blob: c60a64dc0e4187d120b552f9acdd42694b1b28e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Stores and retrieves fiddles and associated assets in Google Storage.
package store
import (
const (
// *_METADATA are the keys used to store the metadata values in Google
// Storage.
F16_METADATA = "f16"
// Media is the type of outputs we can get from running a fiddle.
type Media string
// Media constants.
const (
CPU Media = "CPU"
GPU Media = "GPU"
PDF Media = "PDF"
SKP Media = "SKP"
TXT Media = "TXT"
UNKNOWN Media = ""
// props records the name and content-type for each type of Media and is used in mediaProps.
type props struct {
filename string
contentType string
var (
mediaProps = map[Media]props{
CPU: props{filename: "cpu.png", contentType: "image/png"},
GPU: props{filename: "gpu.png", contentType: "image/png"},
PDF: props{filename: "pdf.pdf", contentType: "application/pdf"},
SKP: props{filename: "skp.skp", contentType: "application/octet-stream"},
TXT: props{filename: "txt.txt", contentType: "text/plain"},
// sourceFileName parses a souce image filename as stored in Google Storage.
sourceFileName = regexp.MustCompile("^([0-9]+).png$")
// cacheEntry is used to store PNGs in the Store lru cache.
type cacheEntry struct {
body []byte
runId string
// Store is used to read and write user code and media to and from Google
// Storage.
type Store struct {
bucket *storage.BucketHandle
// cache is an in-memory cache of PNGs, where the keys are <fiddlehash>-<media>.
cache *lru.Cache
func cacheKey(fiddleHash string, media Media) string {
return fiddleHash + "-" + string(media)
func shouldBeCached(media Media) bool {
return media == CPU || media == GPU
// New create a new Store.
func New() (*Store, error) {
// TODO(jcgregorio) Decide is this needs to be a backoff client. May not be necessary if we add caching at this layer.
client, err := auth.NewDefaultJWTServiceAccountClient(auth.SCOPE_READ_WRITE)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Problem setting up client OAuth: %s", err)
storageClient, err := storage.NewClient(context.Background(), option.WithHTTPClient(client))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Problem creating storage client: %s", err)
return &Store{
bucket: storageClient.Bucket(FIDDLE_STORAGE_BUCKET),
cache: lru.New(LRU_CACHE_SIZE),
}, nil
// writeMediaFile writes a file to Google Storage. It also adds it to the cache.
// media - The type of the file to write.
// fiddleHash - The hash of the fiddle.
// runId - A unique identifier for the specific run (git checkout of Skia).
// b64 - The contents of the media file base64 encoded.
func (s *Store) writeMediaFile(media Media, fiddleHash, runId, b64 string) error {
if b64 == "" && media != TXT {
return fmt.Errorf("An empty file is not a valid %s file.", string(media))
p := mediaProps[media]
if p.filename == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown media type.")
body, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(b64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Media wasn't properly encoded base64: %s", err)
// Only PNGs get stored in the cache.
if shouldBeCached(media) {
key := cacheKey(fiddleHash, media)
sklog.Infof("Cache write: %s", key)
if c, ok := s.cache.Get(key); !ok {
s.cache.Add(key, &cacheEntry{
runId: runId,
body: body,
} else {
if entry, ok := c.(*cacheEntry); ok {
if runId > entry.runId {
entry.body = body
entry.runId = runId
} else {
sklog.Infof("Ran an older version of Skia, not caching: %v <= %v", runId, entry.runId)
} else {
sklog.Errorf("Found a non-cacheEntry in the lru Cache: %v", reflect.TypeOf(c))
// Don't stall the http response while we write the image to Google Storage.
// Instead, do the work in a Go routine. We know that by the time we reach
// here we've successfully written the code to Google Storage, so even if
// this fails the user can always 'rerun' the fiddle to generate an image
// that failed to write.
go func() {
path := strings.Join([]string{"fiddle", fiddleHash, runId, p.filename}, "/")
w := s.bucket.Object(path).NewWriter(context.Background())
defer util.Close(w)
w.ObjectAttrs.ContentEncoding = p.contentType
if n, err := w.Write(body); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("There was a problem storing the media for %s. Uploaded %d bytes: %s", string(media), n, err)
return nil
// Put writes the code and media to Google Storage.
// code - The user's code.
// options - The options the user chose to run the code under.
// gitHash - The git checkout this was built under.
// ts - The timestamp of the gitHash.
// results - The results from running fiddle_run.
// Code is written to:
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/draw.cpp
// And media files are written to:
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/<runId>/cpu.png
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/<runId>/gpu.png
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/<runId>/skp.skp
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/<runId>/pdf.pdf
// Where runId is <git commit timestamp in RFC3339>:<git commit hash>.
// If results is nil then only the code is written.
// Returns the fiddleHash.
func (s *Store) Put(code string, options types.Options, gitHash string, ts time.Time, results *types.Result) (string, error) {
fiddleHash, err := options.ComputeHash(code)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not compute hash for the code: %s", err)
// Write code.
path := strings.Join([]string{"fiddle", fiddleHash, "draw.cpp"}, "/")
w := s.bucket.Object(path).NewWriter(context.Background())
defer util.Close(w)
w.ObjectAttrs.ContentEncoding = "text/plain"
w.ObjectAttrs.Metadata = map[string]string{
WIDTH_METADATA: fmt.Sprintf("%d", options.Width),
HEIGHT_METADATA: fmt.Sprintf("%d", options.Height),
SOURCE_METADATA: fmt.Sprintf("%d", options.Source),
TEXTONLY_METADATA: fmt.Sprintf("%v", options.TextOnly),
SRGB_METADATA: fmt.Sprintf("%v", options.SRGB),
F16_METADATA: fmt.Sprintf("%v", options.F16),
if n, err := w.Write([]byte(code)); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("There was a problem storing the code. Uploaded %d bytes: %s", n, err)
// Write media, if any.
if results == nil {
return fiddleHash, nil
if err := s.PutMedia(options, fiddleHash, gitHash, ts, results); err != nil {
return fiddleHash, err
return fiddleHash, nil
// PutMedia writes the media for the given fiddleHash to Google Storage.
// fiddleHash - The fiddle hash.
// gitHash - The git checkout this was built under.
// ts - The timestamp of the gitHash.
// results - The results from running fiddle_run.
// Media files are written to:
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/<runId>/cpu.png
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/<runId>/gpu.png
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/<runId>/skp.skp
// gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/<runId>/pdf.pdf
// Where runId is <git commit timestamp in RFC3339>:<git commit hash>.
// If results is nil then only the code is written.
// Returns the fiddleHash.
func (s *Store) PutMedia(options types.Options, fiddleHash string, gitHash string, ts time.Time, results *types.Result) error {
// Write each of the media files.
runId := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ts.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339), gitHash)
if options.TextOnly {
err := s.writeMediaFile(TXT, fiddleHash, runId, results.Execute.Output.Text)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err := s.writeMediaFile(CPU, fiddleHash, runId, results.Execute.Output.Raster)
if err != nil {
return err
err = s.writeMediaFile(GPU, fiddleHash, runId, results.Execute.Output.Gpu)
if err != nil {
return err
err = s.writeMediaFile(PDF, fiddleHash, runId, results.Execute.Output.Pdf)
if err != nil {
return err
err = s.writeMediaFile(SKP, fiddleHash, runId, results.Execute.Output.Skp)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetCode returns the code and options for the given fiddle hash.
// fiddleHash - The fiddle hash.
// Returns the code and the options the code was run under.
func (s *Store) GetCode(fiddleHash string) (string, *types.Options, error) {
o := s.bucket.Object(fmt.Sprintf("fiddle/%s/draw.cpp", fiddleHash))
r, err := o.NewReader(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to open source file for %s: %s", fiddleHash, err)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read source file for %s: %s", fiddleHash, err)
attr, err := o.Attrs(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read attributes for %s: %s", fiddleHash, err)
width, err := strconv.Atoi(attr.Metadata[WIDTH_METADATA])
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse options width: %s", err)
height, err := strconv.Atoi(attr.Metadata[HEIGHT_METADATA])
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse options height: %s", err)
source, err := strconv.Atoi(attr.Metadata[SOURCE_METADATA])
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse options source: %s", err)
options := &types.Options{
Width: width,
Height: height,
Source: source,
TextOnly: attr.Metadata[TEXTONLY_METADATA] == "true",
SRGB: attr.Metadata[SRGB_METADATA] == "true",
F16: attr.Metadata[F16_METADATA] == "true",
return string(b), options, nil
// GetMedia returns the file, content-type, filename, and error for a given fiddle hash and type of media.
// fiddleHash - The hash of the fiddle.
// media - The type of the file to read.
// Returns the media file contents as a byte slice, the content-type, and the filename of the media.
func (s *Store) GetMedia(fiddleHash string, media Media) ([]byte, string, string, error) {
key := cacheKey(fiddleHash, media)
if c, ok := s.cache.Get(key); ok {
if entry, ok := c.(*cacheEntry); ok {
sklog.Infof("Cache hit: %s", key)
return entry.body, mediaProps[media].contentType, mediaProps[media].filename, nil
// List the dirs under gs://skia-fiddle/fiddle/<fiddleHash>/ and find the most recent one.
// Use Delimiter and Prefix to get a directory listing of sub-directories. See
q := &storage.Query{
Delimiter: "/",
Prefix: fmt.Sprintf("fiddle/%s/", fiddleHash),
runIds := []string{}
ctx := context.Background()
it := s.bucket.Objects(ctx, q)
for obj, err := it.Next(); err != iterator.Done; obj, err = it.Next() {
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve list of results for (%s, %s): %s", fiddleHash, string(media), err)
if obj.Prefix != "" {
runIds = append(runIds, obj.Prefix)
if len(runIds) == 0 {
return nil, "", "", fmt.Errorf("This fiddle has no valid output written (%s, %s)", fiddleHash, string(media))
r, err := s.bucket.Object(runIds[len(runIds)-1] + mediaProps[media].filename).NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to get reader for the media file (%s, %s): %s", fiddleHash, string(media), err)
defer util.Close(r)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to read the media file (%s, %s): %s", fiddleHash, string(media), err)
if shouldBeCached(media) {
s.cache.Add(cacheKey(fiddleHash, media), &cacheEntry{
body: b,
return b, mediaProps[media].contentType, mediaProps[media].filename, nil
// AddSource adds a new source image. The image must be a PNG.
// image - The bytes on the PNG file.
// Returns the id of the source image.
func AddSource(image []byte) (int, error) {
// Use the file 'lastid.txt' in the bucket that contains the last id used.
// Read, record gen, increments, write with condition of unchanged generation.
// TODO(jcgregorio) Implement.
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Not implemented yet.")
// downloadSingleSourceImage downloads a single source image from the Google Storage bucket.
// ctx - The context of the request.
// bucket - The Google Storage bucket.
// srcName - The full Google Storage path of the source image.
// dstName - The full local file system name where the source image will be written to.
func downloadSingleSourceImage(ctx context.Context, bucket *storage.BucketHandle, srcName, dstName string) error {
r, err := bucket.Object(srcName).NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to open reader for image %s: %s", srcName, err)
defer util.Close(r)
w, err := os.Create(dstName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to open writer for image %s: %s", dstName, err)
defer util.Close(w)
_, err = io.Copy(w, r)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to copy bytes for image %s: %s", dstName, err)
return nil
// DownloadAllSourceImages downloads all the images under gs://skia-fiddles/source/
// and copies them as PNG images under FIDDLE_ROOT/images/.
// fiddleRoot - The root directory where fiddle is working. See
func (s *Store) DownloadAllSourceImages(fiddleRoot string) error {
ctx := context.Background()
q := &storage.Query{
Prefix: fmt.Sprintf("source/"),
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(fiddleRoot, "images"), 0755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create images directory: %s", err)
it := s.bucket.Objects(ctx, q)
for obj, err := it.Next(); err != iterator.Done; obj, err = it.Next() {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve image list: %s", err)
filename := strings.Split(obj.Name, "/")[1]
dstFullPath := filepath.Join(fiddleRoot, "images", filename)
if err := downloadSingleSourceImage(ctx, s.bucket, obj.Name, dstFullPath); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to download image %q: %s", obj.Name, err)
return nil
// GetSourceImage downloads a single source image from the Google Storage bucket.
func (s *Store) GetSourceImage(i int) (image.Image, error) {
ctx := context.Background()
r, err := s.bucket.Object(fmt.Sprintf("source/%d.png", i)).NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to open reader for image: %s", err)
defer util.Close(r)
return png.Decode(r)
// ListSourceImages returns the ids of all the images under gs://skia-fiddles/source/.
func (s *Store) ListSourceImages() ([]int, error) {
ret := []int{}
ctx := context.Background()
q := &storage.Query{
Prefix: fmt.Sprintf("source/"),
it := s.bucket.Objects(ctx, q)
for obj, err := it.Next(); err != iterator.Done; obj, err = it.Next() {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve image list: %s", err)
filename := strings.Split(obj.Name, "/")[1]
matches := sourceFileName.FindAllStringSubmatch(filename, -1)
if len(matches) != 1 || len(matches[0]) != 2 {
sklog.Infof("Filename %s is not a source image.", filename)
i, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[0][1])
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to parse souce image filename: %s", err)
ret = append(ret, i)
return ret, nil
// Named is the information about a named fiddle.
type Named struct {
Name string
User string
// ListAllNames returns the list of all named fiddles.
func (s *Store) ListAllNames() ([]Named, error) {
ret := []Named{}
ctx := context.Background()
q := &storage.Query{
Prefix: fmt.Sprintf("named/"),
it := s.bucket.Objects(ctx, q)
for obj, err := it.Next(); err != iterator.Done; obj, err = it.Next() {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve name list: %s", err)
filename := strings.Split(obj.Name, "/")[1]
ret = append(ret, Named{
Name: filename,
User: obj.Metadata[USER_METADATA],
return ret, nil
// GetHashFromName loads the fiddle hash for the given name.
func (s *Store) GetHashFromName(name string) (string, error) {
ctx := context.Background()
r, err := s.bucket.Object(fmt.Sprintf("named/%s", name)).NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to open reader for name %q: %s", name, err)
defer util.Close(r)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to read named file %q: %s", name, err)
return string(b), nil
// WriteName writes the name file for a named fiddle.
// name - The name of the fidde.
// hash - The fiddle hash.
// user - The email of the user that created the name.
func (s *Store) WriteName(name, hash, user string) error {
ctx := context.Background()
w := s.bucket.Object(fmt.Sprintf("named/%s", name)).NewWriter(ctx)
defer util.Close(w)
w.ObjectAttrs.Metadata = map[string]string{
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(hash)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to write named file %q: %s", name, err)
return nil