blob: c56c502771e5fb7994fd36848269175cf3dd6354 [file] [log] [blame]
This in an HTML Import-able file that contains the definition
of the following elements:
To use this file import it:
<link href="/res/imp/build-popup-sk.html" rel="import" />
build - Object representing the details for a build. Expect these attributes:
builder: String, name of the builder which ran this build.
buildslave: String, name of the buildslave.
color: String, color to be used for build result display.
comments: Array of comment objects.
commits: Array of strings indicating which commits were part of the build.
failedSteps: Array of strings indicating which steps failed.
finished: Number indicating the timestamp when the build finished, or zero if it is still running.
master: String indicating the master of the build.
number: Number indicating the build number of this build.
results: Number indicating the result status code of the build.
buildbot_url_prefix: Prefix of the buildbot URL.
commit_details: Object whose keys are commit hashes and values are objects with the following attributes:
shortAuthor: String, shortened version of the commit author.
shortHash: String, shortened version of the commit hash.
shortSubject: String, shortened version of the commit subject.
repo: The name (not the URL) of the repository of the commit.
repo_base: The base URL for commits. Commit hashes will be appended to this.
The unobfuscate-status-page extension relies on the name and contents of
this element.
<link rel="import" href="/res/imp/bower_components/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html">
<link rel="import" href="/res/imp/bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="/res/common/imp/comments-sk.html">
<link rel="import" href="status-popup.html">
<dom-module id="build-popup-sk">
<style is="custom-style" include="status-popup iron-flex">
a {
color: inherit;
h3 {
white-space: nowrap;
paper-button[raised].colored {
background: #D95F02;
color: #fff;
font-size: 1.0em;
border-radius: 3px;
.retry {
color: inherit;
background-color: inherit;
<div class="horizontal layout wrap">
<div class="flex">
<a target="_blank" href$="{{_makeBuildURL(build, buildbot_url_prefix)}}">
<span>{{build.builder}}</span> #<span>{{build.number}}</span> <iron-icon icon="launch"></iron-icon>
<template is="dom-if" if="[[build.retryUrl]]">
<a href$="[[build.retryUrl]]" target="_blank" class="retry">
<paper-button raised class="colored" role="button">Re-run Job</paper-button>
<td style$="{{_buildResultStyle(build)}}">{{_buildResultString(build)}}</td>
<template is="dom-if" if="{{_hasFailedSteps(build)}}">
<td>Failed steps:</td>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{build.failedSteps}}" as="step">
<a target="_blank" href$="{{_makeBuildStepLogURL(build, buildbot_url_prefix, step)}}">{{step}}</a><br>
<td>Other Tasks Like This</td>
<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href$="{{_makeDashboardBuilderURL(build)}}">
<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href$="{{_makeSlaveHostURL(build)}}">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{build.commits}}" as="c">
<td><a href$="{{_makeCommitURL(c, repo_base)}}">{{_commitHash(c, commit_details)}}</a></td>
<td>{{_commitAuthor(c, commit_details)}}</td>
<td>{{_commitSubject(c, commit_details)}}</td>
add_comment_url="{{_makeAddCommentURL(build, repo)}}"
is: 'build-popup-sk',
behaviors: [SkiaBehaviors.StatusPopup],
properties: {
build: {
type: Object,
value: function() { return {}; },
buildbot_url_prefix: {
type: String,
value: "",
commit_details: {
type: Object,
value: function() { return {}; },
repo: {
type: String,
value: "",
repo_base: {
type: String,
value: "",
_commentAdded: function() {
window.location.href = window.location.href;
_makeBuildURL: function(build, buildbot_url_prefix) {
if (build.url) {
return build.url;
} else {
return buildbot_url_prefix + 'builders/' + build.builder + '/builds/' + build.number;
_buildResultStyle: function(build) {
return 'color: ' + build.color;
_hasFailedSteps: function(build) {
return build.failedSteps && build.failedSteps.length > 0;
_makeDashboardBuilderURL: function(build) {
if (build.dashboardBuilderUrl) {
return build.dashboardBuilderUrl;
} else {
return '';
_makeSlaveHostURL: function(build) {
if (build.slaveHostUrl) {
return build.slaveHostUrl;
} else {
return '';
_makeAddCommentURL: function(build, repo) {
return '/json/' + repo + '/builds/' + build.master + '/' + build.builder + '/' + build.number + '/comments';
_makeBuildStepLogURL: function(build, buildbot_url_prefix, step) {
return buildbot_url_prefix + 'builders/' + build.builder + '/builds/' + build.number + '/steps/' + step + '/logs/stdio';
_makeCommitURL: function(c, repo_base) {
return repo_base + c;
_buildResultString: function(build) {
return build.finished ? build.results == 0 ? 'success' : build.results == 1 ? 'success' : build.results == 3 ? 'success' : build.results == 2 ? 'failed' : build.results == 4 ? 'exception' : 'exception' : 'running';
_commitHash: function(c, commit_details) {
return commit_details[c] ? commit_details[c].shortHash : "";
_commitAuthor: function(c, commit_details) {
return commit_details[c] ? commit_details[c].shortAuthor : "";
_commitSubject: function(c, commit_details) {
return commit_details[c] ? commit_details[c].shortSubject : "";