blob: df5d6f36aec1182c715cbf966cf7a8c6c61532d4 [file] [log] [blame]
package bugs
// Defines an interface used by the different issue frameworks to add open issues to an in-memory object.
import (
type OpenIssues struct {
// Mapping of client to source to query to issues. Mirrors the DB structure but stores real issues instead of counts.
// This will be used mainly by endpoints and emails that require the actual issue IDs.
openIssues map[types.RecognizedClient]map[types.IssueSource]map[string][]*types.Issue
// Mutex to access the above object.
mtx sync.RWMutex
func InitOpenIssues() *OpenIssues {
return &OpenIssues{
openIssues: map[types.RecognizedClient]map[types.IssueSource]map[string][]*types.Issue{},
// PrettyPrintOpenIssues pretty prints the open issues in-memory object.
func (o *OpenIssues) PrettyPrintOpenIssues() {
defer o.mtx.RUnlock()
sklog.Info("---- open issues ----")
for c, sourceToQueries := range o.openIssues {
sklog.Infof("%s", c)
for s, queriesToIssues := range sourceToQueries {
sklog.Infof(" %s", s)
for q, issues := range queriesToIssues {
sklog.Infof(" \"%s\"", q)
sklog.Infof(" Open Issues: %d", len(issues))
// PutOpenIssues adds/removes data from the open issues in-memory object.
func (o *OpenIssues) PutOpenIssues(client types.RecognizedClient, source types.IssueSource, query string, issues []*types.Issue) {
defer o.mtx.Unlock()
if sourceToQueries, ok := o.openIssues[client]; ok {
if queryToIssues, ok := sourceToQueries[source]; ok {
// Replace existing slice with new issues.
queryToIssues[query] = issues
} else {
sourceToQueries[source] = map[string][]*types.Issue{
query: issues,
} else {
o.openIssues[client] = map[types.IssueSource]map[string][]*types.Issue{
source: {
query: issues,