
func NewPerfTraceN(n int) *PerfTrace {
t := &PerfTrace{
Values: make([]float64, n, n),
Params_: make(map[string]string),
for i, _ := range t.Values {
t.Values[i] = config.MISSING_DATA_SENTINEL
return t
func init() {
// Register *PerfTrace and *GoldenTrace in gob so that it can be used as a
// concrete type for Trace when writing and reading Tiles in gobs.
type TryBotResults struct {
// Map from Trace key to value.
Values map[string]float64
func NewTryBotResults() *TryBotResults {
return &TryBotResults{
Values: map[string]float64{},
func AsCalculatedID(id string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(id, "!") {
return id
return "!" + id
func IsCalculatedID(id string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(id, "!")
func AsFormulaID(id string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(id, "@") {
return id
return "@" + id
func IsFormulaID(id string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(id, "@")
func FormulaFromID(id string) string {
return id[1:]
// Commit is information about each Git commit.
type Commit struct {
CommitTime int64 `json:"commit_time" bq:"timestamp" db:"ts"`
Hash string `json:"hash" bq:"gitHash" db:"githash"`
Author string `json:"author" db:"author"`
// Tile is a config.TILE_SIZE commit slice of data.
// The length of the Commits array is the same length as all of the Values
// arrays in all of the Traces.
type Tile struct {
Traces map[string]Trace `json:"traces"`
ParamSet map[string][]string `json:"param_set"`
Commits []*Commit `json:"commits"`
// What is the scale of this Tile, i.e. it contains every Nth point, where
// N=const.TILE_SCALE^Scale.
Scale int `json:"scale"`
TileIndex int `json:"tileIndex"`
// NewTile returns an new Tile object.
func NewTile() *Tile {
t := &Tile{
Traces: map[string]Trace{},
ParamSet: map[string][]string{},
Commits: make([]*Commit, config.TILE_SIZE, config.TILE_SIZE),
for i := range t.Commits {
t.Commits[i] = &Commit{}
return t
// LastCommitIndex returns the index of the last valid Commit.
func (t Tile) LastCommitIndex() int {
for i := len(t.Commits) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if t.Commits[i].CommitTime != 0 {
return i
return 0
// Returns the hashes of the first and last commits in the Tile.
func (t Tile) CommitRange() (string, string) {
return t.Commits[0].Hash, t.Commits[t.LastCommitIndex()].Hash
// Makes a copy of the tile where the Traces and Commits are deep copies and
// all the rest of the data is a shallow copy.
func (t Tile) Copy() *Tile {
ret := &Tile{
Traces: map[string]Trace{},
ParamSet: t.ParamSet,
Scale: t.Scale,
TileIndex: t.TileIndex,
Commits: make([]*Commit, len(t.Commits)),
for i, c := range t.Commits {
cp := *c
ret.Commits[i] = &cp
for k, v := range t.Traces {
ret.Traces[k] = v.DeepCopy()
return ret
// Trim trims the measurements to just the range from [begin, end).
// Just like a Go [:] slice this is inclusive of begin and exclusive of end.
// The length on the Traces will then become end-begin.
func (t Tile) Trim(begin, end int) (*Tile, error) {
length := end - begin
if end < begin || end > len(t.Commits) || begin < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Trim range [%d, %d) of [0, %d]", begin, end, length)
ret := &Tile{
Traces: map[string]Trace{},
ParamSet: t.ParamSet,
Scale: t.Scale,
TileIndex: t.TileIndex,
Commits: make([]*Commit, length),
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
cp := *t.Commits[i+begin]
ret.Commits[i] = &cp
for k, v := range t.Traces {
t := v.DeepCopy()
if err := t.Trim(begin, end); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to Trim trace: %s", err)
ret.Traces[k] = t
return ret, nil
// TraceGUI is used in TileGUI.
type TraceGUI struct {
Data [][2]float64 `json:"data"`
Label string `json:"label"`
Params map[string]string `json:"_params"`
// TileGUI is the JSON the server serves for tile requests.
type TileGUI struct {
ParamSet map[string][]string `json:"paramset,omitempty"`
Commits []*Commit `json:"commits,omitempty"`
Scale int `json:"scale"`
Tiles []int `json:"tiles"`
Ticks []interface{} `json:"ticks"` // The x-axis tick marks.
Skps []int `json:"skps"` // The x values where SKPs were regenerated.
func NewTileGUI(scale int, tileIndex int) *TileGUI {
return &TileGUI{
ParamSet: make(map[string][]string, 0),
Commits: make([]*Commit, 0),
Scale: scale,
Tiles: []int{tileIndex},
// TileStore is an interface representing the ability to save and restore Tiles.
type TileStore interface {
Put(scale, index int, tile *Tile) error
// Get returns the Tile for a given scale and index. Pass in -1 for index to
// get the last tile for a given scale. Each tile contains its tile index and
// scale. Get returns (nil, nil) if there is no data in the store yet for that
// scale and index. The implementation of TileStore can assume that the
// caller will not modify the tile it returns.
Get(scale, index int) (*Tile, error)
// GetModifiable behaves identically to Get, except it always returns a
// copy that can be modified.
GetModifiable(scale, index int) (*Tile, error)
// ValueWeight is a weight proportional to the number of times the parameter
// Value appears in a cluster. Used in ClusterSummary.
type ValueWeight struct {
Value string
Weight int
// StepFit stores information on the best Step Function fit on a trace.
// Used in ClusterSummary.
type StepFit struct {
// LeastSquares is the Least Squares error for a step function curve fit to the trace.
LeastSquares float64
// TurningPoint is the index where the Step Function changes value.
TurningPoint int
// StepSize is the size of the step in the step function. Negative values
// indicate a step up, i.e. they look like a performance regression in the
// trace, as opposed to positive values which look like performance
// improvements.
StepSize float64
// The "Regression" value is calculated as Step Size / Least Squares Error.
// The better the fit the larger the number returned, because LSE
// gets smaller with a better fit. The higher the Step Size the
// larger the number returned.
Regression float64
// Status of the cluster.
// Values can be "High", "Low", and "Uninteresting"
Status string
// ClusterSummary is a summary of a single cluster of traces.
type ClusterSummary struct {
// Traces contains at most config.MAX_SAMPLE_TRACES_PER_CLUSTER sample
// traces, the first is the centroid.
Traces [][][]float64
// Keys of all the members of the Cluster.
Keys []string
// ParamSummaries is a summary of all the parameters in the cluster.
ParamSummaries [][]ValueWeight
// StepFit is info on the fit of the centroid to a step function.
StepFit *StepFit
// Hash is the Git hash at the step point.
Hash string
// Timestamp is when this hash was committed.
Timestamp int64
// Status is the status, "New", "Ingore" or "Bug".
Status string
// A note about the Status.
Message string
// ID is the identifier for this summary in the datastore.
ID int64
// Bugs is a list of IDs of bugs in the codesite issue tracker.
Bugs []int64
// ValidStatusValues are the valid values of ClusterSummary.Status when the
// ClusterSummary is used as an alert.
var ValidStatusValues = []string{"New", "Ignore", "Bug"}
func NewClusterSummary(numKeys, numTraces int) *ClusterSummary {
return &ClusterSummary{
Keys: make([]string, numKeys),
Traces: make([][][]float64, numTraces),
ParamSummaries: [][]ValueWeight{},
StepFit: &StepFit{},
Hash: "",
Timestamp: 0,
Status: "",
Message: "",
ID: -1,
// Merge adds in new info from the passed in ClusterSummary.
func (c *ClusterSummary) Merge(from *ClusterSummary) {
for _, k := range from.Keys {
if !util.In(k, c.Keys) {
c.Keys = append(c.Keys, k)
// Merge the two Tiles, presuming tile1 comes before tile2.
func Merge(tile1, tile2 *Tile) *Tile {
n := len(tile1.Commits) + len(tile2.Commits)
n1 := len(tile1.Commits)
t := &Tile{
Traces: make(map[string]Trace),
ParamSet: make(map[string][]string),
Commits: make([]*Commit, n, n),
for i := range t.Commits {
t.Commits[i] = &Commit{}
// Merge the Commits.
for i, c := range tile1.Commits {
t.Commits[i] = c
for i, c := range tile2.Commits {
t.Commits[n1+i] = c
// Merge the Traces.
seen := map[string]bool{}
for key, trace := range tile1.Traces {
seen[key] = true
if trace2, ok := tile2.Traces[key]; ok {
t.Traces[key] = trace.Merge(trace2)
} else {
cp := trace.DeepCopy()
cp.Grow(n, FILL_AFTER)
t.Traces[key] = cp
// Now add in the traces that are only in tile2.
for key, trace := range tile2.Traces {
if _, ok := seen[key]; ok {
cp := trace.DeepCopy()
cp.Grow(n, FILL_BEFORE)
t.Traces[key] = cp
// Recreate the ParamSet.
for _, trace := range t.Traces {
for k, v := range trace.Params() {
if _, ok := t.ParamSet[k]; !ok {
t.ParamSet[k] = []string{v}
} else if !util.In(v, t.ParamSet[k]) {
t.ParamSet[k] = append(t.ParamSet[k], v)
t.Scale = tile1.Scale
t.TileIndex = tile1.TileIndex
return t
const (
// No digest available.
// GoldenTrace represents all the Digests of a single test across a series
// of Commits. GoldenTrace implements the Trace interface.
type GoldenTrace struct {
Params_ map[string]string
Values []string
func (g *GoldenTrace) Params() map[string]string {
return g.Params_
func (g *GoldenTrace) Len() int {
return len(g.Values)
func (g *GoldenTrace) IsMissing(i int) bool {
return g.Values[i] == MISSING_DIGEST
func (g *GoldenTrace) DeepCopy() Trace {
n := len(g.Values)
cp := &GoldenTrace{
Values: make([]string, n, n),
Params_: make(map[string]string),
copy(cp.Values, g.Values)
for k, v := range g.Params_ {
cp.Params_[k] = v
return cp
func (g *GoldenTrace) Merge(next Trace) Trace {
nextGold := next.(*GoldenTrace)
n := len(g.Values) + len(nextGold.Values)
n1 := len(g.Values)
merged := NewGoldenTraceN(n)
merged.Params_ = g.Params_
for k, v := range nextGold.Params_ {
merged.Params_[k] = v
for i, v := range g.Values {
merged.Values[i] = v
for i, v := range nextGold.Values {
merged.Values[n1+i] = v
return merged
func (g *GoldenTrace) Grow(n int, fill FillType) {
if n < len(g.Values) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Grow must take a value (%d) larger than the current Trace size: %d", n, len(g.Values)))
delta := n - len(g.Values)
newValues := make([]string, n)
if fill == FILL_AFTER {
copy(newValues, g.Values)
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
newValues[i+len(g.Values)] = MISSING_DIGEST
} else {
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
newValues[i] = MISSING_DIGEST
copy(newValues[delta:], g.Values)
g.Values = newValues
func (g *GoldenTrace) Trim(begin, end int) error {
if end < begin || end > g.Len() || begin < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Trim range [%d, %d) of [0, %d]", begin, end, g.Len())
n := end - begin
newValues := make([]string, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
newValues[i] = g.Values[i+begin]
g.Values = newValues
return nil
// NewGoldenTrace allocates a new Trace set up for the given number of samples.
// The Trace Values are pre-filled in with the missing data sentinel since not
// all tests will be run on all commits.
func NewGoldenTrace() *GoldenTrace {
return NewGoldenTraceN(config.TILE_SIZE)
// NewGoldenTraceN allocates a new Trace set up for the given number of samples.
// The Trace Values are pre-filled in with the missing data sentinel since not
// all tests will be run on all commits.
func NewGoldenTraceN(n int) *GoldenTrace {
g := &GoldenTrace{
Values: make([]string, n, n),
Params_: make(map[string]string),
for i, _ := range g.Values {
g.Values[i] = MISSING_DIGEST
return g
// Activity stores information on one user action activity. This corresponds to
// one record in the activity database table. See for details.
type Activity struct {
ID int
TS int64
UserID string
Action string
URL string
// Date returns an RFC3339 string for the Activity's TS.
func (a *Activity) Date() string {
return time.Unix(a.TS, 0).Format(time.RFC3339)