blob: 2f813259757e2ef2a98f116d79e5ccb3d888230e [file] [log] [blame]
authorized_users: [
"", "", "",
cl_comment_template: "Gold has detected about {{.NumUntriaged}} untriaged digest(s) on patchset {{.PatchSetOrder}}.\n\
Please triage them using one of the following links before submitting:\n\
- {{.InstanceURL}}/cl/{{.CRS}}/{{.ChangeListID}} if you are working on an internal repo or otherwise expect some test results to be non-public.\n\
- {{.PublicInstanceURL}}/cl/{{.CRS}}/{{.ChangeListID}} otherwise.\n\
If this is due to a failure in a gtest-based test, this functionality is currently experimental and won't block your CL.\n\
If all the trybots passed and you don't expect your CL to have any effect on browser UI, you can likely ignore this message.\n\
See the FAQ for more information:\n",
client_secret_file: "/etc/",
crs_url_template: "",
diff_server_grpc: "gold-chrome-diffserver:8000",
diff_server_http: "gold-chrome-diffserver:8001",
flaky_trace_threshold: 10000, // no trace is flaky
frontend: {
baseRepoURL: "<inherited from git_repo_url>",
crsTemplate: "<inherited from crs_url_template>",
defaultCorpus: "gtest-pixeltests",
title: "Chrome Gold",
gerrit_url: "",
lit_html_path: "/usr/local/share/skiacorrectness",
num_commits: 512,
port: ":8000",
prom_port: ":20000",
public_site_url: "",
resources_path: "/usr/local/share/skiacorrectness/frontend",
site_url: "",
tile_freshness: "1m",
trace_bt_table: "gold-chrome",
// These values affect the k8s deployment; they are not read in by the binary.
K8S_CPU: 4,
K8S_LOGIN_SECRETS: "skia-org-legacy-login-secrets",
K8S_MEMORY: "4Gi",