blob: cb4aa2e34a947e95681b75fec435f05375ab6183 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
// ingest is the command line tool for pulling performance data from Google
// Storage and putting in Tiles. See the code in go/ingester for details on how
// ingestion is done.
import (
// flags
var (
timestampFile = flag.String("timestamp_file", "/tmp/timestamp.json", "File where timestamp data for ingester runs will be stored.")
tileDir = flag.String("tile_dir", "/tmp/tileStore2/", "Path where tiles will be placed.")
gitRepoDir = flag.String("git_repo_dir", "../../../skia", "Directory location for the Skia repo.")
runEvery = flag.Duration("run_every", 5*time.Minute, "How often the ingester should pull data from Google Storage.")
runTrybotEvery = flag.Duration("run_trybot_every", 1*time.Minute, "How often the ingester to pull trybot data from Google Storage.")
run = flag.String("run", "nano,nano-trybot,golden", "A comma separated list of ingesters to run.")
graphiteServer = flag.String("graphite_server", "skia-monitoring:2003", "Where is Graphite metrics ingestion server running.")
doOauth = flag.Bool("oauth", true, "Run through the OAuth 2.0 flow on startup, otherwise use a GCE service account.")
oauthCacheFile = flag.String("oauth_cache_file", "/home/perf/", "Path to the file where to cache cache the oauth credentials.")
local = flag.Bool("local", false, "Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.")
fileCacheDir = flag.String("file_cache_dir", "", "Directory to cache JSON files.")
// Timestamps is used to read and write the timestamp file, which records the time
// each ingestion last completed successfully.
// If an entry doesn't exist it returns BEGINNING_OF_TIME.
// Timestamp files look something like:
// {
// "ingest":1445363563,
// "trybot":1445363564,
// "golden":1445363564,
// }
type Timestamps struct {
Ingester map[string]int64 // Maps ingester name to its timestamp.
filename string
mutex sync.Mutex
// NewTimestamp creates a new Timestamps that will read and write to the given
// filename.
func NewTimestamps(filename string) *Timestamps {
return &Timestamps{
Ingester: map[string]int64{
"ingest": config.BEGINNING_OF_TIME.Unix(),
"trybot": config.BEGINNING_OF_TIME.Unix(),
"golden": config.BEGINNING_OF_TIME.Unix(),
filename: filename,
// Read the timestamp data from the file.
func (t *Timestamps) Read() {
defer t.mutex.Unlock()
timestampFile, err := os.Open(t.filename)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error opening timestamp: %s", err)
defer timestampFile.Close()
err = json.NewDecoder(timestampFile).Decode(&t.Ingester)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed to parse file %s: %s", t.filename, err)
// Write the timestamp data to the file.
func (t *Timestamps) Write() {
defer t.mutex.Unlock()
writeTimestampFile, err := os.Create(t.filename)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Write Timestamps: Failed to open file %s for writing: %s", t.filename, err)
defer writeTimestampFile.Close()
if err := json.NewEncoder(writeTimestampFile).Encode(t.Ingester); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Write Timestamps: Failed to encode timestamp file: %s", err)
glog.Infof("TIMESTAMP WRITTEN %v", t.Ingester)
// Process is what each ingestion is wrapped up behind.
// A Process is expected to never return, and should be called as a Go routine.
type Process func()
// NewIngestionProcess creates a Process for ingesting data.
func NewIngestionProcess(ts *Timestamps, tsName string, git *gitinfo.GitInfo, tileDir, datasetName string, f ingester.IngestResultsFiles, gsDir string, every time.Duration, metricName string) Process {
i, err := ingester.NewIngester(git, tileDir, datasetName, f, gsDir, metricName)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to create Ingester: %s", err)
glog.Infof("Starting %s ingester. Run every %s. Fetch from %s ", tsName, every.String(), gsDir)
// oneStep is a single round of ingestion.
oneStep := func() {
glog.Infof("Running ingester: %s", tsName)
now := time.Now()
err := i.Update(true, ts.Ingester[tsName])
if err != nil {
} else {
ts.Ingester[tsName] = now.Unix()
glog.Infof("Finished running ingester: %s", tsName)
return func() {
for _ = range time.Tick(every) {
func main() {
common.InitWithMetrics("ingest", *graphiteServer)
// Initialize the database. We might not need the oauth dialog if it fails.
var client *http.Client
var err error
if *doOauth {
config := auth.DefaultOAuthConfig(*oauthCacheFile)
client, err = auth.RunFlow(config)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to auth: %s", err)
} else {
client = nil
// Add back service account access here when it's fixed.
ts := NewTimestamps(*timestampFile)
glog.Infof("Timestamps: %#v\n", ts.Ingester)
git, err := gitinfo.NewGitInfo(*gitRepoDir, true, false)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed loading Git info: %s\n", err)
// ingesters is a list of all the types of ingestion we can do.
ingesters := map[string]Process{
"nano": NewIngestionProcess(ts, "ingest", git, *tileDir, config.DATASET_NANO, ingester.NanoBenchIngestion, "nano-json-v1", *runEvery, "nano-ingest"),
"nano-trybot": NewIngestionProcess(ts, "trybot", git, *tileDir, config.DATASET_NANO, trybot.TrybotIngestion, "trybot/nano-json-v1", *runTrybotEvery, "nano-trybot"),
"golden": NewIngestionProcess(ts, "golden", git, *tileDir, config.DATASET_GOLDEN, goldingester.GoldenIngester, "dm-json-v1", *runEvery, "golden-ingest"),
for _, name := range strings.Split(*run, ",") {
glog.Infof("Process name: %s", name)
if process, ok := ingesters[name]; ok {
go process()
} else {
glog.Fatalf("Not a valid ingester name: %s", name)
select {}