blob: 9a884473d8a69de4c77ec10d8068d6f71b8efa32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Utility to create and manage chromium builds.
package util
import (
const (
// Use 14 chars here instead of the traditional 7 to reduce the chances of
// ambiguous hashes while still leaving directory lengths reasonable.
// Construct the name of a directory to store a chromium build. For generic clean builds, runID
// should be empty.
func ChromiumBuildDir(chromiumHash, skiaHash, runID string) string {
if runID == "" {
// Do not include the runID in the dir name if it is not specified.
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s",
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s",
// CreateChromiumBuildOnSwarming creates a chromium build using the specified arguments.
// runID is the unique id of the current run (typically requester + timestamp).
// targetPlatform is the platform the benchmark will run on (Android / Linux ).
// chromiumHash is the hash the checkout should be synced to. If not specified then
// Chromium's Tot hash is used.
// skiaHash is the hash the checkout should be synced to. If not specified then
// Skia's LKGR hash is used (the hash in Chromium's DEPS file).
// applyPatches if true looks for Chromium/Skia patches in the temp dir and
// runs once with the patch applied and once without the patch applied.
// uploadSingleBuild if true does not upload a 2nd build of Chromium.
func CreateChromiumBuildOnSwarming(runID, targetPlatform, chromiumHash, skiaHash, pathToPyFiles string, applyPatches, uploadSingleBuild bool) (string, string, error) {
chromiumBuildDir, _ := filepath.Split(ChromiumSrcDir)
// Determine which fetch target to use.
var fetchTarget string
if targetPlatform == "Android" {
fetchTarget = "android"
} else if targetPlatform == "Linux" {
fetchTarget = "chromium"
} else {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized target_platform %s", targetPlatform)
util.MkdirAll(chromiumBuildDir, 0700)
// Find which Chromium commit hash should be used.
var err error
if chromiumHash == "" {
chromiumHash, err = getChromiumHash()
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Error while finding Chromium's Hash: %s", err)
// Find which Skia commit hash should be used.
if skiaHash == "" {
skiaHash, err = buildskia.GetSkiaHash(nil)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Error while finding Skia's Hash: %s", err)
// Run chromium sync command using the above commit hashes.
// Construct path to the sync_skia_in_chrome python script.
syncArgs := []string{
filepath.Join(pathToPyFiles, ""),
"--destination=" + chromiumBuildDir,
"--fetch_target=" + fetchTarget,
"--chrome_revision=" + chromiumHash,
"--skia_revision=" + skiaHash,
err = ExecuteCmd("python", syncArgs, []string{}, SYNC_SKIA_IN_CHROME_TIMEOUT, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warning("There was an error. Deleting base directory and trying again.")
util.MkdirAll(chromiumBuildDir, 0700)
err := ExecuteCmd("python", syncArgs, []string{}, SYNC_SKIA_IN_CHROME_TIMEOUT, nil,
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("There was an error checking out chromium %s + skia %s: %s", chromiumHash, skiaHash, err)
// Make sure we are starting from a clean slate.
if err := ResetChromiumCheckout(filepath.Join(chromiumBuildDir, "src")); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Could not reset the chromium checkout in %s: %s", chromiumBuildDir, err)
googleStorageDirName := ChromiumBuildDir(chromiumHash, skiaHash, runID)
if applyPatches {
if err := applyRepoPatches(filepath.Join(chromiumBuildDir, "src"), runID); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Could not apply patches in the chromium checkout in %s: %s", chromiumBuildDir, err)
// Add "try" prefix and "withpatch" suffix.
googleStorageDirName = fmt.Sprintf("try-%s-withpatch", googleStorageDirName)
// Hack: Use the "-DSK_WHITELIST_SERIALIZED_TYPEFACES" flag only when *runID is
// empty i.e. when invoked by the build_chromium task.
useWhitelistedFonts := (runID == "")
// Build chromium.
if err := buildChromium(chromiumBuildDir, targetPlatform, useWhitelistedFonts); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("There was an error building chromium %s + skia %s: %s", chromiumHash, skiaHash, err)
// Upload to Google Storage.
gs, err := NewGcsUtil(nil)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Could not create GCS object: %s", err)
if err := uploadChromiumBuild(filepath.Join(chromiumBuildDir, "src", "out", "Release"), filepath.Join(CHROMIUM_BUILDS_DIR_NAME, googleStorageDirName), targetPlatform, gs); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("There was an error uploaded the chromium build dir %s: %s", filepath.Join(chromiumBuildDir, "src", "out", "Release"), err)
// Create and upload another chromium build if the uploadSingleBuild flag is false. This build
// will be created without applying patches.
if !uploadSingleBuild {
// Make sure we are starting from a clean slate.
if err := ResetChromiumCheckout(filepath.Join(chromiumBuildDir, "src")); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Could not reset the chromium checkout in %s: %s", chromiumBuildDir, err)
// Build chromium.
if err := buildChromium(chromiumBuildDir, targetPlatform, useWhitelistedFonts); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("There was an error building chromium %s + skia %s: %s", chromiumHash, skiaHash, err)
// Upload to Google Storage.
googleStorageDirName = fmt.Sprintf("try-%s-nopatch", ChromiumBuildDir(chromiumHash, skiaHash, runID))
if err := uploadChromiumBuild(filepath.Join(chromiumBuildDir, "src", "out", "Release"), filepath.Join(CHROMIUM_BUILDS_DIR_NAME, googleStorageDirName), targetPlatform, gs); err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("There was an error uploaded the chromium build dir %s: %s", filepath.Join(chromiumBuildDir, "src", "out", "Release"), err)
return getTruncatedHash(chromiumHash), getTruncatedHash(skiaHash), nil
func getChromiumHash() (string, error) {
// Find Chromium's Tot commit hash.
stdoutFilePath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "chromium-tot")
stdoutFile, err := os.Create(stdoutFilePath)
defer util.Close(stdoutFile)
defer util.Remove(stdoutFilePath)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not create %s: %s", stdoutFilePath, err)
totArgs := []string{"ls-remote", "", "--verify", "refs/heads/master"}
err = ExecuteCmd(BINARY_GIT, totArgs, []string{}, GIT_LS_REMOTE_TIMEOUT, stdoutFile, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error while finding Chromium's ToT: %s", err)
output, err := ioutil.ReadFile(stdoutFilePath)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot read %s: %s", stdoutFilePath, err)
tokens := strings.Split(string(output), "\t")
return tokens[0], nil
func uploadChromiumBuild(localOutDir, gsDir, targetPlatform string, gs *GcsUtil) error {
localUploadDir := localOutDir
if targetPlatform == "Android" {
localUploadDir = filepath.Join(localUploadDir, "apks")
} else {
// Temporarily move the not needed large "gen" and "obj" directories so
// that they do not get uploaded to Google Storage. Move them back after
// the method completes.
util.MkdirAll(ChromiumBuildsDir, 0755)
genDir := filepath.Join(localOutDir, "gen")
genTmpDir := filepath.Join(ChromiumBuildsDir, "gen")
// Make sure the tmp dir is empty.
if err := os.Rename(genDir, genTmpDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not rename gen dir: %s", err)
defer util.Rename(genTmpDir, genDir)
objDir := filepath.Join(localOutDir, "obj")
objTmpDir := filepath.Join(ChromiumBuildsDir, "obj")
// Make sure the tmp dir is empty.
if err := os.Rename(objDir, objTmpDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not rename obj dir: %s", err)
defer util.Rename(objTmpDir, objDir)
return gs.UploadDir(localUploadDir, gsDir, true)
func buildChromium(chromiumDir, targetPlatform string, useWhitelistedFonts bool) error {
if err := os.Chdir(filepath.Join(chromiumDir, "src")); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not chdir to %s/src: %s", chromiumDir, err)
// Find the build target to use while building chromium.
buildTarget := "chrome"
if targetPlatform == "Android" {
buildTarget = "chrome_public_apk"
gn_args := []string{"is_debug=false", "treat_warnings_as_errors=false"}
if targetPlatform == "Android" {
gn_args = append(gn_args, "target_os=\"android\"")
gn_args = append(gn_args, "symbol_level=1")
if useWhitelistedFonts {
gn_args = append(gn_args, "skia_whitelist_serialized_typefaces=true")
// Run "gn gen out/Release --args=...".
if err := ExecuteCmd("gn", []string{"gen", "out/Release", fmt.Sprintf("--args=%s", strings.Join(gn_args, " "))}, os.Environ(), GN_CHROMIUM_TIMEOUT, nil, nil); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while running gn: %s", err)
// Run "ninja -C out/Release -j100 ${build_target}".
// Use the full system env while building chromium.
args := []string{"-C", "out/Release", "-j100", buildTarget}
return ExecuteCmd(filepath.Join(DepotToolsDir, "ninja"), args, os.Environ(), NINJA_TIMEOUT, nil, nil)
func getTruncatedHash(commitHash string) string {
if len(commitHash) < TRUNCATED_HASH_LENGTH {
return commitHash
return commitHash[0:TRUNCATED_HASH_LENGTH]
func ResetChromiumCheckout(chromiumSrcDir string) error {
// Reset Skia.
skiaDir := filepath.Join(chromiumSrcDir, "third_party", "skia")
if err := ResetCheckout(skiaDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not reset Skia's checkout in %s: %s", skiaDir, err)
// Reset Catapult.
catapultDir := filepath.Join(chromiumSrcDir, RelativeCatapultSrcDir)
if err := ResetCheckout(catapultDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not reset Catapult's checkout in %s: %s", catapultDir, err)
// Reset Chromium.
if err := ResetCheckout(chromiumSrcDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not reset Chromium's checkout in %s: %s", chromiumSrcDir, err)
return nil
func applyRepoPatches(chromiumSrcDir, runID string) error {
// Apply Skia patch if it exists.
skiaDir := filepath.Join(chromiumSrcDir, "third_party", "skia")
skiaPatch := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), runID+".skia.patch")
if _, err := os.Stat(skiaPatch); err == nil {
skiaPatchFile, _ := os.Open(skiaPatch)
skiaPatchFileInfo, _ := skiaPatchFile.Stat()
if skiaPatchFileInfo.Size() > 10 {
if err := ApplyPatch(skiaPatch, skiaDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not apply Skia's patch in %s: %s", skiaDir, err)
// Apply Chromium patch if it exists.
chromiumPatch := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), runID+".chromium.patch")
if _, err := os.Stat(chromiumPatch); err == nil {
chromiumPatchFile, _ := os.Open(chromiumPatch)
chromiumPatchFileInfo, _ := chromiumPatchFile.Stat()
if chromiumPatchFileInfo.Size() > 10 {
if err := ApplyPatch(chromiumPatch, chromiumSrcDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not apply Chromium's patch in %s: %s", chromiumSrcDir, err)
return nil
func InstallChromeAPK(chromiumBuildName string) error {
// Install the APK on the Android device.
chromiumApk := filepath.Join(ChromiumBuildsDir, chromiumBuildName, ApkName)
sklog.Infof("Installing the APK at %s", chromiumApk)
err := ExecuteCmd(BINARY_ADB, []string{"install", "-r", chromiumApk}, []string{},
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not install the chromium APK at %s: %s", chromiumBuildName, err)
return nil