blob: 8b40f470f752fa8147091aa7b641d4d22dac0adf [file] [log] [blame]
* @module modules/histogram-sk
* @description A visual representation of the command name counts totalled by
* commands-sk when a frame is loaded, and a controller for the set of included
* command names in the filter (also in commands-sk).
* It's not an indepentent model-view-controller, just a view-controller for a
* model in commands-sk. The main reason it's a seperate module is that it's
* visually self-contained in different element elsewhere on the page, and as
* far as I know commandsSk cannot export two different elements.
* Due to the functionality depending on the integration with commands-sk,
* this module is tested in debugger-page-sk_test.ts.
* @evt toggle-command-inclusion: Emitted when a row is clicked, indicating it's
* inclusion in the command filter should be toggled.
import { define } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { ElementDocSk } from '../element-doc-sk/element-doc-sk';
import {
HistogramUpdateEventDetail, HistogramEntry,
} from '../events';
export class HistogramSk extends ElementDocSk {
private static template = (ele: HistogramSk) => html`
<details title="A table of the number of occurrences of each command." open>
<td title="Occurrences of command in current frame (or single frame skp file).">frame</td>
<td title="Occurrences of command within the current range filter.">range</td>
${ HistogramEntry) => HistogramSk.rowTemplate(ele, item))}
<tr><td class=countCol>${ele._total()}</td><td><b>Total</b></td></tr>
private static rowTemplate = (ele: HistogramSk, item: HistogramEntry) => html`
<tr @click=${() => { ele._toggle(; }} id="hist-row-${}"
class="${ele._incl.has( ? '' : 'pinkBackground'}">
<td class=countCol>${item.countInFrame}</td>
<td class=countCol>${item.countInRange}</td>
// counts of command occurrences
private _hist: HistogramEntry[] = [];
// commands which the filter includes
private _incl = new Set<string>();
private _total(): number {
let total = 0;
for (const item of this._hist) {
total += item.countInRange;
return total;
constructor() {
connectedCallback(): void {
this.addDocumentEventListener(HistogramUpdateEvent, (e) => {
const detail = (e as CustomEvent<HistogramUpdateEventDetail>).detail;
// event may update one or both items
if (detail.hist) {
this._hist = detail.hist;
if (detail.included) {
this._incl = detail.included;
// Toggle the given item in or out of the included set in commands-sk
private _toggle(name: string) {
const lowerName = name.toLowerCase();
// short cut to change our own appearance
if (this._incl.has(lowerName)) {
} else {
// but make sure to tell the module that actually owns this model
new CustomEvent<ToggleCommandInclusionEventDetail>(
ToggleCommandInclusionEvent, {
detail: { name: lowerName },
bubbles: true,
define('histogram-sk', HistogramSk);