blob: 417057b1c5deb2dffc0fd5261a86d46bd6f0c882 [file] [log] [blame]
/** The number of measurements we gather before calculating the fps. */
export const numMeasurements = 30;
* Measures the fps (frames per second) while drawing.
* The 'raf()' method should be called in every requestAnimationFrame callback.
export class FPS {
private timestamps: number[] = []; // timestamps of raf() calls (ms).
private _fps: number = 0;
raf(): void {
if (this.timestamps.length >= numMeasurements) {
let total = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < this.timestamps.length; i++) {
total += this.timestamps[i] - this.timestamps[i - 1];
this._fps = 1000 / (total / (this.timestamps.length - 1));
this.timestamps = [];
get fps(): number {
return this._fps;