blob: 1673ebd56be6d7c5ccd07799debeadaecdf7b940 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package updater contains an implementation of the code_review.ChangelistLandedUpdater interface.
// It should be CRS-agnostic.
package updater
import (
type Impl struct {
expStore expectations.Store
reviewSystems []clstore.ReviewSystem
func New(e expectations.Store, reviewSystems []clstore.ReviewSystem) *Impl {
return &Impl{
expStore: e,
reviewSystems: reviewSystems,
// UpdateChangelistsAsLanded implements the code_review.ChangelistLandedUpdater interface.
// This implementation is *not* thread safe.
func (u *Impl) UpdateChangelistsAsLanded(ctx context.Context, commits []*vcsinfo.LongCommit) error {
if len(commits) > 100 {
// For new instances, or very sparse instances, we'll have many many many commits to check,
// which can make startup take tens of minutes (due to having to poll the CRS about many
// many commits [and there's a very conservative QPS limit set]).
sklog.Warningf("Got more than 100 commits to update. This usually means we are starting up; We'll only check the last 100.")
commits = commits[len(commits)-100:]
for _, c := range commits {
var clID string
var system clstore.ReviewSystem
for _, rs := range u.reviewSystems {
// GetChangelistIDForCommit is smart enough to distinguish between two different Gerrit
// systems because it looks at the review URL in the CL message.
if id, err := rs.Client.GetChangelistIDForCommit(ctx, c); err == nil {
clID = id
system = rs
if clID == "" {
sklog.Warningf("Saw a commit %s that did not line up with a code review", c.Hash)
storedCL, err := system.Store.GetChangelist(ctx, clID)
if err == clstore.ErrNotFound {
// Wasn't in clstore, so there was no data from TryJobs associated with that
// Changelist, so there can't be any expectations associated with it.
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if storedCL.Status == code_review.Landed {
// We have already written this data.
cl, err := system.Client.GetChangelist(ctx, clID)
if err == code_review.ErrNotFound {
return skerr.Fmt("somehow got an invalid CLID %s from commit %s", clID, c.Hash)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "querying CRS for CL %s", c.Hash)
if cl.Status != code_review.Landed {
return skerr.Fmt("cl %v of revision %s was supposed to have landed, but wasn't according to %s", cl, c.Hash, system.ID)
// Write the expectations (if any) for the CL to master
clExp := u.expStore.ForChangelist(cl.SystemID, system.ID)
e, err := clExp.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting CLExpectations for %s (%s)", cl.SystemID, system.ID)
if !e.Empty() {
delta := expectations.AsDelta(e)
if err := u.expStore.AddChange(ctx, delta, cl.Owner); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "writing CLExpectations for %s (%s) to master: %v", cl.SystemID, system.ID, e)
// cl.Status must be Landed at this point and the CRS has set the cl's Updated time to
// the time that it was closed or marked as landed.
if err := system.Store.PutChangelist(ctx, cl); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "storing CL %v to store", cl)
return nil
// Make sure Impl fulfills the code_review.ChangelistLandedUpdater interface.
var _ code_review.ChangelistLandedUpdater = (*Impl)(nil)