blob: bbcddf9a2332529573c77cdbbcfe88778a0ef89a [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build linux
// +build linux
package repo_manager
import (
cipd_git ""
git_testutils ""
func commandsEqual(a, b *exec.Command) bool {
if a.Name != b.Name {
return false
if !util.SSliceEqual(a.Args, b.Args) {
return false
if a.Dir != b.Dir {
return false
if a.InheritEnv != b.InheritEnv {
return false
if a.InheritPath != b.InheritPath {
return false
if !util.SSliceEqual(a.Env, b.Env) {
return false
return (a.Name == b.Name &&
util.SSliceEqual(a.Args, b.Args) &&
a.Dir == b.Dir &&
a.InheritEnv == b.InheritEnv &&
a.InheritPath == b.InheritPath &&
util.SSliceEqual(a.Env, b.Env))
func TestCommandRepoManager(t *testing.T) {
const tipRev0 = "tipRev0"
const pinnedRev0 = "pinnedRev0"
// Setup.
// We do actually want to call git for some commands, so we need to use the git from CIPD.
ctx := cipd_git.UseGitFinder(context.Background())
tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, tmp)
urlmock := mockhttpclient.NewURLMock()
g := setupFakeGerrit(t, depsCfg(t).GetDepsLocalGerritParent().Gerrit, urlmock)
parent := git_testutils.GitInit(t, ctx)
parent.Add(ctx, "version", "pinnedRev0")
baseDir := filepath.Join(tmp, filepath.Base(parent.RepoUrl()))
// Commands used by this CommandRepoManager.
vars := &CommandTmplVars{
RollingFrom: pinnedRev0,
RollingTo: tipRev0,
getTipRev := &config.CommandRepoManagerConfig_CommandConfig{
Command: []string{"echo", tipRev0},
Dir: ".",
Env: []string{
getTipRevCmd, err := makeCommand(getTipRev, baseDir, vars)
require.NoError(t, err)
getTipRevCount := 0
getPinnedRev := &config.CommandRepoManagerConfig_CommandConfig{
Command: []string{"cat", "version"},
Dir: ".",
Env: []string{
getPinnedRevCmd, err := makeCommand(getPinnedRev, baseDir, vars)
require.NoError(t, err)
getPinnedRevCount := 0
setPinnedRev := &config.CommandRepoManagerConfig_CommandConfig{
Command: []string{"bash", "-c", "echo \"{{.RollingTo}}\" > version"},
Dir: ".",
Env: []string{
setPinnedRevCmd, err := makeCommand(setPinnedRev, baseDir, vars)
require.NoError(t, err)
setPinnedRevCount := 0
cfg := &config.CommandRepoManagerConfig{
GitCheckout: &config.GitCheckoutConfig{
Branch: git.MainBranch,
RepoUrl: parent.RepoUrl(),
GetTipRev: getTipRev,
GetPinnedRev: getPinnedRev,
SetPinnedRev: setPinnedRev,
// Spy on all commands. If the command is one of the three special commands
// for this repo manager, verify that it matches expectations.
lastUpload := new(vcsinfo.LongCommit)
mockRun := &exec.CommandCollector{}
mockRun.SetDelegateRun(func(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) error {
if commandsEqual(cmd, getTipRevCmd) {
if commandsEqual(cmd, getPinnedRevCmd) {
if commandsEqual(cmd, setPinnedRevCmd) {
// Don't perform "git push".
if strings.Contains(cmd.Name, "git") && cmd.Args[0] == "push" {
d, err := git.GitDir(cmd.Dir).Details(ctx, "HEAD")
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
*lastUpload = *d
return nil
return exec.DefaultRun(ctx, cmd)
ctx = exec.NewContext(ctx, mockRun.Run)
// Create the repo manager.
rm, err := NewCommandRepoManager(ctx, cfg, setupRegistry(t), tmp, "", gerritCR(t, g, urlmock.Client()))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, getTipRevCount)
require.Equal(t, 0, getPinnedRevCount)
require.Equal(t, 0, setPinnedRevCount)
// Update.
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, lastRollRev)
require.NotNil(t, tipRev)
require.NotNil(t, notRolledRevs)
require.Equal(t, 1, getTipRevCount)
require.Equal(t, 1, getPinnedRevCount)
require.Equal(t, 0, setPinnedRevCount)
require.Equal(t, pinnedRev0, lastRollRev.Id)
require.Equal(t, tipRev0, tipRev.Id)
require.Len(t, notRolledRevs, 1)
require.Equal(t, tipRev0, notRolledRevs[0].Id)
// Mock the request to load the change.
// TODO(borenet): Refactor Gerrit mocks.
ci := gerrit.ChangeInfo{
ChangeId: "123",
Id: "123",
Project: "test-project",
Branch: "test-branch",
Issue: 123,
Revisions: map[string]*gerrit.Revision{
"ps1": {
ID: "ps1",
Number: 1,
"ps2": {
ID: "ps2",
Number: 2,
WorkInProgress: true,
respBody, err := json.Marshal(ci)
require.NoError(t, err)
respBody = append([]byte(")]}'\n"), respBody...)
urlmock.MockOnce("", mockhttpclient.MockGetDialogue(respBody))
// Mock the request to set the change as read for review. This is only
// done if ChangeInfo.WorkInProgress is true.
reqBody := []byte(`{}`)
urlmock.MockOnce("", mockhttpclient.MockPostDialogue("application/json", reqBody, []byte("")))
// Mock the request to set the CQ.
reqBody = []byte(`{"labels":{"Code-Review":1,"Commit-Queue":2},"message":"","reviewers":[{"reviewer":""}]}`)
urlmock.MockOnce("", mockhttpclient.MockPostDialogue("application/json", reqBody, []byte("")))
issue, err := rm.CreateNewRoll(ctx, lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, []string{""}, false, "fake-commit-msg")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEqual(t, 0, issue)