blob: 8ee1c1e8e7e79218a0917cca5b248a2b876cc070 [file] [log] [blame]
// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export namespace pivot {
export interface Request {
group_by: string[] | null;
operation: pivot.Operation;
summary: pivot.Operation[] | null;
export interface Go2TS {
GenerateNominalTypes: boolean;
export interface Alert {
id_as_string: string;
display_name: string;
query: string;
alert: string;
issue_tracker_component: SerializesToString;
interesting: number;
bug_uri_template: string;
algo: ClusterAlgo;
step: StepDetection;
state: ConfigState;
owner: string;
step_up_only: boolean;
direction: Direction;
radius: number;
k: number;
group_by: string;
sparse: boolean;
minimum_num: number;
category: string;
action?: AlertAction;
export interface AlertsStatus {
alerts: number;
export interface RevisionInfo {
master: string;
bot: string;
benchmark: string;
start_revision: number;
end_revision: number;
test: string;
is_improvement: boolean;
bug_id: string;
explore_url: string;
export interface ValuePercent {
value: string;
percent: number;
export interface StepFit {
least_squares: number;
turning_point: number;
step_size: number;
regression: number;
status: StepFitStatus;
export interface ColumnHeader {
offset: CommitNumber;
timestamp: TimestampSeconds;
export interface ClusterSummary {
centroid: number[] | null;
shortcut: string;
param_summaries2: ValuePercent[] | null;
step_fit: StepFit | null;
step_point: ColumnHeader | null;
num: number;
ts: string;
notification_id?: string;
export interface FavoritesSectionLinkConfig {
text: string;
href: string;
description: string;
export interface FavoritesSectionConfig {
name: string;
links: FavoritesSectionLinkConfig[] | null;
export interface Favorites {
sections: FavoritesSectionConfig[] | null;
export interface QueryConfig {
include_params?: string[] | null;
default_param_selections?: { [key: string]: string[] | null } | null;
default_url_values?: { [key: string]: string } | null;
export interface Commit {
offset: CommitNumber;
hash: string;
ts: number;
author: string;
message: string;
url: string;
body: string;
export interface DataFrame {
traceset: TraceSet;
header: (ColumnHeader | null)[] | null;
paramset: ReadOnlyParamSet;
skip: number;
export interface Anomaly {
id: number;
test_path: string;
bug_id: number;
start_revision: number;
end_revision: number;
is_improvement: boolean;
recovered: boolean;
state: string;
statistic: string;
units: string;
degrees_of_freedom: number;
median_before_anomaly: number;
median_after_anomaly: number;
p_value: number;
segment_size_after: number;
segment_size_before: number;
std_dev_before_anomaly: number;
t_statistic: number;
export interface FrameResponse {
dataframe: DataFrame | null;
skps: number[] | null;
msg: string;
display_mode: FrameResponseDisplayMode;
anomalymap: AnomalyMap;
export interface TriageStatus {
status: Status;
message: string;
export interface Regression {
low: ClusterSummary | null;
high: ClusterSummary | null;
frame: FrameResponse | null;
low_status: TriageStatus;
high_status: TriageStatus;
id: string;
commit_number: CommitNumber;
prev_commit_number: CommitNumber;
alert_id: number;
creation_time: string;
median_before: number;
median_after: number;
is_improvement: boolean;
export interface RegressionAtCommit {
cid: Commit;
regression: Regression | null;
export interface FrameRequest {
begin: number;
end: number;
formulas: string[] | null;
queries: string[] | null;
keys: string;
tz: string;
num_commits: number;
request_type: RequestType;
pivot: pivot.Request | null;
export interface AlertUpdateResponse {
IDAsString: string;
export interface CIDHandlerResponse {
commitSlice: Commit[] | null;
logEntry: string;
export interface ClusterStartResponse {
id: string;
export interface CommitDetailsRequest {
cid: CommitNumber;
traceid: string;
export interface CountHandlerRequest {
q: string;
begin: number;
end: number;
export interface CountHandlerResponse {
count: number;
paramset: ReadOnlyParamSet;
export interface GetGraphsShortcutRequest {
id: string;
export interface RangeRequest {
offset: CommitNumber;
begin: number;
end: number;
export interface RegressionRangeRequest {
begin: number;
end: number;
subset: Subset;
alert_filter: string;
export interface RegressionRow {
cid: Commit;
columns: (Regression | null)[] | null;
export interface RegressionRangeResponse {
header: (Alert | null)[] | null;
table: (RegressionRow | null)[] | null;
categories: string[] | null;
export interface ShiftRequest {
begin: CommitNumber;
end: CommitNumber;
export interface ShiftResponse {
begin: number;
end: number;
export interface SkPerfConfig {
radius: number;
key_order: string[] | null;
num_shift: number;
interesting: number;
step_up_only: boolean;
commit_range_url: string;
demo: boolean;
display_group_by: boolean;
hide_list_of_commits_on_explore: boolean;
notifications: NotifierTypes;
fetch_chrome_perf_anomalies: boolean;
feedback_url: string;
chat_url: string;
help_url_override: string;
trace_format: TraceFormat;
need_alert_action: boolean;
bug_host_url: string;
export interface TriageRequest {
cid: CommitNumber;
alert: Alert;
triage: TriageStatus;
cluster_type: string;
export interface TriageResponse {
bug: string;
export interface TryBugRequest {
bug_uri_template: string;
export interface TryBugResponse {
url: string;
export interface GraphConfig {
queries: string[] | null;
formulas: string[] | null;
keys: string;
export interface GraphsShortcut {
graphs: GraphConfig[] | null;
export interface CreateBisectRequest {
comparison_mode: string;
start_git_hash: string;
end_git_hash: string;
configuration: string;
benchmark: string;
story: string;
chart: string;
statistic: string;
comparison_magnitude: string;
pin: string;
project: string;
bug_id: string;
user: string;
export interface CreateBisectResponse {
jobId: string;
jobUrl: string;
export interface FullSummary {
summary: ClusterSummary;
triage: TriageStatus;
frame: FrameResponse;
export interface Domain {
n: number;
end: string;
offset: number;
export interface RegressionDetectionRequest {
alert: Alert | null;
domain: Domain;
step: number;
total_queries: number;
export interface ClusterSummaries {
Clusters: (ClusterSummary | null)[] | null;
StdDevThreshold: number;
K: number;
export interface RegressionDetectionResponse {
summary: ClusterSummaries | null;
frame: FrameResponse | null;
export interface TryBotRequest {
kind: TryBotRequestKind;
cl: CL;
patch_number: number;
commit_number: CommitNumber;
query: string;
export interface TryBotResult {
params: Params;
median: number;
lower: number;
upper: number;
stddevRatio: number;
values: number[] | null;
export interface TryBotResponse {
header: (ColumnHeader | null)[] | null;
results: TryBotResult[] | null;
paramset: ReadOnlyParamSet;
export namespace progress {
export interface Message {
key: string;
value: string;
export namespace progress {
export interface SerializedProgress {
status: progress.Status;
messages: progress.Message[];
results?: any;
url: string;
export namespace ingest {
export interface SingleMeasurement {
value: string;
measurement: number;
export namespace ingest {
export interface Result {
key: { [key: string]: string } | null;
measurement?: number;
measurements?: { [key: string]: ingest.SingleMeasurement[] | null } | null;
export namespace ingest {
export interface Format {
version: number;
git_hash: string;
issue?: CL;
patchset?: string;
key?: { [key: string]: string } | null;
results: ingest.Result[] | null;
links?: { [key: string]: string } | null;
export type Params = { [key: string]: string } & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_paramsBrand: 'type alias for { [key: string]: string }'
export function Params(v: { [key: string]: string }): Params {
return v as Params;
export type ParamSet = { [key: string]: string[] } & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_paramSetBrand: 'type alias for { [key: string]: string[] }'
export function ParamSet(v: { [key: string]: string[] }): ParamSet {
return v as ParamSet;
export type ReadOnlyParamSet = { [key: string]: string[] } & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_readOnlyParamSetBrand: 'type alias for { [key: string]: string[] }'
export function ReadOnlyParamSet(v: { [key: string]: string[] }): ReadOnlyParamSet {
return v as ReadOnlyParamSet;
export type Trace = number[] & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_traceBrand: 'type alias for number[]'
export function Trace(v: number[]): Trace {
return v as Trace;
export type TraceSet = { [key: string]: Trace } & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_traceSetBrand: 'type alias for { [key: string]: Trace }'
export function TraceSet(v: { [key: string]: Trace }): TraceSet {
return v as TraceSet;
export namespace pivot { export type Operation = 'sum' | 'avg' | 'geo' | 'std' | 'count' | 'min' | 'max'; }
export type SerializesToString = string & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_serializesToStringBrand: 'type alias for string'
export function SerializesToString(v: string): SerializesToString {
return v as SerializesToString;
export type ClusterAlgo = 'kmeans' | 'stepfit';
export type StepDetection = '' | 'absolute' | 'const' | 'percent' | 'cohen' | 'mannwhitneyu';
export type ConfigState = 'ACTIVE' | 'DELETED';
export type Direction = 'UP' | 'DOWN' | 'BOTH';
export type AlertAction = 'noaction' | 'report' | 'bisect';
export type StepFitStatus = 'Low' | 'High' | 'Uninteresting';
export type CommitNumber = number & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_commitNumberBrand: 'type alias for number'
export function CommitNumber(v: number): CommitNumber {
return v as CommitNumber;
export type TimestampSeconds = number & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_timestampSecondsBrand: 'type alias for number'
export function TimestampSeconds(v: number): TimestampSeconds {
return v as TimestampSeconds;
export type FrameResponseDisplayMode = 'display_query_only' | 'display_plot' | 'display_pivot_table' | 'display_pivot_plot' | 'display_spinner';
export type CommitNumberAnomalyMap = { [key: number]: Anomaly } | null;
export type AnomalyMap = { [key: string]: CommitNumberAnomalyMap } | null;
export type Status = '' | 'positive' | 'negative' | 'untriaged';
export type RequestType = 0 | 1;
export type Subset = 'all' | 'regressions' | 'untriaged';
export type NotifierTypes = 'html_email' | 'markdown_issuetracker' | 'none';
export type TraceFormat = 'chrome' | '';
export type TryBotRequestKind = 'trybot' | 'commit';
export type CL = string & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_cLBrand: 'type alias for string'
export function CL(v: string): CL {
return v as CL;
export type ProcessState = 'Running' | 'Success' | 'Error';
export namespace progress { export type Status = 'Running' | 'Finished' | 'Error'; }