blob: 46d384f2f4f205fc6df2004e52a7014c2c301ccf [file] [log] [blame]
package testutils
import (
apipb ""
swarmingv2 ""
grpc ""
type TestClient struct {
botList []*apipb.BotInfo
botListMtx sync.RWMutex
taskList []*apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse
taskListMtx sync.RWMutex
triggerDedupe map[string][]string
triggerFailure map[string]bool
triggerNoResource map[string]bool
triggerMtx sync.Mutex
func NewTestClient() *TestClient {
return &TestClient{
botList: []*apipb.BotInfo{},
taskList: []*apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse{},
triggerDedupe: map[string][]string{},
triggerFailure: map[string]bool{},
triggerNoResource: map[string]bool{},
func (c *TestClient) ListTaskStates(_ context.Context, in *apipb.TaskStatesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TaskStates, error) {
rv := make([]apipb.TaskState, 0, len(in.TaskId))
defer c.taskListMtx.RUnlock()
for _, id := range in.TaskId {
found := false
for _, t := range c.taskList {
if t.TaskId == id {
rv = append(rv, t.TaskResult.State)
found = true
if !found {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("unknown task %q", id)
return &apipb.TaskStates{
States: rv,
}, nil
func (c *TestClient) ListBots(_ context.Context, in *apipb.BotsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.BotInfoListResponse, error) {
defer c.botListMtx.RUnlock()
rv := make([]*apipb.BotInfo, 0, len(c.botList))
for _, b := range c.botList {
match := true
for _, reqDim := range in.Dimensions {
dMatch := false
for _, botDim := range b.Dimensions {
if reqDim.Key == botDim.Key && util.In(reqDim.Value, botDim.Value) {
dMatch = true
if !dMatch {
match = false
if match {
rv = append(rv, b)
return &apipb.BotInfoListResponse{
Items: rv,
}, nil
func (c *TestClient) ListTasks(_ context.Context, req *apipb.TasksWithPerfRequest, _ ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TaskListResponse, error) {
defer c.taskListMtx.RUnlock()
rv := make([]*apipb.TaskResultResponse, 0, len(c.taskList))
tagSet := util.NewStringSet(req.Tags)
for _, t := range c.taskList {
created := t.TaskResult.CreatedTs.AsTime()
if req.Start != nil && req.Start.AsTime().After(created) {
if req.End != nil && req.End.AsTime().Before(created) {
if len(tagSet.Intersect(util.NewStringSet(t.Request.Tags))) == len(req.Tags) {
if req.State == apipb.StateQuery_QUERY_ALL || t.TaskResult.State.String() == req.State.String() {
rv = append(rv, t.TaskResult)
return &apipb.TaskListResponse{
Items: rv,
}, nil
func (c *TestClient) ListBotTasks(_ context.Context, in *apipb.BotTasksRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TaskListResponse, error) {
// For now, just return all tasks in the list. This could probably be better.
defer c.taskListMtx.RUnlock()
rv := make([]*apipb.TaskResultResponse, 0, len(c.taskList))
for _, t := range c.taskList {
rv = append(rv, t.TaskResult)
return &apipb.TaskListResponse{
Items: rv,
}, nil
func (c *TestClient) CancelTask(_ context.Context, _ *apipb.TaskCancelRequest, _ ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.CancelResponse, error) {
return nil, nil
// md5Tags returns a MD5 hash of the task tags, excluding task ID.
func md5Tags(tags []string) string {
filtered := make([]string, 0, len(tags))
for _, t := range tags {
if !strings.HasPrefix(t, "sk_id") {
filtered = append(filtered, t)
rv, err := util.MD5SSlice(filtered)
if err != nil {
return rv
// NewTask automatically appends its result to the mocked tasks set by
// MockTasks.
func (c *TestClient) NewTask(ctx context.Context, t *apipb.NewTaskRequest, _ ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse, error) {
defer c.triggerMtx.Unlock()
md5 := md5Tags(t.Tags)
if c.triggerFailure[md5] {
delete(c.triggerFailure, md5)
return nil, skerr.Fmt("mocked trigger failure!")
createdTs := timestamppb.New(now.Now(ctx).UTC())
id := uuid.New().String()
rv := &apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse{
Request: &apipb.TaskRequestResponse{
CreatedTs: createdTs,
ExpirationSecs: t.ExpirationSecs,
Name: t.Name,
Priority: t.Priority,
Properties: t.Properties,
Tags: t.Tags,
TaskSlices: t.TaskSlices,
TaskId: id,
TaskResult: &apipb.TaskResultResponse{
CreatedTs: createdTs,
Name: t.Name,
State: apipb.TaskState_PENDING,
TaskId: id,
Tags: t.Tags,
if c.triggerNoResource[md5] {
delete(c.triggerNoResource, md5)
rv.TaskResult.State = apipb.TaskState_NO_RESOURCE
} else if extraTags, ok := c.triggerDedupe[md5]; ok {
delete(c.triggerDedupe, md5)
rv.TaskResult.State = apipb.TaskState_COMPLETED // No deduplicated state.
rv.TaskResult.DedupedFrom = uuid.New().String()
rv.TaskResult.Tags = append(rv.TaskResult.Tags, extraTags...)
defer c.taskListMtx.Unlock()
c.taskList = append(c.taskList, rv)
return rv, nil
func (c *TestClient) RetryTask(ctx context.Context, t *apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse) (*apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse, error) {
return c.NewTask(ctx, &apipb.NewTaskRequest{
Name: t.Request.Name,
Priority: t.Request.Priority,
Tags: t.Request.Tags,
User: t.Request.User,
func (c *TestClient) GetResult(_ context.Context, in *apipb.TaskIdWithPerfRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TaskResultResponse, error) {
defer c.taskListMtx.RUnlock()
for _, t := range c.taskList {
if t.TaskId == in.TaskId {
return t.TaskResult, nil
return nil, skerr.Fmt("no such task: %s", in.TaskId)
func (c *TestClient) GetRequest(_ context.Context, in *apipb.TaskIdRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TaskRequestResponse, error) {
defer c.taskListMtx.RUnlock()
for _, t := range c.taskList {
if t.TaskId == in.TaskId {
return t.Request, nil
return nil, skerr.Fmt("no such task: %s", in.TaskId)
func (c *TestClient) DeleteBots(_ context.Context, bots []string) error {
return nil
func (c *TestClient) MockBots(bots []*apipb.BotInfo) {
defer c.botListMtx.Unlock()
c.botList = bots
// MockTasks sets the tasks that can be returned from ListTasks, ListSkiaTasks,
// GetTaskMetadata, and GetTask. Replaces any previous tasks, including those
// automatically added by TriggerTask.
func (c *TestClient) MockTasks(tasks []*apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse) {
defer c.taskListMtx.Unlock()
c.taskList = tasks
// DoMockTasks calls f for each mocked task, allowing goroutine-safe updates. f
// must not call any other method on c.
func (c *TestClient) DoMockTasks(f func(*apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse)) {
defer c.taskListMtx.Unlock()
for _, task := range c.taskList {
// MockTriggerTaskFailure forces the next call to TriggerTask which matches
// the given tags to fail.
func (c *TestClient) MockTriggerTaskFailure(tags []string) {
defer c.triggerMtx.Unlock()
c.triggerFailure[md5Tags(tags)] = true
// MockTriggerTaskDeduped forces the next call to TriggerTask which matches
// the given tags to result in a deduplicated task. The optional extraTags are
// added to the TaskResult in the TaskRequestMetadata returned by TriggerTask
// and are intended to help test unexpected behavior in deduplicated tasks.
func (c *TestClient) MockTriggerTaskDeduped(tags []string, extraTags ...string) {
defer c.triggerMtx.Unlock()
c.triggerDedupe[md5Tags(tags)] = extraTags
// MockTriggerTaskNoResource forces the next call to TriggerTask which matches
// the given tags to have NO_RESOURCE state.
func (c *TestClient) MockTriggerTaskNoResource(tags []string) {
defer c.triggerMtx.Unlock()
c.triggerNoResource[md5Tags(tags)] = true
// These aren't used by our tests.
func (c *TestClient) BatchGetResult(context.Context, *apipb.BatchGetResultRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.BatchGetResultResponse, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) CancelTasks(context.Context, *apipb.TasksCancelRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TasksCancelResponse, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) CountTasks(context.Context, *apipb.TasksCountRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TasksCount, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) CountBots(context.Context, *apipb.BotsCountRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.BotsCount, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) DeleteBot(_ context.Context, in *apipb.BotRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.DeleteResponse, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) GetBot(_ context.Context, in *apipb.BotRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.BotInfo, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) GetBotDimensions(_ context.Context, in *apipb.BotsDimensionsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.BotsDimensions, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) GetStdout(_ context.Context, in *apipb.TaskIdWithOffsetRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TaskOutputResponse, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) ListBotEvents(_ context.Context, in *apipb.BotEventsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.BotEventsResponse, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) ListTaskRequests(_ context.Context, in *apipb.TasksRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TaskRequestsResponse, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
func (c *TestClient) TerminateBot(_ context.Context, in *apipb.TerminateRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apipb.TerminateResponse, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented")
var _ swarmingv2.SwarmingV2Client = &TestClient{}