blob: 1d5e71a1e91251cbf70f7fa2c99497236960a7d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Application that captures SKPs from CT's webpage archives.
package main
import (
skutil ""
const (
// The number of goroutines that will run in parallel to capture SKPs.
var (
startRange = flag.Int("start_range", 1, "The number this worker will capture SKPs from.")
num = flag.Int("num", 100, "The total number of SKPs to capture starting from the start_range.")
pagesetType = flag.String("pageset_type", util.PAGESET_TYPE_MOBILE_10k, "The type of pagesets to create SKPs from. Eg: 10k, Mobile10k, All.")
chromiumBuild = flag.String("chromium_build", "", "The chromium build that will be used to create the SKPs.")
skpinfoRemotePath = flag.String("skpinfo_remote_path", "", "The location of the skpinfo binary in Google Storage.")
runID = flag.String("run_id", "", "The unique run id (typically requester + timestamp).")
targetPlatform = flag.String("target_platform", util.PLATFORM_LINUX, "The platform the benchmark will run on (Android / Linux).")
chromeCleanerTimer = flag.Duration("cleaner_timer", 30*time.Minute, "How often all chrome processes will be killed on this slave.")
func captureSkps() error {
ctx := context.Background()
if !*worker_common.Local {
defer util.CleanTmpDir()
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Capturing SKPs")
defer sklog.Flush()
// Validate required arguments.
if *chromiumBuild == "" {
return errors.New("Must specify --chromium_build")
if *skpinfoRemotePath == "" {
return errors.New("Must specify --skpinfo_remote_path")
if *runID == "" {
return errors.New("Must specify --run_id")
if *targetPlatform == util.PLATFORM_ANDROID {
return errors.New("Android is not yet supported for capturing SKPs.")
// Instantiate GcsUtil object.
gs, err := util.NewGcsUtil(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
// Download the specified chromium build.
if err := gs.DownloadChromiumBuild(*chromiumBuild); err != nil {
return err
// Delete the chromium build to save space when we are done.
defer skutil.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(util.ChromiumBuildsDir, *chromiumBuild))
chromiumBinary := filepath.Join(util.ChromiumBuildsDir, *chromiumBuild, util.BINARY_CHROME)
if *targetPlatform == util.PLATFORM_ANDROID {
// Install the APK on the Android device.
if err := util.InstallChromeAPK(ctx, *chromiumBuild); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not install the chromium APK: %s", err)
// Copy over the skpinfo binary to this worker.
skpinfoLocalPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), util.BINARY_SKPINFO)
respBody, err := gs.GetRemoteFileContents(*skpinfoRemotePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not fetch %s: %s", *skpinfoRemotePath, err)
defer skutil.Close(respBody)
writeErr := skutil.WithWriteFile(skpinfoLocalPath, func(w io.Writer) error {
_, err = io.Copy(w, respBody)
return err
if writeErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to write to %s: %s", skpinfoLocalPath, writeErr)
// Downloaded skpinfo binary needs to be set as an executable.
if err := os.Chmod(skpinfoLocalPath, 0777); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to set %s as executable: %s", skpinfoLocalPath, err)
// Download pagesets if they do not exist locally.
pathToPagesets := filepath.Join(util.PagesetsDir, *pagesetType)
if _, err := gs.DownloadSwarmingArtifacts(pathToPagesets, util.PAGESETS_DIR_NAME, *pagesetType, *startRange, *num); err != nil {
return err
defer skutil.RemoveAll(pathToPagesets)
// Download archives if they do not exist locally.
pathToArchives := filepath.Join(util.WebArchivesDir, *pagesetType)
archivesToIndex, err := gs.DownloadSwarmingArtifacts(pathToArchives, util.WEB_ARCHIVES_DIR_NAME, *pagesetType, *startRange, *num)
if err != nil {
return err
defer skutil.RemoveAll(pathToArchives)
// Create the dir that SKPs will be stored in.
pathToSkps := filepath.Join(util.SkpsDir, *pagesetType, *chromiumBuild)
// Delete and remake the local SKPs directory.
skutil.MkdirAll(pathToSkps, 0700)
defer skutil.RemoveAll(pathToSkps)
// Construct path to the ct_run_benchmark python script.
pathToPyFiles := util.GetPathToPyFiles(*worker_common.Local)
timeoutSecs := util.PagesetTypeToInfo[*pagesetType].CaptureSKPsTimeoutSecs
fileInfos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(pathToPagesets)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to read the pagesets dir %s: %s", pathToPagesets, err)
// Create channel that contains all pageset file names. This channel will
// be consumed by the worker pool.
pagesetRequests := util.GetClosedChannelOfPagesets(fileInfos)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Use a RWMutex for the chromeProcessesCleaner goroutine to communicate to
// the workers (acting as "readers") when it wants to be the "writer" and
// kill all zombie chrome processes.
var mutex sync.RWMutex
// Loop through workers in the worker pool.
for i := 0; i < WORKER_POOL_SIZE; i++ {
// Increment the WaitGroup counter.
// Create and run a goroutine closure that captures SKPs.
go func() {
// Decrement the WaitGroup counter when the goroutine completes.
defer wg.Done()
for pagesetName := range pagesetRequests {
// Read the pageset.
pagesetPath := filepath.Join(pathToPagesets, pagesetName)
decodedPageset, err := util.ReadPageset(pagesetPath)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Could not read %s: %s", pagesetPath, err)
sklog.Infof("===== Processing %s =====", pagesetPath)
index, ok := archivesToIndex[decodedPageset.ArchiveDataFile]
if !ok {
sklog.Errorf("%s not found in the archivesToIndex map", decodedPageset.ArchiveDataFile)
args := []string{
filepath.Join(util.GetPathToTelemetryBinaries(*worker_common.Local), util.BINARY_RUN_BENCHMARK),
"--pageset-repeat=1", // Only need one run for SKPs.
"--skp-outdir=" + path.Join(pathToSkps, strconv.Itoa(index)),
"--extra-browser-args=" + util.DEFAULT_BROWSER_ARGS,
"--user-agent=" + decodedPageset.UserAgent,
"--urls-list=" + decodedPageset.UrlsList,
"--archive-data-file=" + decodedPageset.ArchiveDataFile,
// Figure out which browser and device should be used.
if *targetPlatform == util.PLATFORM_ANDROID {
args = append(args, "--browser=android-chromium")
} else {
args = append(args, "--browser=exact", "--browser-executable="+chromiumBinary)
args = append(args, "--device=desktop")
// Set the PYTHONPATH to the pagesets and the telemetry dirs.
env := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH", pathToPagesets, util.TelemetryBinariesDir, util.TelemetrySrcDir, util.CatapultSrcDir),
// Append the original environment as well.
for _, e := range os.Environ() {
env = append(env, e)
// Retry run_benchmark binary 3 times if there are any errors.
retryAttempts := 3
for i := 0; ; i++ {
err = util.ExecuteCmd(ctx, "python", args, env, time.Duration(timeoutSecs)*time.Second, nil, nil)
if err == nil {
if i >= (retryAttempts - 1) {
sklog.Errorf("%s failed inspite of 3 retries. Last error: %s", pagesetPath, err)
sklog.Warningf("Retrying due to error: %s", err)
if !*worker_common.Local {
// Start the cleaner.
go util.ChromeProcessesCleaner(ctx, &mutex, *chromeCleanerTimer)
// Wait for all spawned goroutines to complete.
// Move and validate all SKP files.
if err := util.ValidateSKPs(ctx, pathToSkps, pathToPyFiles, skpinfoLocalPath); err != nil {
return err
// Check to see if there is anything in the pathToSKPs dir.
skpsEmpty, err := skutil.IsDirEmpty(pathToSkps)
if err != nil {
return err
if skpsEmpty {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create any SKP in %s", pathToSkps)
// Upload SKPs dir to Google Storage.
if err := gs.UploadSwarmingArtifacts(util.SKPS_DIR_NAME, filepath.Join(*pagesetType, *chromiumBuild)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func main() {
retCode := 0
if err := captureSkps(); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error while capturing SKPs: %s", err)
retCode = 255