blob: a084d7f6b43c887c54e7dff004b36739c0fa7d88 [file] [log] [blame]
package repo_manager
import (
cipd_api ""
infra_common ""
git_testutils ""
const (
githubCIPDDEPSChildPath = "path/to/child"
githubCIPDAssetName = "test/cipd/name"
githubCIPDAssetTag = "latest"
githubCIPDUser = ""
githubCIPDLastRolled = "xyz12345678901234567890"
githubCipdNotRolled1 = "abc12345678901234567890"
githubCipdNotRolled2 = "def12345678901234567890"
var (
githubCIPDTs = cipd.UnixTime(time.Unix(1592417178, 0))
func githubCipdDEPSRmCfg(t *testing.T) *config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig {
return &config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig{
Parent: &config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig_DepsLocalGithubParent{
DepsLocalGithubParent: &config.DEPSLocalGitHubParentConfig{
DepsLocal: &config.DEPSLocalParentConfig{
GitCheckout: &config.GitCheckoutParentConfig{
GitCheckout: &config.GitCheckoutConfig{
Branch: git.MasterBranch,
RepoUrl: "todo.git",
Dep: &config.DependencyConfig{
Primary: &config.VersionFileConfig{
Id: githubCIPDAssetName,
Path: deps_parser.DepsFileName,
ChildPath: githubCIPDDEPSChildPath,
Github: &config.GitHubConfig{
RepoOwner: githubCIPDUser,
RepoName: "todo.git",
ForkRepoUrl: "todo.git",
Child: &config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig_CipdChild{
CipdChild: &config.CIPDChildConfig{
Name: githubCIPDAssetName,
Tag: githubCIPDAssetTag,
func setupGithubCipdDEPS(t *testing.T, cfg *config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig) (context.Context, *parentChildRepoManager, string, *git_testutils.GitBuilder, *exec.CommandCollector, *mocks.CIPDClient, *mockhttpclient.URLMock, func()) {
wd, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
// Under Bazel and RBE, there is no pre-existing depot_tools repository checkout for tests to use,
// so depot_tools.Get() will try to clone the depot_tools repository. However, the delegate "run"
// function of the exec.CommandCollector below skips any "git clone" commands. For this reason, we
// clone said repository here before setting up the aforementioned delegate "run" function, and
// make the checkout available to the caller test case via the corresponding environment variable.
originalDepotToolsTestEnvVar := os.Getenv(depot_tools.DEPOT_TOOLS_TEST_ENV_VAR)
if bazel.InBazelTestOnRBE() {
depotToolsDir := filepath.Join(wd, "depot_tools")
_, err := git.NewCheckout(ctx, infra_common.REPO_DEPOT_TOOLS, wd)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, os.Setenv(depot_tools.DEPOT_TOOLS_TEST_ENV_VAR, depotToolsDir))
// Create parent repo.
parent := git_testutils.GitInit(t, ctx)
parent.Add(ctx, "DEPS", fmt.Sprintf(`
deps = {
"%s": {
"packages": [
"package": "%s",
"version": "%s"
}`, githubCIPDDEPSChildPath, githubCIPDAssetName, githubCIPDLastRolled))
fork := git_testutils.GitInit(t, ctx)
fork.Git(ctx, "remote", "set-url", git.DefaultRemote, parent.RepoUrl())
fork.Git(ctx, "fetch", git.DefaultRemote)
fork.Git(ctx, "checkout", git.MasterBranch)
fork.Git(ctx, "reset", "--hard", git.DefaultRemoteBranch)
mockRun := &exec.CommandCollector{}
mockRun.SetDelegateRun(func(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) error {
if strings.Contains(cmd.Name, "git") {
if cmd.Args[0] == "clone" || cmd.Args[0] == "fetch" || cmd.Args[0] == "reset" {
sklog.Infof("Skipping command: %s %s", cmd.Name, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
return nil
if cmd.Args[0] == "checkout" && cmd.Args[1] == "remote/"+git.MasterBranch {
// Pretend origin is the remote branch for testing ease.
cmd.Args[1] = git.DefaultRemoteBranch
return exec.DefaultRun(ctx, cmd)
ctx = exec.NewContext(ctx, mockRun.Run)
recipesCfg := filepath.Join(testutils.GetRepoRoot(t), recipe_cfg.RECIPE_CFG_PATH)
g, urlMock := setupFakeGithub(ctx, t, nil)
parentCfg := cfg.Parent.(*config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig_DepsLocalGithubParent).DepsLocalGithubParent
parentCfg.DepsLocal.GitCheckout.GitCheckout.RepoUrl = parent.RepoUrl()
parentCfg.ForkRepoUrl = fork.RepoUrl()
rm, err := newParentChildRepoManager(ctx, cfg, setupRegistry(t), wd, "test_roller_name", recipesCfg, "", nil, githubCR(t, g))
require.NoError(t, err)
mockCipd := getCipdMock(ctx)
cleanup := func() {
testutils.RemoveAll(t, wd)
require.NoError(t, os.Setenv(depot_tools.DEPOT_TOOLS_TEST_ENV_VAR, originalDepotToolsTestEnvVar))
return ctx, rm, wd, parent, mockRun, mockCipd, urlMock, cleanup
type instanceEnumeratorImpl struct {
done bool
func (e *instanceEnumeratorImpl) Next(ctx context.Context, limit int) ([]cipd.InstanceInfo, error) {
if e.done {
return nil, nil
instance0 := cipd.InstanceInfo{
Pin: common.Pin{
PackageName: githubCIPDAssetName,
InstanceID: githubCIPDLastRolled,
RegisteredBy: "",
instance1 := cipd.InstanceInfo{
Pin: common.Pin{
PackageName: githubCIPDAssetName,
InstanceID: githubCipdNotRolled1,
RegisteredBy: "",
instance2 := cipd.InstanceInfo{
Pin: common.Pin{
PackageName: githubCIPDAssetName,
InstanceID: githubCipdNotRolled2,
RegisteredBy: "",
e.done = true
return []cipd.InstanceInfo{instance2, instance1, instance0}, nil
func cipdMockDescribe(ctx context.Context, cipdClient *mocks.CIPDClient, ver string, tags []string) {
tagInfos := make([]cipd.TagInfo, len(tags))
for idx, tag := range tags {
tagInfos[idx].Tag = tag
cipdClient.On("Describe", ctx, githubCIPDAssetName, ver).Return(&cipd_api.InstanceDescription{
InstanceInfo: cipd_api.InstanceInfo{
Pin: common.Pin{
PackageName: githubCIPDAssetName,
InstanceID: ver,
RegisteredBy: githubCIPDUser,
RegisteredTs: githubCIPDTs,
Tags: tagInfos,
}, nil).Once()
func getCipdMock(ctx context.Context) *mocks.CIPDClient {
cipdClient := &mocks.CIPDClient{}
head := common.Pin{
PackageName: githubCIPDAssetName,
InstanceID: githubCipdNotRolled1,
cipdClient.On("ResolveVersion", ctx, githubCIPDAssetName, githubCIPDAssetTag).Return(head, nil).Once()
cipdMockDescribe(ctx, cipdClient, githubCipdNotRolled1, nil)
cipdMockDescribe(ctx, cipdClient, githubCipdNotRolled1, nil)
cipdClient.On("ListInstances", ctx, githubCIPDAssetName).Return(&instanceEnumeratorImpl{}, nil).Once()
cipdMockDescribe(ctx, cipdClient, githubCIPDLastRolled, nil)
return cipdClient
// TestGithubRepoManager tests all aspects of the GithubRepoManager except for CreateNewRoll.
func TestGithubCipdDEPSRepoManager(t *testing.T) {
cfg := githubCipdDEPSRmCfg(t)
ctx, rm, _, _, _, _, _, cleanup := setupGithubCipdDEPS(t, cfg)
defer cleanup()
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert last roll, next roll and not rolled yet.
require.Equal(t, githubCIPDLastRolled, lastRollRev.Id)
require.Equal(t, githubCipdNotRolled1, tipRev.Id)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(notRolledRevs))
require.Equal(t, githubCipdNotRolled1, notRolledRevs[0].Id)
require.Equal(t, githubCipdNotRolled1[:9]+"...", notRolledRevs[0].Display)
func TestGithubCipdDEPSRepoManagerCreateNewRoll(t *testing.T) {
cfg := githubCipdDEPSRmCfg(t)
ctx, rm, _, _, _, _, urlMock, cleanup := setupGithubCipdDEPS(t, cfg)
defer cleanup()
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a roll.
mockGithubRequests(t, urlMock, cfg.GetDepsLocalGithubParent().ForkRepoUrl)
issue, err := rm.CreateNewRoll(ctx, lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, emails, false, fakeCommitMsg)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, issueNum, issue)
// Verify that we ran the PreUploadSteps.
func TestGithubCipdDEPSRepoManagerPreUploadSteps(t *testing.T) {
// Create a dummy pre-upload step.
ran := false
stepName := parent.AddPreUploadStepForTesting(func(context.Context, []string, *http.Client, string, *revision.Revision, *revision.Revision) error {
ran = true
return nil
cfg := githubCipdDEPSRmCfg(t)
parentCfg := cfg.Parent.(*config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig_DepsLocalGithubParent).DepsLocalGithubParent
parentCfg.DepsLocal.PreUploadSteps = []config.PreUploadStep{stepName}
ctx, rm, _, _, _, _, urlMock, cleanup := setupGithubCipdDEPS(t, cfg)
defer cleanup()
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a roll, assert that we ran the PreUploadSteps.
mockGithubRequests(t, urlMock, parentCfg.ForkRepoUrl)
_, createErr := rm.CreateNewRoll(ctx, lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, emails, false, fakeCommitMsg)
require.NoError(t, createErr)
require.True(t, ran)
// Verify that we fail when a PreUploadStep fails.
func TestGithubCipdDEPSRepoManagerPreUploadStepsError(t *testing.T) {
ran := false
expectedErr := errors.New("Expected error")
stepName := parent.AddPreUploadStepForTesting(func(context.Context, []string, *http.Client, string, *revision.Revision, *revision.Revision) error {
ran = true
return expectedErr
cfg := githubCipdDEPSRmCfg(t)
parentCfg := cfg.Parent.(*config.ParentChildRepoManagerConfig_DepsLocalGithubParent).DepsLocalGithubParent
parentCfg.DepsLocal.PreUploadSteps = []config.PreUploadStep{stepName}
ctx, rm, _, _, _, _, urlMock, cleanup := setupGithubCipdDEPS(t, cfg)
defer cleanup()
lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a roll, assert that we ran the PreUploadSteps.
mockGithubRequests(t, urlMock, parentCfg.ForkRepoUrl)
_, createErr := rm.CreateNewRoll(ctx, lastRollRev, tipRev, notRolledRevs, emails, false, fakeCommitMsg)
require.Error(t, expectedErr, createErr)
require.True(t, ran)
// TestGithubRepoManagerGetRevision tests GithubCipdDEPSRepoManager.GetRevision().
func TestGithubCipdDEPSRepoManagerGetRevision(t *testing.T) {
cfg := githubCipdDEPSRmCfg(t)
ctx, rm, _, _, _, mockCipd, _, cleanup := setupGithubCipdDEPS(t, cfg)
defer cleanup()
// Clear out the mocks.
_, _, _, err := rm.Update(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Basic.
test := func(id string, tags []string, expect *revision.Revision) {
cipdMockDescribe(ctx, mockCipd, id, tags)
rev, err := rm.GetRevision(ctx, id)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertdeep.Equal(t, expect, rev)
getExpect := func(id string) *revision.Revision {
return &revision.Revision{
Id: id,
Author: githubCIPDUser,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", githubCIPDAssetName, id),
Display: id[:9] + "...",
Timestamp: time.Time(githubCIPDTs),
URL: fmt.Sprintf("", githubCIPDAssetName, id),
expect := getExpect(githubCipdNotRolled1)
test(githubCipdNotRolled1, []string{"key:value"}, expect)
// Bugs.
expect = getExpect(githubCipdNotRolled2)
expect.Bugs = map[string][]string{
"chromium": {"456", "789"},
test(githubCipdNotRolled2, []string{"bug:b/1234", "bug:chromium:456", "bug:chromium:789"}, expect)
// Details.
expect = getExpect(githubCIPDLastRolled)
expect.Details = `line 0
duplicates OK
line 1
line 3
ordering doesnt matter`
test(githubCIPDLastRolled, []string{
"details4:ordering doesnt matter",
"details0:line 0",
"details1:line 1",
"details3: line 3",
"details1:duplicates OK",
}, expect)