blob: 790fa743e2081a53a72612a45c231cc917102be6 [file] [log] [blame]
package recent_rolls
import (
// TestRecentRolls verifies that we correctly track mode history.
func TestRecentRolls(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
testutil.InitDatastore(t, ds.KIND_AUTOROLL_ROLL)
// Create the RecentRolls.
r, err := NewRecentRolls(ctx, NewDatastoreRollsDB(ctx), "test-roller")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use this function for checking expectations.
check := func(current, last *autoroll.AutoRollIssue, history []*autoroll.AutoRollIssue) {
assertdeep.Equal(t, current, r.CurrentRoll())
assertdeep.Equal(t, last, r.LastRoll())
assertdeep.Equal(t, history, r.GetRecentRolls())
// Add one issue.
now := time.Now().UTC()
ari1 := &autoroll.AutoRollIssue{
Closed: false,
Committed: false,
Created: now,
IsDryRun: false,
Issue: 1010101,
Modified: now,
Patchsets: []int64{1},
Subject: "FAKE DEPS ROLL 1",
TryResults: []*autoroll.TryResult(nil),
expect := []*autoroll.AutoRollIssue{ari1}
require.NoError(t, r.Add(ctx, ari1))
check(ari1, nil, expect)
// Try to add it again. We should log an error but not fail.
require.NoError(t, r.Add(ctx, ari1))
check(ari1, nil, expect)
// Close the issue as successful. Ensure that it's now the last roll
// instead of the current roll.
ari1.Closed = true
ari1.Committed = true
ari1.CqFinished = true
ari1.CqSuccess = true
ari1.Result = autoroll.ROLL_RESULT_SUCCESS
require.NoError(t, r.Update(ctx, ari1))
check(nil, ari1, expect)
// Add another issue. Ensure that it's the current roll with the
// previously-added roll as the last roll.
now = time.Now().UTC()
ari2 := &autoroll.AutoRollIssue{
Closed: false,
Committed: false,
Created: now,
Issue: 1010102,
Modified: now,
Patchsets: []int64{1},
Subject: "FAKE DEPS ROLL 2",
TryResults: []*autoroll.TryResult(nil),
require.NoError(t, r.Add(ctx, ari2))
expect = []*autoroll.AutoRollIssue{ari2, ari1}
check(ari2, ari1, expect)
// Try to add another active issue. We should log an error but not fail.
now = time.Now().UTC()
ari3 := &autoroll.AutoRollIssue{
Closed: false,
Committed: false,
Created: now,
Issue: 1010103,
Modified: now,
Patchsets: []int64{1},
Subject: "FAKE DEPS ROLL 3",
TryResults: []*autoroll.TryResult(nil),
require.NoError(t, r.Add(ctx, ari3))
expect = []*autoroll.AutoRollIssue{ari3, ari2, ari1}
check(ari3, ari2, expect)
// Close the issue as failed. Ensure that it's now the last roll
// instead of the current roll.
ari2.Closed = true
ari2.Committed = false
ari2.CqFinished = true
ari2.CqSuccess = false
ari2.Result = autoroll.ROLL_RESULT_FAILURE
require.NoError(t, r.Update(ctx, ari2))
check(ari3, ari2, expect)
// Same with ari3.
ari3.Closed = true
ari3.Committed = false
ari3.CqFinished = true
ari3.CqSuccess = false
ari3.Result = autoroll.ROLL_RESULT_FAILURE
require.NoError(t, r.Update(ctx, ari3))
check(nil, ari3, expect)
// Try to add a bogus issue.
now = time.Now().UTC()
bad2 := &autoroll.AutoRollIssue{
Closed: false,
Committed: true,
Created: now,
Issue: 1010104,
Modified: now,
Patchsets: []int64{1},
Result: autoroll.ROLL_RESULT_FAILURE,
Subject: "FAKE DEPS ROLL 4",
TryResults: []*autoroll.TryResult(nil),
require.Error(t, r.Add(ctx, bad2))
// Add one more roll. Ensure that it's the current roll.
now = time.Now().UTC()
ari4 := &autoroll.AutoRollIssue{
Closed: false,
Committed: false,
Created: now,
Issue: 1010105,
Modified: now,
Patchsets: []int64{1},
Subject: "FAKE DEPS ROLL 5",
TryResults: []*autoroll.TryResult(nil),
require.NoError(t, r.Add(ctx, ari4))
expect = []*autoroll.AutoRollIssue{ari4, ari3, ari2, ari1}
check(ari4, ari3, expect)
func TestDatastoreRollsDB_GetRolls(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
testutil.InitDatastore(t, ds.KIND_AUTOROLL_ROLL)
db := NewDatastoreRollsDB(ctx)
roller := uuid.New().String()
issue := int64(0)
now := time.Unix(1678218051, 0) // Arbitrary starting point.
makeRoll := func() *autoroll.AutoRollIssue {
issue += 1
now = now.Add(time.Second)
return &autoroll.AutoRollIssue{
Closed: true,
Committed: true,
Created: now,
Issue: issue,
Modified: now,
Patchsets: []int64{1},
Result: autoroll.ROLL_RESULT_SUCCESS,
Subject: "fake roll",
TryResults: []*autoroll.TryResult(nil),
// Ensure no error when no rolls exist.
rolls, cursor, err := db.GetRolls(ctx, roller, "")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", cursor)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(rolls))
// Insert a single roll.
r1 := makeRoll()
require.NoError(t, db.Put(ctx, roller, r1))
rolls, cursor, err = db.GetRolls(ctx, roller, "")
require.NoError(t, err)
//require.Equal(t, "", cursor)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(rolls))
require.Equal(t, rolls[0], r1)
// Insert enough rolls to necessitate multiple pages.
for i := 0; i < 3*loadRollsPageSize; i++ {
require.NoError(t, db.Put(ctx, roller, makeRoll()))
allRolls := []*autoroll.AutoRollIssue{}
// Batch 1.
rolls, cursor, err = db.GetRolls(ctx, roller, "")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEqual(t, "", cursor)
require.Equal(t, loadRollsPageSize, len(rolls))
allRolls = append(allRolls, rolls...)
// Batch 2.
rolls, cursor, err = db.GetRolls(ctx, roller, cursor)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEqual(t, "", cursor)
require.Equal(t, loadRollsPageSize, len(rolls))
allRolls = append(allRolls, rolls...)
// Batch 3.
rolls, cursor, err = db.GetRolls(ctx, roller, cursor)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEqual(t, "", cursor)
require.Equal(t, loadRollsPageSize, len(rolls))
allRolls = append(allRolls, rolls...)
// Batch 4. Only one roll left to retrieve. Cursor should be empty.
rolls, cursor, err = db.GetRolls(ctx, roller, cursor)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", cursor)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(rolls))
allRolls = append(allRolls, rolls...)
// Ensure that we found all of the rolls we expected.
require.Equal(t, 76, len(allRolls))