blob: 01bf1de7e668f0a8cca1960635af95307ca2f1e1 [file] [log] [blame]
package isolate
import (
assert ""
func TestIsolateTasks(t *testing.T) {
// Setup.
workdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, workdir)
c, err := NewClient(workdir, ISOLATE_SERVER_URL_FAKE)
assert.NoError(t, err)
do := func(tasks []*Task, expectErr string) []string {
hashes, err := c.IsolateTasks(tasks)
if expectErr == "" {
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(tasks), len(hashes))
return hashes
} else {
assert.EqualError(t, err, expectErr)
return nil
// Write some files to isolate.
writeIsolateFile := func(filepath string, contents *isolateFile) {
f, err := os.Create(filepath)
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer testutils.AssertCloses(t, f)
assert.NoError(t, contents.Encode(f))
myFile1 := "myfile1"
myFile1Path := path.Join(workdir, myFile1)
assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(myFile1Path, []byte(myFile1), 0644))
myFile2 := "myfile2"
myFile2Path := path.Join(workdir, myFile2)
assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(myFile2Path, []byte(myFile2), 0644))
dummyIsolate1 := path.Join(workdir, "dummy1.isolate")
writeIsolateFile(dummyIsolate1, &isolateFile{
Includes: []string{},
Files: []string{myFile1},
dummyIsolate2 := path.Join(workdir, "dummy2.isolate")
writeIsolateFile(dummyIsolate2, &isolateFile{
Includes: []string{},
Files: []string{myFile2},
// Empty tasks list.
do([]*Task{}, "")
// Invalid task.
t1 := &Task{}
_ = do([]*Task{t1}, "BaseDir is required.")
t1.BaseDir = workdir
_ = do([]*Task{t1}, "IsolateFile is required.")
t1.IsolateFile = dummyIsolate1
_ = do([]*Task{t1}, "OsType is required.")
t1.OsType = "linux"
// Minimum valid task.
hashes := do([]*Task{t1}, "")
h1 := hashes[0]
// Add a duplicate task.
t2 := &Task{
BaseDir: workdir,
IsolateFile: dummyIsolate1,
OsType: "linux",
hashes = do([]*Task{t1, t2}, "")
testutils.AssertDeepEqual(t, hashes, []string{h1, h1})
// Tweak the second task.
t2.IsolateFile = dummyIsolate2
hashes = do([]*Task{t1, t2}, "")
h2 := hashes[1]
assert.NotEqual(t, h1, h2)
testutils.AssertDeepEqual(t, hashes, []string{h1, h2})
// Add a dependency of t2 on t1. Ensure that we get a different hash,
// which implies that the dependency was added successfully.
t2.Deps = []string{h1}
hashes = do([]*Task{t2}, "")
assert.NotEqual(t, h2, hashes[0])
// Isolate a bunch of tasks individually and then all at once, ensuring
// that we get the same hashes in the correct order.
tasks := []*Task{}
expectHashes := []string{}
for i := 0; i < 11; i++ {
f := fmt.Sprintf("myfile%d", i)
fp := path.Join(workdir, f)
assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(fp, []byte(f), 0644))
dummyIsolate := path.Join(workdir, fmt.Sprintf("dummy%d.isolate", i))
writeIsolateFile(dummyIsolate, &isolateFile{
Includes: []string{},
Files: []string{f},
t := &Task{
BaseDir: workdir,
IsolateFile: dummyIsolate,
OsType: "linux",
h := do([]*Task{t}, "")
tasks = append(tasks, t)
expectHashes = append(expectHashes, h[0])
gotHashes := do(tasks, "")
testutils.AssertDeepEqual(t, expectHashes, gotHashes)