blob: f21f281041d110b6ce185cc1cf64c75483918434 [file] [log] [blame]
package deps_parser
import (
func TestParseDepsRealWorld(t *testing.T) {
// Manual test, since it loads data from real APIs.
type depsEntryPos struct {
ctx := context.Background()
// checkDeps loads the DEPS file from the given repo at the given
// revision and asserts that it contains the given deps.
checkDeps := func(repo string, rev string, expectMap map[string]*depsEntryPos) {
contents, err := gitiles.NewRepo(repo, nil).ReadFileAtRef(ctx, "DEPS", rev)
require.NoError(t, err)
actual, poss, err := parseDeps(string(contents))
require.NoError(t, err)
actualMap := make(map[string]*depsEntryPos, len(actual))
for depId, dep := range actual {
actualMap[depId] = &depsEntryPos{
DepsEntry: dep,
Pos: poss[depId],
for id, expect := range expectMap {
assertdeep.Equal(t, expect, actualMap[id])
// Chromium DEPS. We expect this to be the most complex example of a
// DEPS file. Check a few example dependencies.
checkDeps("", "9f0b31d5560995206ce92535935c2989913bd5bd", map[string]*depsEntryPos{
"": {
// Skia is a simple (non-dict) dep with a vars lookup.
DepsEntry: &DepsEntry{
Id: "",
Version: "85755f46a8810b1863493a81887f1dc17c2e49e1",
Path: "src/third_party/skia",
Pos: &ast.Pos{
Lineno: 178,
ColOffset: 19,
"infra/tools/luci/swarming": {
// Swarming client is a CIPD dep with a vars lookup.
DepsEntry: &DepsEntry{
Id: "infra/tools/luci/swarming",
Version: "git_revision:de73cf6c4bde86f0a9c8d54151b69b0154a398f1",
Path: "src/tools/luci-go",
Pos: &ast.Pos{
Lineno: 159,
ColOffset: 13,
"": {
// This is a dict entry whose version is defined in place.
DepsEntry: &DepsEntry{
Id: "",
Version: "7fca48d8ce97f7ba3ab8eea5c472f1ad3711762f",
Path: "src/third_party/android_protobuf/src",
Pos: &ast.Pos{
Lineno: 640,
ColOffset: 76,
// ANGLE. This entry caused a problem in the past.
checkDeps("", "390ef29999bc0b1c1b976c1428b5914718477f4e", map[string]*depsEntryPos{
"": {
DepsEntry: &DepsEntry{
Id: "",
Version: "e95fbfb1f509ad7a7fdfb72ac35fe412d72fc4a4",
Path: "third_party/spirv-tools/src",
Pos: &ast.Pos{
Lineno: 49,
ColOffset: 26,
// This DEPS file has an unpinned entry.
checkDeps("", "fbd6fe605e30b496eab7a1ddb367cfb24cb86d99", map[string]*depsEntryPos{
"": {
DepsEntry: &DepsEntry{
Id: "",
Version: "",
Path: "build",
Pos: &ast.Pos{
Lineno: 8,
ColOffset: 4,