tree: e2a3f3f97dfa6ff25bcf4bbab5a10302759ff34d [path history] [tgz]
  1. docker/
  2. test/
  3. .mocharc.json

Puppeteer Tests

This directory contains JS tests that make use of Puppeteer. Puppeteer is a Node.js library that provides an API to instantiate and control a headless Chromium browser. Most things that can be done manually in the browser can be done using Puppeteer.

Examples of such tests might include:

  • Screenshot-grabbing tests. For example, in the case of lit-html components, such a test might perform the following steps:

    1. Load the component's demo page on a headless Chromium instance.
    2. Perform some basic assertions on the structure of the webpage to make sure it loads correctly.
    3. Grab screenshots.
    4. Upload those screenshots to the Skia Infra Gold instance.
  • Integration tests. Example steps:

    1. Fire up a Go web server configured to use fake/mock instances of its dependencies.
      • e.g. use the Firestore emulator instead of hitting GCP.
      • Ideally in a hermetic way for increased speed and reduced flakiness.
    2. Drive the app with Puppeteer. Make assertions along the way.
    3. Optionally grab screenshots and upload them to Gold.

Tests under this directory use the Mocha test runner.

Any output files generated from these tests (e.g. screenshots) will be found in $SKIA_INFRA_ROOT/golden/puppeteer-tests/output.

Docker container

Puppeteer tests run inside a Docker container. This provides a more stable testing environment and reduces screenshot flakiness.

The corresponding Dockerfile can be found in $SKIA_INFRA_ROOT/golden/puppeteer-tests/docker.


Run make puppeteer-test from $SKIA_INFRA_ROOT/golden. This will build and run a Docker container that executes the Mocha test runner. Then, look at $SKIA_INFRA_ROOT/golden/puppeteer-tests/output for the created PNGs.

If you wish to run these tests outside of Docker, try make puppeteer-test-nodocker. Or equivalently, cd into $SKIA_INFRA_ROOT/golden/puppeteer-tests/test and run npx mocha.


The two options below run the tests outside of Docker.

  • cd into $SKIA_INFRA_ROOT/golden/puppeteer-tests/test and run npx mocha debug. This will start the tests and immediately drop into the Node.js inspector.
  • Alternatively, cd into $SKIA_INFRA_ROOT/golden/puppeteer-tests/test and run npx mocha --inspect-brk. This will start the tests and wait until a debugger is attached. Attach any debugger of your liking, e.g. Chrome Dev Tools, VSCode, IntelliJ, etc. See here for more.