blob: 3211b9d01f674040e01519078bce840227206eab [file] [log] [blame]
package alerting
import (
metrics ""
const (
var (
// The number of clusters with a status of "New".
newClustersGauge = metrics.NewRegisteredGauge("", metrics.DefaultRegistry)
// The number of times we've successfully done alert clustering.
runsCounter = metrics.NewRegisteredCounter("alerting.runs", metrics.DefaultRegistry)
// How long it takes to do a clustering run.
alertingLatency = metrics.NewRegisteredTimer("alerting.latency", metrics.DefaultRegistry)
// CombineClusters combines freshly found clusters with existing clusters.
// Algorithm:
// Run clustering and pick out the "Interesting" clusters.
// Compare all the Interesting clusters to all the existing relevant clusters,
// where "relevant" clusters are ones whose Hash/timestamp of the step
// exists in the current tile.
// Start with an empty "list".
// For each cluster:
// For each relevant existing cluster:
// Take the top 20 keys from the existing cluster and count how many appear
// in the cluster.
// If there are no matches then this is a new cluster, add it to the "list".
// If there are matches, possibly to multiple existing clusters, find the
// existing cluster with the most matches.
// Take the cluster (old/new) with the most members, or the best fit if
// they have the same number of matches.
// Return all the updated clusters.
func CombineClusters(freshSummaries, oldSummaries []*types.ClusterSummary) []*types.ClusterSummary {
ret := []*types.ClusterSummary{}
stillFresh := []*types.ClusterSummary{}
// If two cluster summaries have the same hash and same Regression direction
// then they are the same, merge them together.
for _, fresh := range freshSummaries {
for _, old := range oldSummaries {
if fresh.Hash == old.Hash && math.Signbit(fresh.StepFit.Regression) == math.Signbit(old.StepFit.Regression) {
ret = append(ret, old)
stillFresh = append(stillFresh, fresh)
// Even if a summary has a different hash it might still be the same event if
// there is an overlap in the traces each summary contains.
for _, fresh := range stillFresh {
var bestMatch *types.ClusterSummary = nil
bestMatchHits := 0
for _, old := range oldSummaries {
hits := 0
for _, key := range util.AtMost(old.Keys, 20) {
if util.In(key, fresh.Keys) {
hits += 1
if hits > bestMatchHits {
bestMatchHits = hits
bestMatch = old
if bestMatch != nil {
keysLengthEqual := len(fresh.Keys) == len(bestMatch.Keys)
regressionInSameDirection := math.Signbit(fresh.StepFit.Regression) == math.Signbit(bestMatch.StepFit.Regression)
freshHasBetterFit := math.Abs(fresh.StepFit.Regression) > math.Abs(bestMatch.StepFit.Regression)
freshHasMoreKeys := len(fresh.Keys) > len(bestMatch.Keys)
if freshHasMoreKeys || (keysLengthEqual && regressionInSameDirection && freshHasBetterFit) {
fresh.Status = bestMatch.Status
fresh.Message = bestMatch.Message
fresh.ID = bestMatch.ID
fresh.Bugs = bestMatch.Bugs
ret = append(ret, fresh)
// Find the bestMatch in oldSummaries and replace it with fresh.
for i, oldBest := range oldSummaries {
if oldBest == bestMatch {
oldSummaries[i] = fresh
} else {
ret = append(ret, fresh)
return ret
// processRows reads all the rows from the clusters table and constructs a
// slice of ClusterSummary's from them.
func processRows(rows *sql.Rows, err error) ([]*types.ClusterSummary, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read from database: %s", err)
defer rows.Close()
glog.Infof("Found rows %v", rows)
ret := []*types.ClusterSummary{}
for rows.Next() {
var body string
var id int64
if err := rows.Scan(&id, &body); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read row from database: %s", err)
c := &types.ClusterSummary{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), c); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Found invalid JSON in clusters table: %d %s", id, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read row from database: %s", err)
c.ID = id
glog.Infof("ID: %d", id)
ret = append(ret, c)
return ret, nil
// ListFrom returns all clusters that have a step that occur after the given
// timestamp.
func ListFrom(ts int64) ([]*types.ClusterSummary, error) {
rows, err := db.DB.Query("SELECT id, cluster FROM clusters WHERE ts>=? ORDER BY status DESC, ts DESC", ts)
return processRows(rows, err)
// ListByStatus returns all clusters that match the given status.
func ListByStatus(status string) ([]*types.ClusterSummary, error) {
rows, err := db.DB.Query("SELECT id, cluster FROM clusters WHERE status=?", status)
return processRows(rows, err)
// Get returns the cluster that matches the given id.
func Get(id int64) (*types.ClusterSummary, error) {
rows, err := db.DB.Query("SELECT id, cluster FROM clusters WHERE id=?", id)
matches, err := processRows(rows, err)
if len(matches) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to find cluster summary with id: %d", id)
return matches[0], nil
// Write writes a ClusterSummary to the datastore.
// If the ID is set to -1 then write it as a new entry, otherwise update the
// existing entry.
func Write(c *types.ClusterSummary) error {
// First trim down c.Traces to just the first entry, which is the centroid.
c.Traces = c.Traces[:1]
b, err := json.Marshal(c)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to encode to JSON: %s", err)
if c.ID == -1 {
_, err := db.DB.Exec(
"INSERT INTO clusters (ts, hash, regression, cluster, status, message) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
c.Timestamp, c.Hash, c.StepFit.Regression, string(b), c.Status, c.Message)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to write to database: %s", err)
} else {
_, err := db.DB.Exec(
"UPDATE clusters SET ts=?, hash=?, regression=?, cluster=?, status=?, message=? WHERE id=?",
c.Timestamp, c.Hash, c.StepFit.Regression, string(b), c.Status, c.Message, c.ID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update database: %s", err)
return nil
// Reset removes all non-Bug alerts from the database.
func Reset() error {
_, err := db.DB.Exec("DELETE FROM clusters WHERE status!='Bug'")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to write to database: %s", err)
return nil
func skpOnly(_ string, tr *types.PerfTrace) bool {
return tr.Params()["source_type"] == "skp"
// apiKeyFromFlag returns the key that it was passed if the key isn't empty,
// otherwise it tries to fetch the key from the metadata server.
// Returns the API Key, or "" if it failed to fetch the key from the metadata
// server.
func apiKeyFromFlag(apiKeyFlag string) string {
apiKey := apiKeyFlag
// If apiKey isn't passed in then read it from the metadata server.
if apiKey == "" {
var err error
if apiKey, err = metadata.Get(APIKEY_METADATA_KEY); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Retrieving API Key failed: %s", err)
return ""
return apiKey
// Issue is an individual issue returned from the project hosting response.
// It is used in IssueResponse.
type Issue struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
// IssueResponse is used to decode JSON responses from the project hosting API.
type IssueResponse struct {
Items []*Issue `json:"items"`
// updateBugs will find all the bugs the reference the alerting cluster will
// write them into the ClusterSummary and save it back to the store.
func updateBugs(c *types.ClusterSummary, apiKey string) {
// All issues reported through skiaperf will contain a URL of the form:
// Where NNN is the alerting cluster ID.
// Search through the project hosting API for all issues that match that URI.
url := "" + strconv.Itoa(int(c.ID)) + ".&fields=items%2Fid,items%2Fstate&key=" + apiKey
// This will return a JSON response of the form:
// {
// "items": [
// {
// "id": 2874,
// "state": "open"
// }
// ]
// }
// We don't currently use "state".
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Request to project hosting failed: %s", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
issueResponse := &IssueResponse{
Items: []*Issue{},
dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
if err := dec.Decode(&issueResponse); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed to decode project hosting response: %s", err)
glog.Infof("For %d Got %#v", c.ID, issueResponse)
bugs := []int64{}
for _, issue := range issueResponse.Items {
bugs = append(bugs, issue.ID)
if !util.Int64Equal(bugs, c.Bugs) {
c.Bugs = bugs
if err := Write(c); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Alerting: Failed to write updated cluster with bugs: %s", err)
// trimTime trims the Tile down to at most the last config.MAX_CLUSTER_COMMITS
// commits, less if there aren't that many commits in the Tile.
func trimTile(tile *types.Tile) (*types.Tile, error) {
end := tile.LastCommitIndex() + 1
begin := end - config.MAX_CLUSTER_COMMITS
if begin < 0 {
begin = 0
return tile.Trim(begin, end)
// singleStep does a single round of alerting.
func singleStep(tileStore types.TileStore, apiKey string) {
latencyBegin := time.Now()
tile, err := tileStore.Get(0, -1)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Alerting: Failed to get tile: %s", err)
tile, err = trimTile(tile)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Alerting: Failed to Trim tile down to size: %s", err)
summary, err := clustering.CalculateClusterSummaries(tile, CLUSTER_SIZE, CLUSTER_STDDEV, skpOnly)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Alerting: Failed to calculate clusters: %s", err)
fresh := []*types.ClusterSummary{}
for _, c := range summary.Clusters {
if math.Abs(c.StepFit.Regression) > clustering.INTERESTING_THRESHHOLD {
fresh = append(fresh, c)
old, err := ListFrom(tile.Commits[0].CommitTime)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Alerting: Failed to get existing clusters: %s", err)
glog.Infof("Found %d old", len(old))
glog.Infof("Found %d fresh", len(fresh))
updated := CombineClusters(fresh, old)
for _, c := range updated {
if c.Status == "" {
c.Status = "New"
if err := Write(c); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Alerting: Failed to write updated cluster: %s", err)
current, err := ListFrom(tile.Commits[0].CommitTime)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Alerting: Failed to get existing clusters: %s", err)
count := 0
for _, c := range current {
if c.Status == "New" {
if apiKey != "" {
updateBugs(c, apiKey)
} else {
glog.Infof("Skipping ClusterSummary.Bugs update because apiKey is missing.")
// Start kicks off a go routine the periodically refreshes the current alerting clusters.
func Start(tileStore types.TileStore, apiKeyFlag string) {
apiKey := apiKeyFromFlag(apiKeyFlag)
go func() {
for _ = range time.Tick(config.RECLUSTER_DURATION) {
singleStep(tileStore, apiKey)