blob: 55b82ddb02cbb39b17d569f6ba115cd0502bcc8c [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
adminpb ""
// testFloat64Metric implements the Float64Metric interface.
type testFloat64Metric struct {
id int
deleteCount int
func (m *testFloat64Metric) Delete() error {
m.deleteCount += 1
return nil
func (m *testFloat64Metric) Get() float64 {
return 0
func (m *testFloat64Metric) Update(v float64) {
func TestDeleteUnusedMetrics(t *testing.T) {
m1 := &testFloat64Metric{id: 1}
m2 := &testFloat64Metric{id: 2}
m3 := &testFloat64Metric{id: 3}
m4 := &testFloat64Metric{id: 4}
tests := []struct {
oldMetrics map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}
newMetrics map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}
m1ExpectedDeleteCount int
m2ExpectedDeleteCount int
m3ExpectedDeleteCount int
m4ExpectedDeleteCount int
// Empty old and new metrics.
oldMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{},
newMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{},
m1ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m2ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m3ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m4ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
// Empty old metrics.
oldMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{},
newMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{m1: {}, m2: {}, m3: {}},
m1ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m2ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m3ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m4ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
// Old metrics has m1 and m2. New metrics is empty.
oldMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{m1: {}, m2: {}},
newMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{},
m1ExpectedDeleteCount: 1,
m2ExpectedDeleteCount: 1,
m3ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m4ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
// Different metrics in old and new. m1 and m2 should be deleted.
oldMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{m1: {}, m2: {}},
newMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{m3: {}, m4: {}},
m1ExpectedDeleteCount: 1,
m2ExpectedDeleteCount: 1,
m3ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m4ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
// Same m1, m2, m3, m4 metrics in old and new.
oldMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{m1: {}, m2: {}, m3: {}, m4: {}},
newMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{m1: {}, m2: {}, m3: {}, m4: {}},
m1ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m2ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m3ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m4ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
// Different metrics in old and new with m2 and m3 overlapping.
oldMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{m1: {}, m2: {}, m3: {}},
newMetrics: map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{m2: {}, m3: {}, m4: {}},
m1ExpectedDeleteCount: 1,
m2ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m3ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
m4ExpectedDeleteCount: 0,
for _, test := range tests {
deleteUnusedMetrics(test.oldMetrics, test.newMetrics)
// Assert expected values.
require.Equal(t, test.m1ExpectedDeleteCount, m1.deleteCount)
require.Equal(t, test.m2ExpectedDeleteCount, m2.deleteCount)
require.Equal(t, test.m3ExpectedDeleteCount, m3.deleteCount)
require.Equal(t, test.m4ExpectedDeleteCount, m4.deleteCount)
// Reset all counts for the next test.
m1.deleteCount = 0
m2.deleteCount = 0
m3.deleteCount = 0
m4.deleteCount = 0
func TestProcessKey(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
key *adminpb.ServiceAccountKey
expectedMetricsMapSize int
// Auto-generated key with < 21 days duration should not be added to metrics map.
key: &adminpb.ServiceAccountKey{
Name: "key1",
ValidBeforeTime: timestamppb.New(time.Now()),
ValidAfterTime: timestamppb.New(time.Now().Add(-20 * 24 * time.Hour)),
expectedMetricsMapSize: 0,
// Auto-generated key with < 21 days duration should not be added to metrics map.
key: &adminpb.ServiceAccountKey{
Name: "key2",
ValidBeforeTime: timestamppb.New(time.Now()),
ValidAfterTime: timestamppb.New(time.Now().Add(-1 * 24 * time.Hour)),
expectedMetricsMapSize: 0,
// Manually generated key that is > 21 days duration should be added to metrics map.
key: &adminpb.ServiceAccountKey{
Name: "key3",
ValidBeforeTime: timestamppb.New(time.Now()),
ValidAfterTime: timestamppb.New(time.Now().Add(-30 * 24 * time.Hour)),
expectedMetricsMapSize: 1,
for _, test := range tests {
metrics := map[metrics2.Float64Metric]struct{}{}
processKey(test.key, metrics, "sa-name", "project-name")
require.Len(t, metrics, test.expectedMetricsMapSize)