blob: 45acef64532ada7c4aa2d2a0189d90662d233624 [file] [log] [blame]
package issues
import (
func TestCreateBadBugURL(t *testing.T) {
// No http calls need to be mocked up, as none should be used.
urlMock := mockhttpclient.NewURLMock()
im := NewManager(urlMock.Client())
p := IssueReportingPackage{
FuzzName: "1234567890abcdef",
CommitRevision: "fedcba9876543210",
Category: "color_icc",
url, err := im.CreateBadBugURL(p)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Should not have returned error: %s", err)
expectedURL := ``
if url != expectedURL {
t.Errorf("URL does not match. Expected: %s\n\nWas: %s\n", expectedURL, url)
func TestCreateBadBugIssue(t *testing.T) {
urlMock := mockhttpclient.NewURLMock()
im := NewManager(urlMock.Client())
p := IssueReportingPackage{
FuzzName: "1234567890abcdef",
CommitRevision: "fedcba9876543210",
Category: "api_parse_path",
urlMock.MockOnce(issues.MONORAIL_BASE_URL, mockhttpclient.MockPostDialogue("application/json", expectedIssueRequest, []byte(exampleMonorailResponse)))
err := im.CreateBadBugIssue(p, "Mock fuzzer found a problem")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Should not have returned error: %s", err)
var expectedIssueRequest = []byte(`{"status":"New","owner":{"name":"","htmlLink":"","kind":""},"cc":[{"name":"","htmlLink":"","kind":""}],"labels":["FromSkiaFuzzer","Restrict-View-Google","Type-Defect","Priority-Medium"],"summary":"New crash found in API - ParsePath by fuzzer","description":"# Description here about fuzz found in API - ParsePath\nMock fuzzer found a problem\n\nTo replicate, build target \"fuzz\" at the specified commit and run:\nout/Release/fuzz --type api --name ParsePath --bytes ~/Downloads/1234567890abcdef\n\nThe problem may only be revealed by an ASAN build, in which case you would need to run:\ngn gen out/ASAN --args='cc=\"/usr/bin/clang\" cxx=\"/usr/bin/clang++\" sanitize=\"ASAN\"'\nor:\ngn gen out/ASAN --args='cc=\"/usr/bin/clang\" cxx=\"/usr/bin/clang++\" sanitize=\"ASAN\" is_debug=false'\n\nprior to building.\n\n# tracking metadata below:\nfuzz_category: api_parse_path\nfuzz_commit: fedcba9876543210\nrelated_fuzz:\nfuzz_download:\n"}
var exampleMonorailResponse = `{
"status": "New",
"updated": "2016-05-09T14:37:43",
"canEdit": true,
"author": {
"kind": "monorail#issuePerson",
"htmlLink": "",
"name": ""
"projectId": "skia",
"labels": [
"kind": "monorail#issue",
"canComment": true,
"state": "open",
"stars": 0,
"published": "2016-05-09T14:37:43",
"title": "Another test bug",
"starred": false,
"summary": "Another test bug",
"id": 5268,
"etag": "\"FCnnF6QwisNABmHbGpwISZgQNXk/D3OWSf3kqXOPmm4kavoM01N4mLc\""