blob: 9a43df74807aae660fa39b12505eeb5f9a81ac14 [file] [log] [blame]
package rpc
import (
fmt "fmt"
config_db_mocks ""
manual_mocks ""
modes_mocks ""
rolls_mocks ""
cleanup_mocks ""
status_mocks ""
strategy_mocks ""
unthrottle_mocks ""
const (
// Fake user emails.
noAccess = ""
viewer = ""
editor = ""
admin = ""
var (
notLoggedInStatus = alogin.Status{
EMail: alogin.NotLoggedIn,
Roles: roles.Roles{},
viewerStatus = alogin.Status{
EMail: alogin.EMail(viewer),
Roles: roles.Roles{roles.Viewer},
editorStatus = alogin.Status{
EMail: alogin.EMail(editor),
Roles: roles.Roles{roles.Editor},
// Current at time of writing.
currentTime = time.Unix(1598467386, 0).UTC()
func makeFakeModeChange(cfg *config.Config) *modes.ModeChange {
return &modes.ModeChange{
Message: "dry run!",
// We can't use the first enum value, or assertdeep.Copy will fail.
Mode: modes.ModeDryRun,
Roller: cfg.RollerName,
Time: timeNowFunc(),
User: "",
func makeFakeStrategyChange(cfg *config.Config) *strategy.StrategyChange {
return &strategy.StrategyChange{
Message: "set strategy",
// We can't use the first enum value, or assertdeep.Copy will fail.
Strategy: strategy.ROLL_STRATEGY_N_BATCH,
Roller: cfg.RollerName,
Time: timeNowFunc(),
User: "",
func makeFakeManualRollRequest(cfg *config.Config) *manual.ManualRollRequest {
return &manual.ManualRollRequest{
Id: "manual123",
DbModified: timeNowFunc(),
Requester: "",
Result: manual.RESULT_UNKNOWN,
ResultDetails: "no results yet",
Revision: "fake-rev",
RollerName: cfg.RollerName,
Status: manual.STATUS_STARTED,
Timestamp: timeNowFunc(),
Url: "https://fake-manual-roll",
DryRun: true,
NoEmail: true,
NoResolveRevision: true,
func makeFakeRoll() *autoroll.AutoRollIssue {
return &autoroll.AutoRollIssue{
Closed: false,
IsDryRun: false,
DryRunFinished: false,
DryRunSuccess: false,
CqFinished: false,
CqSuccess: false,
Issue: 12345,
RollingFrom: "abc123",
RollingTo: "def456",
Subject: "Roll dep from abc123 to def456",
TryResults: []*autoroll.TryResult{
Builder: "test-bot",
Category: "cq",
Created: timeNowFunc(),
Url: "https://fake-try.result",
Builder: "perf-bot",
Category: "cq",
Created: timeNowFunc(),
Url: "https://fake-try.result",
func makeFakeStatus(cfg *config.Config) *status.AutoRollStatus {
current := makeFakeRoll()
last := makeFakeRoll()
return &status.AutoRollStatus{
AutoRollMiniStatus: status.AutoRollMiniStatus{
Mode: modes.ModeRunning,
CurrentRollRev: "def456",
LastRollRev: "abc123",
NumFailedRolls: 1,
NumNotRolledCommits: 2,
Timestamp: currentTime,
LastSuccessfulRollTimestamp: currentTime,
Status: "rolling",
ChildHead: "def456",
ChildName: cfg.ChildDisplayName,
FullHistoryUrl: "http://fake",
IssueUrlBase: "http://fake2",
NotRolledRevisions: []*revision.Revision{
Id: "999abc",
Description: "Commit 999abc",
Display: "9",
Timestamp: timeNowFunc(),
URL: "https://rev/999abc",
Id: "def456",
Description: "Commit def456",
Display: "d",
Timestamp: timeNowFunc(),
URL: "https://rev/def456",
ParentName: cfg.ParentDisplayName,
CurrentRoll: current,
LastRoll: last,
Recent: []*autoroll.AutoRollIssue{current, last},
ValidModes: modes.ValidModes,
ValidStrategies: cfg.ValidStrategies(),
Error: "no error",
ThrottledUntil: timeNowFunc().Unix(),
func makeRoller(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, name string, mdb *manual_mocks.DB, cdb *cleanup_mocks.DB) *AutoRoller {
cfg := &config.Config{
ChildBugLink: "",
ChildDisplayName: name + "_child",
ParentBugLink: "",
ParentDisplayName: name + "_parent",
ParentWaterfall: "https://parent",
RollerName: name,
RepoManager: &config.Config_ParentChildRepoManager{
ParentChildRepoManager: &config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig{
Child: &config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig_GitilesChild{
GitilesChild: &config.GitilesChildConfig{
Gitiles: &config.GitilesConfig{
Branch: git.MainBranch,
RepoUrl: "https://fake.child",
Parent: &config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig_GitilesParent{
GitilesParent: &config.GitilesParentConfig{
Gitiles: &config.GitilesConfig{
Branch: git.MainBranch,
RepoUrl: "https://fake.parent",
Dep: &config.DependencyConfig{
Primary: &config.VersionFileConfig{
Id: "https://fake.child",
Gerrit: &config.GerritConfig{},
SupportsManualRolls: true,
TimeWindow: "24h",
currentStatus := makeFakeStatus(cfg)
statusDB := &status_mocks.DB{}
statusDB.On("Get", ctx, name).Return(currentStatus, nil)
statusCache, err := status.NewCache(ctx, statusDB, name)
require.NoError(t, err)
modeHistory := &modes_mocks.ModeHistory{}
strategyHistory := &strategy_mocks.StrategyHistory{}
manualReq := makeFakeManualRollRequest(cfg)
mdb.On("GetRecent", cfg.RollerName, recent_rolls.RecentRollsLength).Return([]*manual.ManualRollRequest{manualReq}, nil)
cdb.On("History", testutils.AnyContext, name, 1).Return([]*roller_cleanup.CleanupRequest{{
RollerID: name,
NeedsCleanup: true,
User: "",
Timestamp: currentTime,
Justification: "needs cleanup",
}}, nil)
return &AutoRoller{
Cfg: cfg,
Mode: modeHistory,
Status: statusCache,
Strategy: strategyHistory,
func setup(t *testing.T) (context.Context, map[string]*AutoRoller, *AutoRollServer) {
timeNowFunc = func() time.Time {
return currentTime
ctx := context.Background()
cdb := &config_db_mocks.DB{}
cleanupDB := &cleanup_mocks.DB{}
mdb := &manual_mocks.DB{}
sdb := &status_mocks.DB{}
rdb := &rolls_mocks.DB{}
r1 := makeRoller(ctx, t, "roller1", mdb, cleanupDB)
r2 := makeRoller(ctx, t, "roller2", mdb, cleanupDB)
rollers := map[string]*AutoRoller{
r1.Cfg.RollerName: r1,
r2.Cfg.RollerName: r2,
loadRollersFunc = func(context.Context, status.DB, db.DB) (map[string]*AutoRoller, context.CancelFunc, error) {
return rollers, func() {}, nil
plogin := mocks.NewLogin(t)
srv, err := NewAutoRollServer(ctx, sdb, cdb, rdb, mdb, cleanupDB, &unthrottle_mocks.Throttle{}, time.Duration(0), plogin)
require.NoError(t, err)
return ctx, rollers, srv
func TestGetRollers(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
req := &GetRollersRequest{}
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.GetRollers(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, res)
expectRollers := make([]*AutoRollMiniStatus, 0, len(rollers))
for _, roller := range rollers {
status := makeFakeStatus(roller.Cfg)
ms, err := convertMiniStatus(&status.AutoRollMiniStatus, roller.Cfg.RollerName, roller.Mode.CurrentMode().Mode, roller.Cfg.ChildDisplayName, roller.Cfg.ParentDisplayName)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectRollers = append(expectRollers, ms)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &GetRollersResponse{
Rollers: expectRollers,
}, res)
func TestGetRolls(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &GetRollsRequest{
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.GetRolls(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check results.
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &editorStatus)
srv.rollsDB.(*rolls_mocks.DB).On("GetRolls", testutils.AnyContext, req.RollerId, "").Return([]*autoroll.AutoRollIssue{}, "", nil)
res, err = srv.GetRolls(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, res)
func TestGetMiniStatus(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &GetMiniStatusRequest{
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.GetMiniStatus(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check results.
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
res, err = srv.GetMiniStatus(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
mode, err := convertMode(roller.Mode.CurrentMode().Mode)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &GetMiniStatusResponse{
Status: &AutoRollMiniStatus{
ChildName: roller.Cfg.ChildDisplayName,
Mode: mode,
ParentName: roller.Cfg.ParentDisplayName,
RollerId: roller.Cfg.RollerName,
CurrentRollRev: "def456",
LastRollRev: "abc123",
NumFailed: 1,
NumBehind: 2,
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(currentTime),
LastSuccessfulRollTimestamp: timestamppb.New(currentTime),
}, res)
func TestGetStatus(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &GetStatusRequest{
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.GetStatus(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check results.
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
res, err = srv.GetStatus(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
st := makeFakeStatus(roller.Cfg)
manualReqs, err := srv.manualRollDB.GetRecent(roller.Cfg.RollerName, recent_rolls.RecentRollsLength)
require.NoError(t, err)
cleanupHistory, err := srv.cleanupDB.History(ctx, roller.Cfg.RollerName, 1)
require.NoError(t, err)
expect, err := convertStatus(st, roller.Cfg, roller.Mode.CurrentMode(), roller.Strategy.CurrentStrategy(), manualReqs, cleanupHistory)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &GetStatusResponse{
Status: expect,
}, res)
func TestSetMode(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &SetModeRequest{
Message: "new mode",
Mode: Mode_DRY_RUN,
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
// Check authorization.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.SetMode(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &viewerStatus)
res, err = srv.SetMode(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &editorStatus)
res, err = srv.SetMode(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check error for invalid mode for this roller.
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
roller.Cfg.ValidModes = []config.Mode{config.Mode_RUNNING, config.Mode_STOPPED, config.Mode_OFFLINE}
res, err = srv.SetMode(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error invalid_argument: mode requested mode is not allowed for this roller; valid modes: [RUNNING STOPPED OFFLINE]")
// Ensure no error when ValidModes is not set. Check for a valid result.
roller.Cfg.ValidModes = nil
roller.Mode.(*modes_mocks.ModeHistory).On("Add", ctx, modes.ModeDryRun, editor, req.Message).Return(nil)
res, err = srv.SetMode(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
st := makeFakeStatus(roller.Cfg)
manualReqs, err := srv.manualRollDB.GetRecent(roller.Cfg.RollerName, recent_rolls.RecentRollsLength)
require.NoError(t, err)
cleanupHistory, err := srv.cleanupDB.History(ctx, roller.Cfg.RollerName, 1)
require.NoError(t, err)
expect, err := convertStatus(st, roller.Cfg, roller.Mode.CurrentMode(), roller.Strategy.CurrentStrategy(), manualReqs, cleanupHistory)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &SetModeResponse{
Status: expect,
}, res)
// Ensure no error when ValidModes is set.
roller.Cfg.ValidModes = []config.Mode{config.Mode_RUNNING, config.Mode_DRY_RUN, config.Mode_STOPPED, config.Mode_OFFLINE}
roller.Mode.(*modes_mocks.ModeHistory).On("Add", ctx, modes.ModeDryRun, editor, req.Message).Return(nil)
_, err = srv.SetMode(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestSetStrategy(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &SetStrategyRequest{
Message: "new strategy",
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
Strategy: Strategy_SINGLE,
// Check authorization.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.SetStrategy(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &viewerStatus)
res, err = srv.SetStrategy(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &editorStatus)
res, err = srv.SetStrategy(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check results.
roller.Strategy.(*strategy_mocks.StrategyHistory).On("Add", ctx, strategy.ROLL_STRATEGY_SINGLE, editor, req.Message).Return(nil)
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
res, err = srv.SetStrategy(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
st := makeFakeStatus(roller.Cfg)
manualReqs, err := srv.manualRollDB.GetRecent(roller.Cfg.RollerName, recent_rolls.RecentRollsLength)
require.NoError(t, err)
cleanupHistory, err := srv.cleanupDB.History(ctx, roller.Cfg.RollerName, 1)
require.NoError(t, err)
expect, err := convertStatus(st, roller.Cfg, roller.Mode.CurrentMode(), roller.Strategy.CurrentStrategy(), manualReqs, cleanupHistory)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &SetStrategyResponse{
Status: expect,
}, res)
func TestCreateManualRoll(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &CreateManualRollRequest{
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
Revision: "abc123",
// Check authorization.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.CreateManualRoll(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &viewerStatus)
res, err = srv.CreateManualRoll(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &editorStatus)
res, err = srv.CreateManualRoll(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check results.
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
manualReq := &manual.ManualRollRequest{
RollerName: req.RollerId,
Revision: req.Revision,
Requester: editor,
Status: manual.STATUS_PENDING,
Timestamp: firestore.FixTimestamp(timeNowFunc()),
srv.manualRollDB.(*manual_mocks.DB).On("Put", manualReq).Return(nil)
res, err = srv.CreateManualRoll(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
expect, err := convertManualRollRequest(manualReq)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &CreateManualRollResponse{
Roll: expect,
}, res)
func TestUnthrottle(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &UnthrottleRequest{
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
// Check authorization.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.Unthrottle(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &viewerStatus)
res, err = srv.Unthrottle(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &editorStatus)
res, err = srv.Unthrottle(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check results.
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
srv.throttle.(*unthrottle_mocks.Throttle).On("Unthrottle", ctx, req.RollerId).Return(nil)
res, err = srv.Unthrottle(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &UnthrottleResponse{}, res)
func TestAddCleanupRequest(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &AddCleanupRequestRequest{
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
Justification: "needs cleanup",
// Check authorization.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &notLoggedInStatus)
res, err := srv.AddCleanupRequest(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &viewerStatus)
res, err = srv.AddCleanupRequest(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error permission_denied: \"\" is not an authorized editor")
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &editorStatus)
res, err = srv.AddCleanupRequest(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check results.
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
srv.cleanupDB.(*cleanup_mocks.DB).On("RequestCleanup", ctx, &roller_cleanup.CleanupRequest{
RollerID: "roller1",
NeedsCleanup: true,
User: "",
Timestamp: currentTime,
Justification: "needs cleanup",
res, err = srv.AddCleanupRequest(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &AddCleanupRequestResponse{}, res)
func TestGetCleanupHistory(t *testing.T) {
// Setup, mocks.
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
roller := rollers["roller1"]
req := &GetCleanupHistoryRequest{
RollerId: "this roller doesn't exist",
Limit: 1,
// Check error for unknown roller.
ctx = alogin.FakeStatus(ctx, &editorStatus)
res, err := srv.GetCleanupHistory(ctx, req)
require.Nil(t, res)
require.EqualError(t, err, "twirp error not_found: Unknown roller")
// Check results.
req.RollerId = roller.Cfg.RollerName
srv.cleanupDB.(*cleanup_mocks.DB).On("History", ctx, roller.Cfg.RollerName, int(req.Limit)).Return([]*roller_cleanup.CleanupRequest{
RollerID: roller.Cfg.RollerName,
NeedsCleanup: true,
User: "",
Timestamp: currentTime,
Justification: "needs cleanup",
}, nil)
res, err = srv.GetCleanupHistory(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, &GetCleanupHistoryResponse{
History: []*CleanupRequest{
NeedsCleanup: true,
User: "",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(currentTime),
Justification: "needs cleanup",
}, res)
func TestConvertMiniStatus(t *testing.T) {
_, rollers, _ := setup(t)
r := rollers["roller1"]
st := r.Status.Get()
mode, err := convertMode(r.Mode.CurrentMode().Mode)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
actual, err := convertMiniStatus(&st.AutoRollMiniStatus, r.Cfg.RollerName, r.Mode.CurrentMode().Mode, r.Cfg.ChildDisplayName, r.Cfg.ParentDisplayName)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Copy(t, &AutoRollMiniStatus{
RollerId: r.Cfg.RollerName,
Mode: mode,
CurrentRollRev: st.CurrentRollRev,
LastRollRev: st.LastRollRev,
ChildName: st.ChildName,
ParentName: st.ParentName,
NumFailed: int32(st.NumFailedRolls),
NumBehind: int32(st.NumNotRolledCommits),
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(currentTime),
LastSuccessfulRollTimestamp: timestamppb.New(currentTime),
}, actual)
func TestConvertRollCL(t *testing.T) {
_, rollers, _ := setup(t)
r := rollers["roller1"]
st := r.Status.Get()
roll := st.LastRoll
res, err := convertRollCLResult(roll.Result)
require.NoError(t, err)
tjs, err := convertTryJobs(roll.TryResults)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
actual, err := convertRollCL(roll)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Copy(t, &AutoRollCL{
Id: fmt.Sprintf("%d", roll.Issue),
Result: res,
Subject: roll.Subject,
RollingTo: roll.RollingTo,
RollingFrom: roll.RollingFrom,
Created: timestamppb.New(roll.Created),
Modified: timestamppb.New(roll.Modified),
TryJobs: tjs,
}, actual)
func TestConvertTryJob(t *testing.T) {
_, rollers, _ := setup(t)
tr := rollers["roller1"].Status.Get().LastRoll.TryResults[0]
res, err := convertTryJobResult(tr.Result)
require.NoError(t, err)
st, err := convertTryJobStatus(tr.Status)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
actual, err := convertTryJob(tr)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Copy(t, &TryJob{
Name: tr.Builder,
Status: st,
Result: res,
Url: tr.Url,
Category: tr.Category,
}, actual)
func TestConvertModeChange(t *testing.T) {
_, rollers, _ := setup(t)
m := rollers["roller1"].Mode.CurrentMode()
mode, err := convertMode(m.Mode)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
actual, err := convertModeChange(m)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Copy(t, &ModeChange{
Message: m.Message,
Mode: mode,
RollerId: m.Roller,
Time: timestamppb.New(m.Time),
User: m.User,
}, actual)
func TestConvertStrategyChange(t *testing.T) {
_, rollers, _ := setup(t)
s := rollers["roller1"].Strategy.CurrentStrategy()
strat, err := convertStrategy(s.Strategy)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
actual, err := convertStrategyChange(s)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Copy(t, &StrategyChange{
Message: s.Message,
RollerId: s.Roller,
Strategy: strat,
Time: timestamppb.New(s.Time),
User: s.User,
}, actual)
func TestConvertRevision(t *testing.T) {
_, rollers, _ := setup(t)
rev := rollers["roller1"].Status.Get().NotRolledRevisions[0]
rev.InvalidReason = "bad"
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
assertdeep.Copy(t, &Revision{
Description: rev.Description,
Display: rev.Display,
Id: rev.Id,
InvalidReason: "bad",
Time: timestamppb.New(rev.Timestamp),
Url: rev.URL,
}, convertRevision(rev))
func TestConvertConfig(t *testing.T) {
_, rollers, _ := setup(t)
cfg := rollers["roller1"].Cfg
cfg.ValidModes = []config.Mode{config.Mode_RUNNING, config.Mode_STOPPED, config.Mode_OFFLINE}
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
assertdeep.Copy(t, &AutoRollConfig{
ChildBugLink: cfg.ChildBugLink,
ParentBugLink: cfg.ParentBugLink,
ParentWaterfall: cfg.ParentWaterfall,
RollerId: cfg.RollerName,
SupportsManualRolls: cfg.SupportsManualRolls,
TimeWindow: cfg.TimeWindow,
ValidModes: []Mode{Mode_RUNNING, Mode_STOPPED, Mode_OFFLINE},
}, convertConfig(cfg))
func TestConvertManualRollRequest(t *testing.T) {
req := &manual.ManualRollRequest{
Id: "999",
RollerName: "roller1",
Revision: "abc123",
Requester: editor,
Result: manual.RESULT_SUCCESS,
Status: manual.STATUS_COMPLETE,
Timestamp: firestore.FixTimestamp(timeNowFunc()),
Url: "https://999",
DryRun: true,
Canary: true,
NoEmail: true,
NoResolveRevision: true,
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
actual, err := convertManualRollRequest(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
result, err := convertManualRollResult(req.Result)
require.NoError(t, err)
status, err := convertManualRollStatus(req.Status)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Copy(t, &ManualRoll{
Id: req.Id,
RollerId: req.RollerName,
Revision: req.Revision,
Requester: req.Requester,
Result: result,
Status: status,
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(req.Timestamp),
Url: req.Url,
DryRun: true,
Canary: true,
NoEmail: true,
NoResolveRevision: true,
}, actual)
func TestConvertStatus(t *testing.T) {
ctx, rollers, srv := setup(t)
r := rollers["roller1"]
cfg := r.Cfg
st := r.Status.Get()
mode, err := convertModeChange(r.Mode.CurrentMode())
require.NoError(t, err)
strat, err := convertStrategyChange(r.Strategy.CurrentStrategy())
require.NoError(t, err)
manualReqs, err := srv.manualRollDB.GetRecent(cfg.RollerName, recent_rolls.RecentRollsLength)
require.NoError(t, err)
ms, err := convertMiniStatus(&st.AutoRollMiniStatus, cfg.RollerName, r.Mode.CurrentMode().Mode, cfg.ChildDisplayName, cfg.ParentDisplayName)
require.NoError(t, err)
currentRoll, err := convertRollCL(st.CurrentRoll)
require.NoError(t, err)
lastRoll, err := convertRollCL(st.LastRoll)
require.NoError(t, err)
recentRolls, err := convertRollCLs(st.Recent)
require.NoError(t, err)
cleanupHistory, err := srv.cleanupDB.History(ctx, cfg.RollerName, 1)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use Copy to ensure that the test checks all of the fields. Note that it
// only checks top-level fields and does not dig into member structs.
actual, err := convertStatus(st, cfg, r.Mode.CurrentMode(), r.Strategy.CurrentStrategy(), manualReqs, cleanupHistory)
require.NoError(t, err)
mreqs, err := convertManualRollRequests(manualReqs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Copy(t, &AutoRollStatus{
MiniStatus: ms,
Status: st.Status,
Config: convertConfig(cfg),
FullHistoryUrl: st.FullHistoryUrl,
IssueUrlBase: st.IssueUrlBase,
Mode: mode,
Strategy: strat,
NotRolledRevisions: convertRevisions(st.NotRolledRevisions),
CurrentRoll: currentRoll,
LastRoll: lastRoll,
RecentRolls: recentRolls,
ManualRolls: mreqs,
Error: st.Error,
ThrottledUntil: timestamppb.New(time.Unix(st.ThrottledUntil, 0)),
CleanupRequested: &CleanupRequest{
NeedsCleanup: cleanupHistory[0].NeedsCleanup,
User: cleanupHistory[0].User,
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(cleanupHistory[0].Timestamp),
Justification: cleanupHistory[0].Justification,
}, actual)