blob: f62d36a248ef686d4d22e306de11e9f1076c07b9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Wraps the value toReturn in a Promise that will resolve after "delay" milliseconds. Used to fake
* RPC latency in demo pages.
* @param toReturn Either the body to be returned in a 200 JSON response or a function that
* returns the fetch-mock response. RPC latency will be reduced when running as a
* Puppeteer test.
* @param delayMs Delay in milliseconds.
export function delay<T>(toReturn: T | (() => T), delayMs = 100): () => Promise<T | Response> {
// We return a function that returns the promise so each call has a "fresh" promise and waits
// for the allotted time.
return function () {
// For puppeteer tests, we want more deterministic page loads; removing the time does this.
if (isPuppeteerTest()) {
delayMs = 0;
let returnValue: T | Response;
if (toReturn instanceof Function) {
returnValue = toReturn();
} else {
returnValue = {
status: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(toReturn),
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
} as unknown as Response;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, delayMs);
}).then(() => returnValue);
/** Returns true if the page is running from within a Puppeteer-managed browser. */
export function isPuppeteerTest(): boolean {
return document.cookie.includes('puppeteer');