blob: c0e7c5c674780dff5fe7bdcade657e03a4ce23f9 [file] [log] [blame]
package analysis
import (
metrics ""
ptypes ""
type PathToURLConverter func(string) string
// LabeledTrace stores a Trace with labels and digests. CommitIds, Digests and
// Labels are of the same length, identical indices refer to the same digest.
type LabeledTrace struct {
Params map[string]string
CommitIds []int
Digests []string
Labels []types.Label
Id int
func NewLabeledTrace(params map[string]string, capacity int, traceId int) *LabeledTrace {
return &LabeledTrace{
Params: params,
CommitIds: make([]int, 0, capacity),
Digests: make([]string, 0, capacity),
Labels: make([]types.Label, 0, capacity),
Id: traceId,
// addLabledDigests adds the given tripples of commitIds, digests and labels to this LabeledTrace.
func (lt *LabeledTrace) addLabeledDigests(commitIds []int, digests []string, labels []types.Label) {
lt.CommitIds = append(lt.CommitIds, commitIds...)
lt.Digests = append(lt.Digests, digests...)
lt.Labels = append(lt.Labels, labels...)
// LabeledTile aggregates the traces of a tile and provides a slice of commits
// that the commitIds in LabeledTrace refer to.
// LabeledTile and LabeledTrace store the cannonical information
// extracted from the unterlying tile store. The (redundant) output data is
// derived from these.
type LabeledTile struct {
Commits []*ptypes.Commit
// Traces are indexed by the primary key (test name). This is somewhat
// redundant, but this also output format.
Traces map[string][]*LabeledTrace
// Set of all parameters and their values.
allParams map[string][]string
// Keeps track of unique ids for traces within this tile.
traceIdCounter int
func NewLabeledTile() *LabeledTile {
return &LabeledTile{
Commits: []*ptypes.Commit{},
Traces: map[string][]*LabeledTrace{},
traceIdCounter: 0,
// getLabeledTrace is a utility function that returns the testName and a labeled
// trace for the given trace (read from a TileStore). If the LabeledTrace does
// not exist it will be added.
func (t *LabeledTile) getLabeledTrace(trace ptypes.Trace) (string, *LabeledTrace) {
params := trace.Params()
pKey := params[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
if _, ok := t.Traces[pKey]; !ok {
// Add the primary key with a single labled trace.
t.Traces[pKey] = []*LabeledTrace{}
// Search through the traces associated witht this test.
for _, v := range t.Traces[pKey] {
if util.MapsEqual(v.Params, params) {
return pKey, v
// If we cannot find the trace in our set of tests we are adding a new
// labeled trace.
newLT := NewLabeledTrace(params, trace.Len(), t.traceIdCounter)
t.Traces[pKey] = append(t.Traces[pKey], newLT)
return pKey, newLT
// LabelCounts is an output type to hold counts for classification labels.
type LabelCounts struct {
Unt []int `json:"unt"` // Untriaged
Pos []int `json:"pos"` // Positive
Neg []int `json:"neg"` // Negative
func newLabelCounts(length int) *LabelCounts {
return &LabelCounts{
Unt: make([]int, length),
Pos: make([]int, length),
Neg: make([]int, length),
// GUITileCounts is an output type for the aggregated label counts.
type GUITileCounts struct {
Commits []*ptypes.Commit `json:"commits"`
Ticks []interface{} `json:"ticks"`
Aggregated *LabelCounts `json:"aggregated"`
Counts map[string]*LabelCounts `json:"counts"`
AllParams map[string][]string `json:"allParams"`
Query map[string][]string `json:"query"`
// Analyzer continuously manages tasks like polling for new traces
// on disk and generating diffs between images. It is the primary interface
// to be called by the HTTP frontend.
type Analyzer struct {
expStore expstorage.ExpectationsStore
diffStore diff.DiffStore
tileStore ptypes.TileStore
// Canonical data structure to hold our information about commits, digests
// and labels.
currentTile *LabeledTile
// Output data structures that are derived from currentTile.
currentTileCounts *GUITileCounts
currentTestDetails *GUITestDetails
// Index to query the current tile.
index ParamIndex
// Maps from trace ids to the actual instances of LabeledTrace.
traceMap map[int]*LabeledTrace
// converter supplied by the client of the type to convert a path to a URL
pathToURLConverter PathToURLConverter
// Lock to protect the expectations and current* variables.
mutex sync.Mutex
// Counts the number of times the main event loop has executed.
// This is for testing only.
loopCounter int
func NewAnalyzer(expStore expstorage.ExpectationsStore, tileStore ptypes.TileStore, diffStore diff.DiffStore, puConverter PathToURLConverter, timeBetweenPolls time.Duration) *Analyzer {
result := &Analyzer{
expStore: expStore,
diffStore: diffStore,
tileStore: tileStore,
pathToURLConverter: puConverter,
currentTile: NewLabeledTile(),
go result.loop(timeBetweenPolls)
return result
// GetTileCounts returns an entire Tile which is a collection of 'traces' over
// a series of commits. Each trace contains the digests and their labels
// based on our knowledge about digests (expectations).
func (a *Analyzer) GetTileCounts(query map[string][]string) (*GUITileCounts, error) {
defer a.mutex.Unlock()
if len(query) > 0 {
tile, effectiveQuery := a.getSubTile(query)
if len(effectiveQuery) > 0 {
ret := a.getOutputCounts(tile)
ret.Query = effectiveQuery
return ret, nil
return a.currentTileCounts, nil
// GetTestDetails returns the untriaged, positive and negative digests for a
// specific test with the necessary information (diff metrics, image urls) to
// assign a label to the untriaged digests.
// If query is not empty then we will return traces that match the query.
// If the query is empty and testName is not empty we will return the
// traces of the corresponding test.If both query and testName are empty
// we will return all traces.
// TODO (stephana): If the result is too big we should add pagination.
func (a *Analyzer) GetTestDetails(testName string, query map[string][]string) (*GUITestDetails, error) {
defer a.mutex.Unlock()
var effectiveQuery map[string][]string
untriaged := a.currentTestDetails.Tests[testName].Untriaged
if len(query) > 0 {
var foundUntriaged map[string]*GUIUntriagedDigest
foundUntriaged, effectiveQuery = a.getUntriagedDigests(query, testName)
if len(effectiveQuery) > 0 {
untriaged = foundUntriaged
return &GUITestDetails{
AllParams: a.currentTestDetails.AllParams,
Query: effectiveQuery,
Tests: map[string]*GUITestDetail{
testName: &GUITestDetail{
Untriaged: untriaged,
Positive: a.currentTestDetails.Tests[testName].Positive,
Negative: a.currentTestDetails.Tests[testName].Negative,
}, nil
// SetDigestLabels sets the labels for the given digest and records the user
// that made the classification.
func (a *Analyzer) SetDigestLabels(labeledTestDigests map[string]types.TestClassification, userId string) (*GUITestDetails, error) {
defer a.mutex.Unlock()
expectations, err := a.expStore.Get(true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = a.expStore.Put(expectations, userId); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Let's update our knowledge of the labels.
a.setDerivedOutputs(a.currentTile, false)
result := map[string]*GUITestDetail{}
for testName := range labeledTestDigests {
result[testName] = a.currentTestDetails.Tests[testName]
return &GUITestDetails{
AllParams: a.currentTestDetails.AllParams,
Tests: result,
}, nil
// loop is the main event loop.
func (a *Analyzer) loop(timeBetweenPolls time.Duration) {
// The number of times we've successfully loaded and processed a tile.
runsCounter := metrics.NewRegisteredCounter("analysis.runs", metrics.DefaultRegistry)
// The number of times an error has ocurred when trying to load a tile.
errorTileLoadingCounter := metrics.NewRegisteredCounter("analysis.errors", metrics.DefaultRegistry)
processOneTile := func() {
glog.Info("Reading tiles ... ")
// Load the tile and process it.
tile, err := a.tileStore.Get(0, -1)
glog.Info("Done reading tiles.")
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error reading tile store: %s\n", err)
} else {
newLabeledTile := a.processTile(tile)
a.setDerivedOutputs(newLabeledTile, true)
glog.Info("Done processing tiles.")
// process a tile immediately and then at fixed points in time.
for _ = range time.Tick(timeBetweenPolls) {
// processTile processes the last two tiles and updates the cannonical and
// output data structures.
func (a *Analyzer) processTile(tile *ptypes.Tile) *LabeledTile {
glog.Info("Processing tile into LabeledTile ...")
result := NewLabeledTile()
tileLen := tile.LastCommitIndex() + 1
result.Commits = tile.Commits[:tileLen]
// Note: We are assumming that the number and order of traces will change
// over time.
for _, v := range tile.Traces {
tempCommitIds := make([]int, 0, tileLen)
tempLabels := make([]types.Label, 0, tileLen)
tempDigests := make([]string, 0, tileLen)
gTrace := v.(*ptypes.GoldenTrace)
// Iterate over the digests in this trace.
for i, v := range gTrace.Values[:tileLen] {
if gTrace.Values[i] != ptypes.MISSING_DIGEST {
tempCommitIds = append(tempCommitIds, i)
tempDigests = append(tempDigests, v)
tempLabels = append(tempLabels, types.UNTRIAGED)
// Label the digests and add them to the labeled traces.
testName, targetLabeledTrace := result.getLabeledTrace(v)
if err := a.labelDigests(testName, tempDigests, tempLabels); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error labeling digests: %s\n", err)
targetLabeledTrace.addLabeledDigests(tempCommitIds, tempDigests, tempLabels)
glog.Info("Done processing tile into LabeledTile.")
return result
// setDerivedOutputs derives the output data from the given tile and
// updates the outputs and tile in the analyzer. If needsLocking is true
// it will acquire the lock otherwise it assumes the calling function owns it.
func (a *Analyzer) setDerivedOutputs(labeledTile *LabeledTile, needsLocking bool) {
// Generate the lookup index for the tile and get all parameters.
var allParams map[string][]string
a.index, a.traceMap, allParams = getQueryIndex(labeledTile)
labeledTile.allParams = allParams
// calculate all the output data.
newTileCounts := a.getOutputCounts(labeledTile)
newTestDetails := a.getTestDetails(labeledTile)
// acquire the lock if necessary
if needsLocking {
defer a.mutex.Unlock()
// update the analyzer's data structures
a.currentTile = labeledTile
a.currentTileCounts = newTileCounts
a.currentTestDetails = newTestDetails
// partialUpdate iterates over the traces in of the tiles that have changed and
// labels them according to our current expecatations.
func (a *Analyzer) partialUpdate(labeledTestDigests map[string]types.TestClassification) {
for testName := range labeledTestDigests {
if traces, ok := a.currentTile.Traces[testName]; ok {
for _, trace := range traces {
// Note: This is potentially slower than using labels in
// labeledTestDigests directly, but it keeps the code simpler.
a.labelDigests(testName, trace.Digests, trace.Labels)
// labelDigest assignes a label to the given digests based on the expectations.
// Its assumes that targetLabels are pre-initialized, usualy with UNTRIAGED,
// because it will not change the label if the given test and digest cannot be
// found.
func (a *Analyzer) labelDigests(testName string, digests []string, targetLabels []types.Label) error {
expectations, err := a.expStore.Get(false)
if err != nil {
return err
for idx, digest := range digests {
if test, ok := expectations.Tests[testName]; ok {
if foundLabel, ok := test[digest]; ok {
targetLabels[idx] = foundLabel
return nil
// getUntriagedDigests returns the untriaged digests of a specific test that
// match the given query. In addition to the digests it returns the query
// that was used to retrieve them.
func (a *Analyzer) getUntriagedDigests(query map[string][]string, testName string) (map[string]*GUIUntriagedDigest, map[string][]string) {
query[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD] = []string{testName}
traces, effectiveQuery := a.queryTraces(query)
delete(effectiveQuery, types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD)
if len(effectiveQuery) == 0 {
return nil, effectiveQuery
current := a.currentTestDetails.Tests[testName].Untriaged
glog.Infof("CURRENT: %v", current)
ret := make(map[string]*GUIUntriagedDigest, len(current))
for _, trace := range traces {
for idx, label := range trace.Labels {
if label == types.UNTRIAGED {
if _, ok := ret[trace.Digests[idx]]; !ok {
glog.Infof("FOUND: %s", trace.Digests[idx])
ret[trace.Digests[idx]] = current[trace.Digests[idx]]
return ret, effectiveQuery
// getSubTile queries the index and returns a LabeledTile that contains the
// set of found traces. It also returns the subset of 'query' that contained
// valid parameters and values.
// If the returned query is empty the first return value is set to Nil,
// because now valid filter parameters were found in the query.
func (a *Analyzer) getSubTile(query map[string][]string) (*LabeledTile, map[string][]string) {
traces, effectiveQuery := a.queryTraces(query)
if len(effectiveQuery) == 0 {
return nil, effectiveQuery
result := NewLabeledTile()
result.Commits = a.currentTile.Commits
result.allParams = a.currentTile.allParams
result.Traces = map[string][]*LabeledTrace{}
for _, t := range traces {
testName := t.Params[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
if _, ok := result.Traces[testName]; !ok {
result.Traces[testName] = []*LabeledTrace{}
result.Traces[testName] = append(result.Traces[testName], t)
return result, effectiveQuery
// getOutputCounts derives the output counts from the given labeled tile.
func (a *Analyzer) getOutputCounts(labeledTile *LabeledTile) *GUITileCounts {
glog.Info("Starting to process output counts.")
// Stores the aggregated counts of a tile for each test.
tileCountsMap := make(map[string]*LabelCounts, len(labeledTile.Traces))
// Overall aggregated counts over all tests.
overallAggregates := newLabelCounts(len(labeledTile.Commits))
updateCounts(labeledTile, tileCountsMap, overallAggregates)
// TODO (stephana): Factor out human.FlotTickMarks and move it from
// perf to the shared go library.
// Generate the tickmarks for the commits.
ts := make([]int64, 0, len(labeledTile.Commits))
for _, c := range labeledTile.Commits {
if c.CommitTime != 0 {
ts = append(ts, c.CommitTime)
tileCounts := &GUITileCounts{
Commits: labeledTile.Commits,
Ticks: human.FlotTickMarks(ts),
Aggregated: overallAggregates,
Counts: tileCountsMap,
AllParams: labeledTile.allParams,
glog.Info("Done processing output counts.")
return tileCounts
func updateCounts(labeledTile *LabeledTile, tileCountsMap map[string]*LabelCounts, overallAggregates *LabelCounts) {
for testName, testTraces := range labeledTile.Traces {
acc := newLabelCounts(len(labeledTile.Commits))
for _, oneTrace := range testTraces {
for i, ci := range oneTrace.CommitIds {
switch oneTrace.Labels[i] {
case types.UNTRIAGED:
case types.POSITIVE:
case types.NEGATIVE:
tileCountsMap[testName] = acc
// Add the aggregates fro this test to the overall aggregates.
for idx, u := range acc.Unt {
overallAggregates.Unt[idx] += u
overallAggregates.Pos[idx] += acc.Pos[idx]
overallAggregates.Neg[idx] += acc.Neg[idx]