blob: acfead3ba90d8ce8c85ee12df4d16224a87b1db1 [file] [log] [blame]
package firestore
import (
func setup(t *testing.T) (context.Context, louhi.DB, func()) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
c, cleanup := testutils.NewClientForTesting(ctx, t)
d := newDBWithClient(ctx, c)
return ctx, d, func() {
func TestFirestoreDB_PutGet(t *testing.T) {
ctx, db, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
startTs := time.Unix(1667570100, 0).UTC()
finishTs := time.Unix(1667570500, 0).UTC()
fe := &louhi.FlowExecution{
Artifacts: []string{"artifact-1"},
CreatedAt: startTs,
FinishedAt: finishTs,
FlowName: "my flow",
FlowID: "my-flow-123",
GeneratedCLs: []string{"skia-review/12345"},
GitBranch: "main",
GitCommit: "abc123",
ID: "456",
Link: "https://flows/456",
ModifiedAt: finishTs,
ProjectID: "my-project",
Result: louhi.FlowResultSuccess,
SourceCL: "skia-review/54321",
StartedBy: "Louhi",
TriggerType: louhi.TriggerTypeCommit,
require.NoError(t, db.PutFlowExecution(ctx, fe))
actual, err := db.GetFlowExecution(ctx, fe.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, fe, actual)
func TestFirestoreDB_GetLatestFlowExecutions(t *testing.T) {
ctx, db, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
startTs := time.Unix(1667570100, 0).UTC()
finishTs := time.Unix(1667570500, 0).UTC()
// This is an execution of a previous revision of the flow. Note that the
// flow name is the same as the other two executions, but the flow ID is
// different. Because there is a newer flow execution with the same name,
// this will be retrieved from the DB but not returned by
// GetLatestFlowExecutions, as it will get deduplicated.
fe0 := &louhi.FlowExecution{
CreatedAt: startTs.Add(-time.Hour),
FinishedAt: finishTs.Add(-time.Hour),
FlowName: "my flow",
FlowID: "my-flow-original",
GitBranch: "main",
GitCommit: "123abc",
ID: "123",
Link: "https://flows/123",
ModifiedAt: finishTs.Add(-time.Hour),
ProjectID: "my-project",
Result: louhi.FlowResultFailure,
SourceCL: "skia-review/54321",
StartedBy: "Louhi",
TriggerType: louhi.TriggerTypeCommit,
// This is the last finished execution of the most recent revision of the
// flow. We expect this execution to be the only one returned by
// GetLatestFlowExecutions.
fe1 := &louhi.FlowExecution{
Artifacts: []string{"artifact-1"},
CreatedAt: startTs,
FinishedAt: finishTs,
FlowName: "my flow",
FlowID: "my-flow-123",
GeneratedCLs: []string{"skia-review/12345"},
GitBranch: "main",
GitCommit: "abc123",
ID: "456",
Link: "https://flows/456",
ModifiedAt: finishTs,
ProjectID: "my-project",
Result: louhi.FlowResultSuccess,
SourceCL: "skia-review/54321",
StartedBy: "Louhi",
TriggerType: louhi.TriggerTypeCommit,
// This is an unfinished execution of the most recent revision of the flow.
// it should be passed over in favor of fe1.
fe2 := &louhi.FlowExecution{
CreatedAt: startTs.Add(time.Hour),
FinishedAt: finishTs.Add(time.Hour),
FlowName: "my flow",
FlowID: "my-flow-123",
GitBranch: "main",
GitCommit: "def456",
ID: "919",
Link: "https://flows/919",
ModifiedAt: finishTs.Add(time.Hour),
ProjectID: "my-project",
Result: louhi.FlowResultUnknown,
SourceCL: "skia-review/54321",
StartedBy: "Louhi",
TriggerType: louhi.TriggerTypeCommit,
require.NoError(t, db.PutFlowExecution(ctx, fe0))
require.NoError(t, db.PutFlowExecution(ctx, fe1))
require.NoError(t, db.PutFlowExecution(ctx, fe2))
actual, err := db.GetLatestFlowExecutions(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, map[string]*louhi.FlowExecution{
fe1.FlowName: fe1,
}, actual)