blob: 177016642f30b62f790c3abb1142dfb210435d3d [file] [log] [blame]
* @module modules/debug-view-sk
* @description Container and manager of the wasm-linked main canvas for the debugger.
* Contains several CSS resizing buttons that do not alter the surface size.
* @evt move-cursor: Emitted when the user has moved the cursor by clicking or hovering.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import {
} from '../debugger-page-sk/debugger-page-sk';
export type FitStyle = 'natural' | 'fit' | 'right' | 'bottom';
export class DebugViewSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = (ele: DebugViewSk) =>
<div class="horizontal-flex">
<button title="Original size." @click=${() => ele.fitStyle = 'natural'}>
<img src="/dist/image.png" />
<button title="Fit in page." @click=${() => ele.fitStyle = 'fit'}>
<img src="/dist/both.png" />
<button title="Fit to width." @click=${() => ele.fitStyle = 'right'}>
<img src="/dist/right.png" />
<button title="Fit to height." @click=${() => ele.fitStyle = 'bottom'}>
<img src="/dist/bottom.png" />
<div id="backdrop" class="${ele._backdropStyle} grid">
${ ele._renderCanvas
? html`<canvas id="main-canvas" class=${ele._fitStyle}
width=${ele._width} height=${ele._height}></canvas>`
: '' }
<canvas id="crosshair-canvas" class=${ele._fitStyle}
width=${ele._width} height=${ele._height}
// the native width and height of the main canvas, before css is applied
private _width: number = 400;
private _height: number = 400;
// the css class used to size the canvas.
private _fitStyle: FitStyle = 'fit';
private _backdropStyle = 'light-checkerboard';
private _crossHairActive = false;
private _renderCanvas = true;
get crosshairActive(): boolean {
return this._crossHairActive;
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
document.addEventListener('render-cursor', (e) => {
const detail = (e as CustomEvent<DebuggerPageSkCursorEventDetail>).detail;
if (!this._crossHairActive || detail.onlyData) {
document.addEventListener('light-dark', (e) => {
this._backdropStyle = (e as CustomEvent<DebuggerPageSkLightDarkEventDetail>).detail.mode;
// Pass one of the CSS classes for sizing the debug view canvas.
// It doesn't change the pixel size of the SkSurface, use resize for that.
set fitStyle(fs: FitStyle) {
this._fitStyle = fs;
get canvas(): HTMLCanvasElement {
return this.querySelector<HTMLCanvasElement>('#main-canvas')!
// Replace the main canvas element, changing its native size
resize(width = 400, height = 400): HTMLCanvasElement {
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
this._renderCanvas = false;
this._render(); // delete it to clear it's rendering context.
this._renderCanvas = true;
this._render(); // template makes a fresh one.
return this.querySelector('canvas')!;
private _visibleSize(): Point {
const element = this.querySelector<HTMLCanvasElement>('#main-canvas')!;
var strW = window.getComputedStyle(element, null).width;
var strH = window.getComputedStyle(element, null).height;
// Trim 'px' off the end of the style string and convert to a number.
const visibleWidth = parseFloat(strW.substring(0, strW.length-2));
const visibleHeight = parseFloat(strH.substring(0, strH.length-2));
return [visibleWidth, visibleHeight];
private _mouseOffsetToCanvasPoint(e: MouseEvent): Point {
// The element changes size occasionally, compute visible size just before use.
const size = this._visibleSize();
return [
Math.round(e.offsetX / size[0] * this._width),
Math.round(e.offsetY / size[1] * this._height),
private _sendCursorMove(p: Point) {
new CustomEvent<DebuggerPageSkCursorEventDetail>(
'move-cursor', {
detail: {position: p, onlyData: false},
bubbles: true,
private _drawCrossHairAt(p: Point) {
const chCanvas = this.querySelector<HTMLCanvasElement>('#crosshair-canvas')!;
const chx = chCanvas.getContext('2d')!;
chx.clearRect(0, 0, chCanvas.width, chCanvas.height);
chx.lineWidth = this._width / this._visibleSize()[0];
chx.strokeStyle = '#F00';
chx.moveTo(0, p[1]-0.5);
chx.lineTo(chCanvas.width+1, p[1]-0.5);
chx.moveTo(p[0]-0.5, 0);
chx.lineTo(p[0]-0.5, chCanvas.height+1);
private _canvasClicked(e: MouseEvent) {
if (e.offsetX < 0) { return; } // border
const coords = this._mouseOffsetToCanvasPoint(e);
if (this._crossHairActive) {
this._crossHairActive = false;
this._drawCrossHairAt([-5, -5]); // lazy clear
} else {
this._crossHairActive = true;
private _canvasMouseMove(e: MouseEvent) {
if (e.offsetX < 0) { return; } // border
if (this._crossHairActive) { return; }
define('debug-view-sk', DebugViewSk);