blob: f71cd1459b44c32f8f1d89be6f8fa13226cfd78d [file] [log] [blame]
package storage
import (
gstorage ""
// GCSClientOptions is used to define input parameters to the GCSClient.
type GCSClientOptions struct {
// HashesGSPath is the bucket and path for storing the list of known digests.
HashesGSPath string
// BaselineGSPath is the bucket and path for storing the baseline information.
// This is considered to be a directory and will be used as such.
BaselineGSPath string
// If DryRun is true, don't actually write the files (e.g. running locally)
Dryrun bool
// GCSClient provides an abstraction around read/writes to Google storage.
type GCSClient interface {
// WriteKnownDigests writes the given list of digests to GCS as newline separated strings.
WriteKnownDigests(digests types.DigestSlice) error
// WriteBaseline writes the given baseline for the given commit to GCS.
// It returns the path of the written file in GCS (prefixed with 'gs://').
// TODO(kjlubick): remove this when removing gcs_baseliner
WriteBaseline(b *baseline.Baseline, commitHash string) (string, error)
// ReadBaseline returns the baseline for the given issue from GCS.
// TODO(kjlubick): remove this when removing gcs_baseliner
ReadBaseline(commitHash string, issueID int64) (*baseline.Baseline, error)
// LoadKnownDigests loads the digests that have previously been written
// to GS via WriteKnownDigests. The digests should be copied to the
// provided writer 'w'.
LoadKnownDigests(w io.Writer) error
// RemoveForTestingOnly removes the given file. Should only be used for testing.
RemoveForTestingOnly(targetPath string) error
// Returns the options that were used to initialize the client
Options() GCSClientOptions
// ClientImpl implements the GCSClient interface.
type ClientImpl struct {
storageClient *gstorage.Client
options GCSClientOptions
// NewGCSClient creates a new instance of ClientImpl. The various
// output paths are set in GCSClientOptions.
func NewGCSClient(client *http.Client, options GCSClientOptions) (*ClientImpl, error) {
storageClient, err := gstorage.NewClient(context.Background(), option.WithHTTPClient(client))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ClientImpl{
storageClient: storageClient,
options: options,
}, nil
// Options implements the GCSClient interface.
func (g *ClientImpl) Options() GCSClientOptions {
return g.options
// WriteKnownDigests fulfills the GCSClient interface.
func (g *ClientImpl) WriteKnownDigests(digests types.DigestSlice) error {
if g.options.Dryrun {
sklog.Infof("dryrun: Writing %d digests", len(digests))
return nil
writeFn := func(w *gstorage.Writer) error {
for _, digest := range digests {
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(digest + "\n")); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error writing digests: %s", err)
return nil
return g.writeToPath(g.options.HashesGSPath, "text/plain", writeFn)
// ReadBaseline fulfills the GCSClient interface.
func (g *ClientImpl) WriteBaseline(b *baseline.Baseline, commitHash string) (string, error) {
if g.options.Dryrun {
sklog.Infof("dryrun: Writing baseline")
outPath := g.getBaselinePath(commitHash, b.Issue)
return "gs://" + outPath, nil
writeFn := func(w *gstorage.Writer) error {
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(b); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error encoding baseline to JSON: %s", err)
return nil
// We need a valid end commit or issue.
if commitHash == "" && types.IsMasterBranch(b.Issue) {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Received empty baseline commit and no issue. Cannot write baseline.")
outPath := g.getBaselinePath(commitHash, b.Issue)
return "gs://" + outPath, g.writeToPath(outPath, "application/json", writeFn)
// ReadBaseline fulfills the GCSClient interface.
func (g *ClientImpl) ReadBaseline(commitHash string, issueID int64) (*baseline.Baseline, error) {
baselinePath := g.getBaselinePath(commitHash, issueID)
bucketName, storagePath := gcs.SplitGSPath(baselinePath)
ctx := context.Background()
target := g.storageClient.Bucket(bucketName).Object(storagePath)
_, err := target.Attrs(ctx)
if err != nil {
// If the item doesn't exist we return nil
if err == gstorage.ErrObjectNotExist {
return nil, nil
return nil, sklog.FmtErrorf("Error fetching attributes of baseline file: %s", err)
reader, err := target.NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, sklog.FmtErrorf("Error getting reader for baseline file: %s", err)
defer util.Close(reader)
ret := &baseline.Baseline{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(reader).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, sklog.FmtErrorf("Error decoding baseline file: %s", err)
return ret, nil
// getBaselinePath returns the baseline path in GCS for the given issueID.
// This can also return the master baseline.
func (g *ClientImpl) getBaselinePath(commitHash string, issueID int64) string {
// Change the output file based on whether it's the master branch or a Gerrit issue.
var outPath string
if !types.IsMasterBranch(issueID) {
outPath = fmt.Sprintf("issue_%d.json", issueID)
} else if commitHash != "" {
outPath = fmt.Sprintf("master_%s.json", commitHash)
} else {
outPath = "master.json"
return g.options.BaselineGSPath + "/" + outPath
// LoadKnownDigests fulfills the GCSClient interface.
func (g *ClientImpl) LoadKnownDigests(w io.Writer) error {
bucketName, storagePath := gcs.SplitGSPath(g.options.HashesGSPath)
ctx := context.Background()
target := g.storageClient.Bucket(bucketName).Object(storagePath)
// If the item doesn't exist this will return gstorage.ErrObjectNotExist
_, err := target.Attrs(ctx)
if err != nil {
// We simply assume an empty hashes file if the object was not found.
if err == gstorage.ErrObjectNotExist {
return nil
return err
// Copy the content to the output writer.
reader, err := target.NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer util.Close(reader)
_, err = io.Copy(w, reader)
return err
// RemoveForTestingOnly fulfills the GCSClient interface.
func (g *ClientImpl) RemoveForTestingOnly(targetPath string) error {
bucketName, storagePath := gcs.SplitGSPath(targetPath)
target := g.storageClient.Bucket(bucketName).Object(storagePath)
return target.Delete(context.Background())
// writeToPath is a generic function that allows to write data to the given
// target path in GCS. The actual writing is done in the passed write function.
func (g *ClientImpl) writeToPath(targetPath, contentType string, wrtFn func(w *gstorage.Writer) error) error {
bucketName, storagePath := gcs.SplitGSPath(targetPath)
// Only write the known digests if a target path was given.
if (bucketName == "") || (storagePath == "") {
return nil
ctx := context.Background()
target := g.storageClient.Bucket(bucketName).Object(storagePath)
writer := target.NewWriter(ctx)
writer.ObjectAttrs.ContentType = contentType
writer.ObjectAttrs.ACL = []gstorage.ACLRule{{Entity: gstorage.AllUsers, Role: gstorage.RoleReader}}
defer util.Close(writer)
// Write the actual data.
if err := wrtFn(writer); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Ensure ClientImpl fulfills the GCSClient interface.
var _ GCSClient = (*ClientImpl)(nil)