blob: 003b16e5b8a761a0116964f7a9ecf9ca3bc27264 [file] [log] [blame]
package storage
import (
// GetReportsFromGCS fetches all fuzz reports in the baseFolder from Google Storage. It returns a
// channel through which all reports will be sent. The channel will be closed when finished. An
// optional whitelist can be included, in which case only the fuzzes whose names are on the list
// will be downloaded. The category is needed to properly parse the downloaded files to make
// the FuzzReports. The downloading will use as many processes as specified, to speed things up.
func GetReportsFromGCS(s *storage.Client, baseFolder, category, architecture string, whitelist []string, processes int) (<-chan data.FuzzReport, error) {
reports := make(chan data.FuzzReport, 10000)
fuzzPackages, err := fetchFuzzPackages(s, baseFolder, category, architecture)
if err != nil {
return reports, err
toDownload := make(chan fuzzPackage, len(fuzzPackages))
completedCounter := int32(0)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < processes; i++ {
go download(s, toDownload, reports, &completedCounter, &wg)
for _, d := range fuzzPackages {
if whitelist != nil {
name := d.FuzzName
if i := sort.SearchStrings(whitelist, name); i < len(whitelist) && whitelist[i] == name {
// is on the whitelist
toDownload <- d
} else {
// no white list
toDownload <- d
// Wait until all are done downloading to close the reports channel, but don't block
go func() {
return reports, nil
// A fuzzPackage contains all the information about a fuzz, mostly the paths to the files that
// need to be downloaded. The use of this struct decouples the names of the files that need to be
// downloaded with the download logic.
type fuzzPackage struct {
FuzzName string
FuzzCategory string
FuzzArchitecture string
DebugASANName string
DebugDumpName string
DebugErrName string
ReleaseASANName string
ReleaseDumpName string
ReleaseErrName string
// fetchFuzzPackages scans for all fuzzes in the given folder and returns a slice of all of the
// metadata for each fuzz, as a fuzz package. It returns error if it cannot access Google Storage.
func fetchFuzzPackages(s *storage.Client, baseFolder, category, architecture string) (fuzzPackages []fuzzPackage, err error) {
fuzzNames, err := common.GetAllFuzzNamesInFolder(s, baseFolder)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Problem getting fuzz packages from %s: %s", baseFolder, err)
for _, fuzzName := range fuzzNames {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", baseFolder, fuzzName, fuzzName)
fuzzPackages = append(fuzzPackages, fuzzPackage{
FuzzName: fuzzName,
FuzzCategory: category,
FuzzArchitecture: architecture,
DebugASANName: fmt.Sprintf("%s_debug.asan", prefix),
DebugDumpName: fmt.Sprintf("%s_debug.dump", prefix),
DebugErrName: fmt.Sprintf("%s_debug.err", prefix),
ReleaseASANName: fmt.Sprintf("%s_release.asan", prefix),
ReleaseDumpName: fmt.Sprintf("%s_release.dump", prefix),
ReleaseErrName: fmt.Sprintf("%s_release.err", prefix),
return fuzzPackages, nil
// emptyStringOnError returns a string of the passed in bytes or empty string if err is nil.
func emptyStringOnError(b []byte, err error) string {
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Ignoring error when fetching file contents: %v", err)
return ""
return string(b)
// download waits for fuzzPackages to appear on the toDownload channel and then downloads
// the four pieces of the package. It then parses them into a BinaryFuzzReport and sends
// the binary to the passed in channel. When there is no more work to be done, this function.
// returns and writes out true to the done channel.
func download(s *storage.Client, toDownload <-chan fuzzPackage, reports chan<- data.FuzzReport, completedCounter *int32, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for job := range toDownload {
p := data.GCSPackage{
Name: job.FuzzName,
FuzzCategory: job.FuzzCategory,
FuzzArchitecture: job.FuzzArchitecture,
Debug: data.OutputFiles{
Asan: emptyStringOnError(gcs.FileContentsFromGCS(s, config.GCS.Bucket, job.DebugASANName)),
Dump: emptyStringOnError(gcs.FileContentsFromGCS(s, config.GCS.Bucket, job.DebugDumpName)),
StdErr: emptyStringOnError(gcs.FileContentsFromGCS(s, config.GCS.Bucket, job.DebugErrName)),
Release: data.OutputFiles{
Asan: emptyStringOnError(gcs.FileContentsFromGCS(s, config.GCS.Bucket, job.ReleaseASANName)),
Dump: emptyStringOnError(gcs.FileContentsFromGCS(s, config.GCS.Bucket, job.ReleaseDumpName)),
StdErr: emptyStringOnError(gcs.FileContentsFromGCS(s, config.GCS.Bucket, job.ReleaseErrName)),
reports <- data.ParseReport(p)
atomic.AddInt32(completedCounter, 1)
if *completedCounter%100 == 0 {
sklog.Infof("%d fuzzes downloaded", *completedCounter)