blob: 6fcf87d9300ed53e029a1974aaf2d5e63945ca4a [file] [log] [blame]
- name: Ensure Python is around for Ansible to use.
# It stopped being included in macOS 13.
import_playbook: prepare-mac-for-ansible.yml
- hosts: all_mac
user: chrome-bot
gather_facts: true
- name: Stop sleeping.
name: stop_sleeping
- name: Restart after power failure.
# Some sources indicate this works only for desktop Macs.
command: pmset -a autorestart 1
become: true
- name: Set hostname, which should already be set.
command: scutil --set HostName {{ inventory_hostname }}
become: true
- name: Set Bonjour hostname.
command: scutil --set LocalHostName {{ inventory_hostname }}
become: true
- name: Set user-visible computer name.
command: scutil --set ComputerName {{ inventory_hostname }}
become: true
- name: Turn off wifi radio.
command: networksetup -setairportpower en1 off
- name: Don't automatically download OS updates.
# OSes are updated manually (if at all) to prevent surprises. There's no
# sense spending network and disk on updates that might not be installed.
command: defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AutomaticCheckEnabled -boolean FALSE
become: true
- name: Copy authorized keys.
name: copy_authorized_keys
- name: Copy service account key.
name: copy_service_account_key
- name: Install Swarming needs.
name: swarming_needs
- name: Install Switchboard needs.
name: switchboard_needs
- name: Install test_machine_monitor.
name: install_test_machine_monitor