blob: ac17df673695a6a5c486f641da96d394127cd728 [file] [log] [blame]
// Functions for the last mile of a fiddle, i.e. writing out
// draw.cpp and then calling fiddle_run to compile and execute
// the code.
package runner
import (
const (
// PREFIX is a format string for the code that makes it compilable.
PREFIX = `#include "fiddle_main.h"
DrawOptions GetDrawOptions() {
static const char *path = %s; // Either a string, or 0.
return DrawOptions(%d, %d, true, true, true, true, %v, %v, %v, path);
// prepCodeToCompile adds the line numbers and the right prefix code
// to the fiddle so it compiles and links correctly.
// fiddleRoot - The root of the fiddle working directory. See
// code - The code to compile.
// opts - The user's options about how to run that code.
// Returns the prepped code.
func prepCodeToCompile(fiddleRoot, code string, opts *types.Options) string {
code = linenumbers.LineNumbers(code)
sourceImage := "0"
if opts.Source != 0 {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%d.png", opts.Source)
sourceImage = fmt.Sprintf("%q", filepath.Join(fiddleRoot, "images", filename))
return fmt.Sprintf(PREFIX, sourceImage, opts.Width, opts.Height, opts.SRGB, opts.F16, opts.TextOnly, code)
// WriteDrawCpp takes the given code, modifies it so that it can be compiled
// and then writes the "draw.cpp" file to the correct location, based on
// 'local'.
// fiddleRoot - The root of the fiddle working directory. See
// code - The code to compile.
// opts - The user's options about how to run that code.
// local - If true then we are running locally, so write the code to
// fiddleRoot/src/draw.cpp.
// Returns a temp directory. Depending on 'local' this is where the 'draw.cpp' file was written.
func WriteDrawCpp(checkout, fiddleRoot, code string, opts *types.Options, local bool) (string, error) {
code = prepCodeToCompile(fiddleRoot, code, opts)
dstDir := filepath.Join(fiddleRoot, "src")
if !local {
var err error
tmpDir := filepath.Join(fiddleRoot, "tmp")
if err := os.MkdirAll(tmpDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil && err != os.ErrExist {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to create temp dir for draw.cpp: %s", err)
dstDir, err = ioutil.TempDir(tmpDir, "code")
sklog.Infof("Created tmp dir: %s %s", dstDir, err)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to create temp dir for draw.cpp: %s", err)
} else {
dstDir = filepath.Join(checkout, "skia", "tools", "fiddle")
if _, err := os.Stat(dstDir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
err := os.MkdirAll(dstDir, 0755)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to create FIDDLE_ROOT/src: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("About to write to: %s", dstDir)
w, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(dstDir, "draw.cpp"))
sklog.Infof("Create: %v %v", *w, err)
if err != nil {
return dstDir, fmt.Errorf("Failed to open destination: %s", err)
defer util.Close(w)
_, err = w.Write([]byte(code))
if err != nil {
return dstDir, fmt.Errorf("Failed to write draw.cpp file: %s", err)
return dstDir, nil
// GitHashTimeStamp finds the timestamp, in UTC, of the given checkout of Skia under fiddleRoot.
// fiddleRoot - The root of the fiddle working directory. See
// gitHash - The git hash of the version of Skia we have checked out.
// Returns the timestamp of the git commit in UTC.
func GitHashTimeStamp(fiddleRoot, gitHash string) (time.Time, error) {
g, err := gitinfo.NewGitInfo(filepath.Join(fiddleRoot, "versions", gitHash), false, false)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create gitinfo: %s", err)
commit, err := g.Details(gitHash, false)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve info on the git commit %s: %s", gitHash, err)
return commit.Timestamp.In(time.UTC), nil
// Run executes fiddle_run and then parses the JSON output into types.Results.
// fiddleRoot - The root of the fiddle working directory. See
// gitHash - The git hash of the version of Skia we have checked out.
// local - Boolean, true if we are running locally, else we should execute
// fiddle_run under fiddle_secwrap.
// tmpDir - The directory outside the container to mount as FIDDLE_ROOT/src
// that contains the user's draw.cpp file. Only used if local is false.
// Returns the parsed JSON that fiddle_run emits to stdout.
// If non-local this should run something like:
// sudo systemd-nspawn -D /mnt/pd0/container/ --read-only --private-network
// --machine foo
// --overlay=/mnt/pd0/fiddle:/tmp:/mnt/pd0/fiddle
// --bind-ro /tmp/draw.cpp:/mnt/pd0/fiddle/versions/d6dd44140d8dd6d18aba1dfe9edc5582dcd73d2f/tools/fiddle/draw.cpp
// xargs --arg-file=/dev/null \
// /mnt/pd0/fiddle/bin/fiddle_run \
// --fiddle_root /mnt/pd0/fiddle \
// --git_hash 5280dcbae3affd73be5d5e0ff3db8823e26901e6 \
// --alsologtostderr
// The use of --overlay=/mnt/pd0/fiddle:/tmp:/mnt/pd0/fiddle sets up an interesting directory
// /mnt/pd0/fiddle in the container, where the entire contents of the host's
// /mnt/pd0/fiddle is available read-only, and if the container tries to write
// to any files there, or create new files, they end up in /tmp and the first
// directory stays untouched. See
// and the documentation for the --overlay flag of systemd-nspawn.
// Why xargs?
// When trying to run a binary that exists on a mounted directory under nspawn, it will fail with:
// $ sudo systemd-nspawn -D /mnt/pd0/container/ --bind=/mnt/pd0/fiddle /mnt/pd0/fiddle/bin/fiddle_run
// Directory /mnt/pd0/container lacks the binary to execute or doesn't look like a binary tree. Refusing.
// That's because nspawn is looking for the exe before doing the bindings. The
// fix? A pure hack, insert "xargs --arg-file=/dev/null " before the command
// you want to run. Since xargs exists in the container this will proceed to
// the point of making the bindings and then xargs will be able to execute the
// exe within the container.
func Run(checkout, fiddleRoot, depotTools, gitHash string, local bool, tmpDir string) (*types.Result, error) {
machine := ""
if !local {
machine = path.Base(tmpDir)
name := "sudo"
args := []string{
"systemd-nspawn", "-D", "/mnt/pd0/container/",
"--read-only", // Mount the root file system as read only.
"--private-network", // Turn off networking.
"--machine", machine, // Give the container a unique name, so we can run fiddles concurrently.
"--overlay", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", fiddleRoot, tmpDir, fiddleRoot), // Build our copy-on-write layered filesystem. See OVERLAY note above.
"--bind-ro", tmpDir + "/draw.cpp" + ":" + filepath.Join(checkout, "skia", "tools", "fiddle", "draw.cpp"), // Mount the user's draw.cpp over the default draw.cpp.
"xargs", "--arg-file=/dev/null", // See Note above for explanation of xargs.
"/mnt/pd0/fiddle/bin/fiddle_run", "--fiddle_root", fiddleRoot, "--git_hash", gitHash,
if local {
name = "fiddle_run"
args = []string{"--fiddle_root", fiddleRoot, "--git_hash", gitHash, "--local", "--alsologtostderr"}
output := &bytes.Buffer{}
runCmd := &exec.Command{
Name: name,
Args: args,
LogStderr: true,
Stdout: output,
if err := exec.Run(runCmd); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fiddle_run failed to run %#v: %s", *runCmd, err)
// Parse the output into types.Result.
res := &types.Result{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(output.Bytes(), res); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Received erroneous output: %q", output.String())
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode results from run: %s", err)
// TODO Clean up the tmp directory.
return res, nil